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     基于自洽非线性理论,本文主要对回旋放大器注波互作用进行了详细深入的数值计算研究,并利用FORTRAN语言在Compag Visual Fortran6.6程序编辑平台成功编制了拥有自主知识版权的回旋速调管注波互作用瞬态参量数值模拟软件和回旋行波管注波互作用稳态参量数值模拟软件。此款软件可以说填补了国内回旋速调放大器注波互作用参量模拟软件的空白,也弥补了国外参量模拟软件MAGY和MAGYKL对我国封锁禁运造成的不便,为我国回旋放大器的研制工作提供了重要的设计工具。
     3.详细深入地研究了注波互作用的数值计算流程以及中间变量的监控方法。利用FORTRAN语言在Compag Visual Fortran6.6程序编辑平台成功编制了拥有自主知识版权的回旋速调管注波互作用参量数值计算软件。经对比,发现当速度零散率为5%的时候,数值计算和实验结果较为吻合。
As one of the most important High-power millimeter-wave amplifier, gyro-amplifiers(gyroklystron and gyro-TWT) have been paid a great attention because of its merits ofhigh efficiency, high power, high gain and suitable bandwidth. It can be used as themost important millimeter-wave sources for communication, radar, electronic warfareand high-power microwave weapons. Numerical simulations of the beam-waveinteraction for gyro-amplifier play an important role as they can accurately predictnonlinear effects that dominate the behavior of the device (e.g., output power, efficiencyand bandwidth). The author began research on the beam-wave interaction forgyro-amplifier by the support of the national11thFive-Year plan and the Chinese hi-techdevelopment.
     Based on the nonlinear self-consistent theory, the numerical calculation of thebeam-wave interaction for gyro-amplifier has been studied in detail. Two parameternumerical calculation codes including the description of the electromagnetic fields and aself-consistent analysis of the electrons for gyro-amplifier are successfully designed andthe corresponding software implementations are achieved using Fortran language. Theyhave filled our country blank and made up an absence of the copyright of some otherexcellent codes, such as MAGY and MAGYKL. They also provide an importantcalculation tool for the design of gyro-amplifiers in our country.
     The main work made in this paper is below:
     1. Study on the numerical calculation of the high frequency characteristics of agyroklystron has been made in detail. The rules of the high frequencycharacteristics of the corresponding cavity with the structure parameters areanalyzed. This establishes prerequisites for the design of the high frequencystructure and the numerical calculation of the beam-wave interaction.
     2. Two forms of the transient electromagnetic field equation for the gyroklystronare deduced in detail. The numerical calculation model of speedspread isestablished in detail. The theoretical model and the research method of thebeam-wave interaction in input cavity, idler cavity and output cavity are distinctly investigated for the first time. They provide a solid theoretical basisand a complete system frame for the calculation code of beam-waveinteraction.
     3. The calculation model and flow process chart are studied in detail. Acalculation code of the beam-wave interaction for gyroklystron is successfullydesigned and the corresponding software implementation is achieved usingFortran language. When the speedspread is5%, the numerical results arecompared with the experimental datas, which shows that good agreements areobtained.
     4. Based on the Electron Cyclotron Resonance Maser dispersion equation and theactive wave equations, study on the numerical calculation of the linear and thenonlinear theory has been made in detail. A calculation code of the beam-waveinteraction for Gyro-TWT is successfully designed using Fortran language. Apreliminary model of the beam-wave interaction for a W-band Gyro-TWT isgiven and analyzed using the above code. The code provides a fast method forcalculating the optimal interaction length, gain and the saturated output power.
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