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    的解决方案,其中包括新旧识别算法和 ARM+DSP 双核的系统平台构架的两个
Bill sorter, which has fast been developing lately, is an optical, mechanical and electrical financial facility. In this paper, against the character of the bill sorter, on the basis of the digital image processing .pattern recognizition,digital signal processing, the neural network theory, and so on, combined with the advanced and the most up to date technology in the relative application field , author makes a thorough study on the key technology, brings forward a new solution for the bill sorter's system, the two new innovations of the classification arithmetic of the new and used bills and ARM+DSP dual kernel system included , and realize it with high rate between performance with value . The paper consists of the following parts:1. The design of the image processing arithmetic. Firstly, With the main study methods of the digital image processing, the bill's image characters are analyzed. Then, on the basis, the relative knowledge to lay down the solid base for the arithmetic design of the image processing applied in the real bill sorter's system is introduced.2. The technology dominance and application field about the key part in the bill sort system to give the technology support for the system solution about the hardware is demonstrated.3. By analyzing of the character of the bill sorter system, a new solution for the system platform about the hardware and software is presented, and the realization in details from the two aspects in the choose of the key device and system work flow, and so on are also demonstrated. Firstly, the reason about choose of the key hardware part in the system platform is given. Secondly, the system's software work flow of the every core in the system plat form is described. Finally, the arithmetic design of every function realization in detail is introduced.4. The test results from the system platform are analysed to evaluate the system's performance. On the basis of the repeating tests on the realized platform , by the adjusting the parameter of the system , the high performance-price ratio are obtained. Some merits such as high stabilization and high performance-price ratio and some promotion such as system speed and new—old sort are realized.
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