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Anti-dumping regime has deviated from the principle of fair trade in a big degree, among which the rule of Price Fair Comparison is one of the most controversial problems. Man-made dumping by technical ways violates the basic meaning of Price Fair Comparison. This dissertation probes into the unfairness of Price Fair Comparison in theory and in practice, aiming at arousing more attentions and considerations and questing for strategies of China in this field.
     Except the preface and conclusion, this dissertation is divided into 4 chapters as follows:
     Chapter 1 introduces some basic elements on Price Fair Comparison in WTO Anti-dumping Agreement (AD), including the meanings, principles, processes and approaches of comparison.
     Chapter 2 deals with the unfairness of Price Fair Comparison. Firstly the chapter analyses the causes of unfairness in Price Fair Comparison, which is the idea of protectionism to domestic industries and the ambiguity of AD’s provisions. Secondly man-made dumping margin is calculated by defective ways, which may come from the confirmation and adjustment of normal value and export price, or the comparison method chosen and absurd claims in procedure imposed by the investigation authorities.
     Chapter 3 gives some advices on Price Fair Comparison in AD. Furthermore, the chapter analyses the different stands of some counties in anti-dumping in the Doha negotiation, after which brings forward some views. Although the time of reformation on rule of Price Fair Comparison is long, it can develop toward a direction of a relative fairness because of different countries’thirsts for fair comparison.
     Chapter 4 focuses on the disadvantages of Price Fair Comparison to China and the strategies of Chinese companies in this field. The disadvantages embody Article 15 of Protocol on the Accession of the People’s Republic of China and inherent discrimination policies to China coming from some large countries except for the analyzed above. At the same time, Chinese companies leave rooms for the adoption of unfair measures during foreign anti-dumping investigations because of defective cost accounting. The author argues that it is necessary for Chinese companies to establishand develop accounting system in anti-dumping.
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    ② 同上。
    ③ 同上,第 117 页。
    ④ 如“CONNUM”的值为 11,它反映了一个橡胶饰品的特征。第一个“1”代表规格,第二个“1”代表材料。这一结构说明对于特定的装饰品来说,规格比材料更重要,因为与“11”相对的“下一个最相似”的产品是“12”,而不是“21”。只有在同一规格不存在材料匹配时,才会在不同规格之间进行比较。
    ① 美国《关税法》第 776(a)条规定。转引自颜延.反倾销司法会计-会计学视野下的反倾销[M].北京:中信出版社,2003.
    ② 邓德雄.欧盟反倾销的法律与实践[M].北京:社会科学文献出版社,2004.118.
    ③ 尚明.反倾销:WTO 规则及中外法律实践[M].北京:法律出版社,2003.26-28.
    ① 颜延.反倾销司法会计-会计学视野下的反倾销[M].北京:中信出版社,2003.55.
    ② 同上,第.57 页。
    ① 尚明.反倾销:WTO 规则及中外法律与实践[M].北京:法律出版社,2003.22.
    ② 邓德雄.欧盟反倾销的法律与实践[M].北京:社会科学文献出版社,2001.76.
    ① 尚明.反倾销:WTO 规则及中外法律与实践[M].北京:法律出版社,2003.23.
    ② 同上。
    ③ 颜延.反倾销司法会计-会计学视野下的反倾销[M].北京:中信出版社,2003.47。
    ④ 同本页注①,第 252 页。
    ① 袁磊. 反倾销会计[M].北京:中国财政经济出版社,2004.24-25.
    ②《反倾销协定》第 2.2.2 之规定.
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    ④ 邓德雄.欧盟反倾销的法律与实践[M].北京:社会科学文献出版社,2001.67.
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     ① 具体参见 WTO 反倾销协定第 2.3 条。
    ① 折扣也包括数量折扣,这经常会与数量差异因素重合,这将在下面详述。
    ② 信用成本是由商品发货和商品付款之间的时间的不同而引起的。信用成本的计算通常是:发货与付款之间的天数除以 365,再乘以利率与单价。在反倾销调查中争论较大的是对利率的采纳,是选用出口国市场的还是进口国市场的利率。
    ③ 间接销售费用是指无论特定销售是否发生都会产生的费用。在美国,商务部一般会推定一项销售费用为间接销售费用,除非应诉方证明该项销售在性质上是直接的。
    ④ 肖伟,主编.国际反倾销法律与实务:美国卷[M].北京:知识产权出版社,2005.44-45.
