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Nowadays, along with the international economic division going further, more and more nations and economies are integrating into the international economic division network. The internationalization of manufacturing and consumption as well as economic globalization are coming to be the main characteristics of international economic activities. As the most active behavior subjects in the world economy besides the nations, multi-national corporations have been the major organizer of world economic activities. The economic globalization has posed diversified demands on Chinese entrepreneurs making them thinking seriously how to cope with globalized competition. There are no mature theories yet in this field to clarify that what kind of capabilities needed for the entrepreneurs who is in the circumstances of globalised economy, hyper-competition and how to obtain these capabilities to compete with matured, multinational tycoons. This is the important subject what we are going to explore.
     This study is trying to demonstrate the factors which affect enterprise internationalization from entrepreneur's perspective and their interrelationship as well as influence mechanism.Based on the large sum of reference review, this paper concluded that entrepreneur's characteristics and capabilities are key determinants to the enterprise internationalization. Specifically speaking, those are entrepreneur's international experience and global competences (including enterpreneur's international entrepreneurship, global mindset and cultural intelligence etc.).
     The purpose of this study is to build up the relationship among entrepreneur's international experience, global competences and enterprise internationalization, explore their inter-relationship and construct significant theoretical model, and make contributions to the development of enterprise internationalization from entrepreneur's perspective. This study has done the work as follows to solve the above questions.
     (1)To construct a theoretical framework, clarify their inter-relationship among entrepreneur's international experience, global competences and enterprise internationalization. According to the theory of international business, today there is no theoretical framework which is able to be the link between entrepreneur's capabilities and performance on enterprise internationalization from the organizational perspective. This study is trying to do some innovative works on this area.
     (2) On the basis of prior qualitative studies and theoretical analysis, this study summarized the various key influential elements of internationalized strategic options and international performance from entrepreneur's perspective, integrate a measurement gauge focused on entrepreneur's international experience and global competences, and to examine the studies further on international business through quantitative studies.
     (3)This study is to apply the results of entrepreneur's capabilities from overseas studies on international business to the studies on Chinese enterprises, using their empirical studying methods as reference, considered the current Chinese social system, economic environment, culture background etc., and reached the study results through empirical studies on Chinese enterprise internationalization which will be instructive and referable to Chinese enterprise operational practice.
     Through the information collection from the perspectives on entrepreneur and enterprise organizational level, this study analyzed the inter-relationship between above two perspectives and explore the influence on enterprise internationalization from entrepreneur international experience and global competences, summarize the effective routes on how to improve entrepreneur's internationalization capabilities, and make some useful suggestions to the growth and qualification of Chinese entrepreneurship.Through the above detailed works, this study achieved several theoretical innovation and contributions as following:
     Firstly, from the view of academic studies, this study extended the scope of international business from the perspective of management behavior. The traditional internationalization theory did not solve the problems on entrepreneur absence. This study broke the limit inherited in traditional single theoretical stereotype, integrate the internationalization theories, entrepreneurship theory, competence theory and learning theory, point out the significance of entrepreneurs on enterprise internationalization, and offer the framework mechanism of influential factors on enterprise internationalization by enterprise's international experiences, broaden the study scope of international business theories.
     Secondly, the current studies on international business area are more focused on single factor, and the empirical studies based on data from real business world is in short. This study integrated the various factors on entrepreneur characteristics and capabilities, constructed the more comprehensive theoretical model and examined by empirical studies, revealed the driving factor of enterprise internationalization, furthermore, analyzed the influential mechanism and influence on business internationalization performance made by entrepreneur's capabilities, extended the studies on international business from entrepreneur's perspective.
     Finally, It is an important part of understanding enterprise internationalization strategy to understand the entrepreneur global competences. Therefore this study is taking entrepreneur global competences as an important supplementary factor affected global strategy, and suggest the structure of entrepreneur global competences based on existing studies, predicated the mediating effect on entrepreneur's global competences as well as its influence on enterprise internationalization, explore the intension of various factors with more details, and empirically examine the concepts of "global mindset" and "cultural intelligence" under Chinese background which recently rising in western academic areas, intensified the cognition of enterprise capabilities on the background of globalization.
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