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    平振动的随机偏差激励模型及其分析方法。基于Monte Karlo法,对电梯水平振动响应的统
With the development of urbanization and improvement of living conditions, elevators, especially traction elevators, play an important role in human life. Supported by "Development Of A Dynamic Simulation System For Medium And High Speed Elevators", an enterprise-college-institute cooperative project, actively absorbed the original thoughts, new theories and technologies of correlative subjects, the dynamic model and analysis methods of traction elevators were established, and the optimization techniques of dynamics parameters, are studied systematically by combing theoretical analysis, computer simulation with experiments.In Chapter 1, the background and significance of the research are introduced, the development trend and current research situations of the dynamics, evaluation of ride qulity and vibration reduction techniques of traction elevators are expatiated, and the study contents of this dissertation are proposed.In Chapter 2, the modeling methods of dynamic parameters of a vertical elevator system were discussed, then the vertical vibration model of a 1:1 and 2:1 traction elevator system were established based on Lagrange formula. Engineering instances show the validity of these vibration models.In Chapter 3, taking the system of car cab, car frame and guider as research object, using coordinate transformation, a random-deviation exciting model of the lateral vibration of an elevator was built, and its computation method was studied. Based on Monte Karlo method, the lateral vibration quality was analyzed.In Chapter 4, Based on the wave theory of one-dimensional string vibration, a horizontal vibration wave model is built to simulate the dynamic performance of a high speed elevator system. Through coordinate transformation, separation of variables and Galerkin's method is used to discretize the governing partial differential equations into a dumped-mass system, which can be solved effectively with classic methods.In Chapter 5, the frame and methodology of the designed dynamic simulation system for elevators were introduced. Based on FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) method and Romberg integration technique, a fast and high precise Duhamel integral algorithm R-FFT was proposed.In Chapter 6, based on the different properties of dynamic parameters, making use of harmonic response and sensitivity analysis, a vertical vibration optimization model of elevators was built, and a new dynamic byte coding genetic algorithm was proposed to solve this optimization problem. An engineering instance shows the effectiveness of model and algorithm.In Chapter 7, experiments of modal analysis and response analysis of a elevator vertical vibration system were carried out. The results show the correctness of
    dynamic models and the validity of numerical methods established in this dissertation.In Chapter 8, the chief work and innovations of this dissertation have been summarized, and the further research subjects have been proposed.
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