    ① 肖伟,主编.国际反倾销法律与实务:美国卷[M].北京:知识产权出版社,2005.48.
    ② 邓德雄.欧盟反倾销的法律与实践[M].北京:社会科学文献出版社,2004.126.
    ③ 颜延.反倾销司法会计-会计学视野下的反倾销[M].北京:中信出版社,2003.140-141.
    ④ 刘洪蛟、王承志.试析反倾销法中的“价格公平比较”的调整[J].世界贸易组织动态与研究,2003,(9):35-37.
    ① 蔡镇顺.WTO 反倾销法[M].北京:中国商务出版社,2004.56.
    ② 同上,第 58 页。
    ③ 邓德雄.欧盟反倾销的法律与实践[M].北京:社会科学文献出版社,2004.109.
    ④ 这种情况也称为“目标性倾销”。
    ① YU, LEI. Rule of Law or Rule of Protectionism: Anti-Dumping Practices Toward China and the WTO Dispute Settlement System[J].Columbia Journal of Asian Law,2002(15):293-343.
    ② 这种有缺陷的计算方法背后,隐藏的是贸易保护主义的羽衣。“出于政治上的考虑,反倾销正成为一种世界性的潮流。”最关键的问题是为了保护本国产业不受真正低成本的外国生产者的竞争,而不论外国生产者低成本是否是由低薪金、低污染控制和其他管制成本、良好的经营管理、良好的工作条件、更现代化的工厂和设备引起的。VEUGELERS, REINHILDE&VANDENBUSSCHE, HYLKE. European Antidumping Policy and the Profitability of National and International Collusion [EB/OL]. http://www.econ.kuleuven.ac.be/tew/academic/strateg/staff/rveug/papers/adcomp.pdf,2005-10-20
    ③ KIM, JONG BUM. Fair Price Comparison in the WTO Anti-dumping Agreement: Recent WTO Panel Decisions against the “Zeroing”Method[J]. Journal of World Trade, 2002, 36(1):39-56.
    ④ YLINDSEY, BRINK. The U.S. Antidumping Law: Rhetoric versus Reality[EB/OL]. http://www.freetrade.org/pubs/pas/tpa-007.pdf, 2006-03-01.
     ① YLINDSEY, BRINK & DAN, IKENSON. Anti-dumping 101: The Devilish Details of “Unfair Trade Law”[EB/OL]. http://www.freetrade.org/pubs/pas/tpa-020.pdf, 2006-03-01.
    ① YLINDSEY, BRINK & DAN, IKENSON. Anti-dumping 101: The Devilish Details of “Unfair Trade Law”[EB/OL]. http://www.freetrade.org/pubs/pas/tpa-020.pdf,2006-03-01.
    ② CUNNINGHAM, RICHARD O. & CNBB, TROY H. A Review of WTO Dispute Settlement of US Anti-dumping and Countervailing Duty Measures[J]. Journal of International Economic Law, 2003, 155-170.
    ① DIDIER, PIERRE. The WTO Anti-dumping Code and EC Practice: Issues for Review in Trade Negotiations[J]. Journal of World Trade, 2001, 35(1):33-54.
    ② 刘勇.WTO《反倾销协定》研究[M].厦门:厦门大学出版社,2005.151.
    ③ 张新娟.反倾销法律的理论与实践[M].北京:中国社会科学出版社,2003.63.
    ④ 正常交易关系检验是测定关联方之间的交易是否按照独立企业之间的交易进行定价和设定交易条件。
    ⑤ 成本检验的目的是排除出口国市场上所有低于成本的产品销售。当低于成本的销售被排除外,进口国市场上的销售将只与那些出口国市场上价格最高的交易进行比较。
    ① YLINDSEY, BRINK. The U.S. Antidumping Law: Rhetoric versus Reality[EB/OL]. http://www.freetrade.org/pubs/pas/tpa-025.pdf, 2006-03-01.
    ② DIDIER, PIERRE. The WTO Anti-dumping Code and EC Practice: Issues for Review in Trade Negotiations[J]. Journal of World Trade, 2001, 35(1):33-54.
    ③ EC-Antidumping Duties on Imports of Cotton-Type Bed linen from India, Report of Panel, WT/DS141/R; Report of Appellate Body,WT/DS141/AB/R.
    ④ 陈静.《议定书》第 15 条原义谈[EB/OL]. http://www.cacs.gov.cn/DefaultWebApp/showNews.jsp?newsId=201190000113, 2004-11-04.
    ⑤ 侯淑波.欧盟选择替代国不公正性的应对策略[EB/OL]. http://www.cacs.gov.cn/DefaultWebApp/showNews.jsp?newsId=201190000101, 2004-06-03.
    ⑥ 施敏颖.倾销与反倾销的经济学分析及其对策[J]. 嘉兴学院学报.2001,(5):12-14.
    ① 袁磊.反倾销会计[M].北京:中国财政经济出版社.2004.202-203.
    ② SOHN, CHANGHO. Treatment of Non-market Economy Countries under the World Trade Organization Anti-dumping Regime[J]. Journal of World Trade, 2005, 39(4):763-787.
    ③ LINDSEY, BRINK. The U.S. Antidumping Law: Rhetoric versus Reality[EB/OL]. http://www.freetrade.org/pubs/pas/tpa-007.pdf, 1999-08-16.
    ① LINDSEY, BRINK. The U.S. Antidumping Law: Rhetoric versus Reality[EB/OL]. http://www.freetrade.org/pubs/pas/tpa-007.pdf,1999-08-16.
    ② 刘勇.WTO《反倾销协定》研究[M].厦门:厦门大学出版社,2005.161.
    ③ REITH, ARIE. Institutional and Substantive Reform of the Anti-dumping and Subsidy Agreement-Lessons from the Israeli Experience[EB/OL]. http://www.israelbar.org.il/uploadfiles/Dumping-reform-ENG.doc,2006-03-10.
    ④ LINDSEY, BRINK & DAN, IKENSON. Anti-dumping 101: The Devilish Details of “Unfair Trade Law”[EB/OL]. http://www.freetrade.org/pubs/pas/tpa-020.pdf,2006-03-01.
    ⑤ 该方法在 2001 年 3 月印度诉欧盟一案中被上诉机构裁定违反了世贸组织协议,欧盟虽然根据上诉机构报告改变了其实践做法,但仍然存在漏洞。并且该方法在其他国家还有出现。
    ⑥ DAN, IKENSON. Zeroing in: Antidumping’s Flawed Methodology under Fire[EB/OL]. http://www.freetrade.org/pubs/FTBs/FTB-011.html, 2004-04-27.
    ① 刘勇.WTO《反倾销协定》研究[M].厦门:厦门大学出版社,2005.177-185.
    ② DAN, IKENSON. Zeroing in: Antidumping’s Flawed Methodology under Fire[EB/OL]. http://www.freetrade.org/pubs/FTBs/FTB-011.html 2004-04-27.
    ③ Id.
    ④ 在欧共体床单案中,上诉机构总结:零位调整并不符合 WTO 协定,因为它禁止了《反倾销协定》第 2.4.2条下真实的加权平均对加权平均的运用。那么,如果运用其他方法计算倾销幅度,仍然有使用零位调整的可能。很明显,《协定》允许在特殊情况下加权平均对单个交易法的使用,因此,似乎有一个貌似合理的理由:如果《协定》允许加权平均对单个交易的使用,那么在这种方法下的零位调整也是合理的。因此,在目标倾销存在的案例中是允许零位调整的适用的。DAN, IKENSON. Zeroing in: Antidumping’s Flawed Methodology under Fire. http://www.freetrade.org/pubs/FTBs/FTB-011.html, 2004-04-27.
    ⑤ 该《守则》于 1979 年 4 月在日内瓦签订。
    ⑥ KIM, JONG BUM. Fair Price Comparison in the WTO Anti-dumping Agreement: Recent WTO panel Decision against the “Zeroing” Method[J]. Journal of World Trade, 2002, 36(1).
    ① KIM, JONG BUM. Fair Price Comparison in the WTO Anti-dumping Agreement: Recent WTO panel Decision against the “Zeroing” Method[J]. Journal of World Trade, 2002, 36(1).
    ② Id.
    ③ 该草案由反倾销非正式讨论小组的代理主席喀来耳先生提交讨论,因此以其名字命名。
    ④ 同本页注①。
    ⑤ 冼一帆.国际反倾销的“公平价格比较”规则的演变及其对中国的启示[EB/OL]. http://www.law-walker.net/detail.asp?id=1475, 2002-06-07/2006-02-28.
    ⑥ 这种历史的退步也是必须的。因为如果没有这种退步,那么各方最终的妥协就难以达成。
    ① 刘勇.WTO《反倾销协定》研究[M].厦门:厦门大学出版社,2005.170.
    ② PALMETER, DAVID. A Commentary on the WTO Anti-dumping Code[J].Journal of World Trade,1996,30(4):47.
    ③ REITH, ARIE. Institutional and Substantive Reform of the Anti-dumping and Subsidy Agreement-Lessons from the Israeli Experience[EB/OL]. http://www.israelbar.org.il/uploadfiles/Dumping-reform-ENG.doc, 2006-03-10.
    ④ 袁磊. 反倾销会计[M].北京:中国财政经济出版社,2004.252.
    ⑤ 宋世杰.证据学新论[M].北京:中国检察出版社,2002.54.
    ① 宋世杰.证据学新论[M].北京:中国检察出版社,2002.54.
    ② 肖伟,主编:国际反倾销法律与实务:美国卷[M].北京:知识产权出版社,2005.79.
    ① 袁磊. 反倾销会计[M].北京:中国财政经济出版社,2004.256.
    ② 肖伟,主编:国际反倾销法律与实务:美国卷[M].北京:知识产权出版社,2005.65.
    ③ WTO document No.TN/RL/W/137. The Role of Transparency in the Anti-dumping Agreement[EB/OL]. http://www.mfat.govt.nz/foreign/tnd/traderules/antidumpingtransparency.html, 2003-07-15.
    ④ 颜延.反倾销司法会计-会计学视野下的反倾销[M].北京:中信出版社,2003.373.
    ① 蒋小红.试论 WTO 反倾销协议的完善[EB/OL]. http://www.iolaw.org.cn/showarticle.asp?id=1264, 2006-03-04.
    ② YLINDSEY, BRINK & DAN, IKENSON. Anti-dumping 101: The Devilish Details of “Unfair Trade Law”[EB/OL]. http://www.freetrade.org/pubs/pas/tpa-020.pdf, 2006-03-01.
    ③ YLINDSEY, BRINK & DAN, IKENSON. Reforming the Antidumping Agreement: A Road Map for WTO Negotiations[EB/OL]. http://www.freetrade.org/pubs/pas/tpa-015.pdf, 2006-04-01.
    ① TN/RL/W/4.
    ② TN/RL/W/13.
    ③ TN/RL/W/47.
    ④ WTO document No.TN/RL/W/137. The Role of Transparency in the Anti-dumping Agreement[EB/OL]. http://www.mfat.govt.nz/foreign/tnd/traderules/antidumpingtransparency.html, 2003-07-15.
    ① 颜延.反倾销司法会计-会计学视野下的反倾销[M].北京:中信出版社,2003.355.
    ② 刘勇.WTO《反倾销协定》研究[M].厦门:厦门大学出版社,2005.213.
    ③ 韩宝进,王向前.论 WTO 反倾销法领域中“同类产品”的界定方法[J].学术交流,2001,(5):43-46.
    ④ 同上.
    ① YLINDSEY, BRINK & DAN, IKENSON. Reforming the Antidumping Agreement: A Road Map for WTO Negotiations[EB/OL]. http://www.freetrade.org/pubs/pas/tpa-015.pdf, 2006-04-01.
    ② DIDIER PIERREe. The WTO Anti-dumping Code and EC Practice: Issues for Review in Trade Negotiations[J]. Journal of World Trade, 2001, 35(1):33-54.
    ③ 颜延.反倾销司法会计-会计学视野下的反倾销[M].北京:中信出版社,2003.350-351.
    ④ GOVERNMENT of ALBERTA, CANADA. The Below-Cost Test in Agricultural Anti-dumping Cases: Proposals for Discussion[EB/OL]. http://www.iir.gov.ab.ca/about_us/documents/AgProducts_Antidumping_Sept00.pdf, 2005-08.
    ① 颜延.反倾销司法会计-会计学视野下的反倾销[M].北京:中信出版社,2003.359.
    ② TN/RL/WW/158.
    ③ 刘勇.WTO《反倾销协定》研究[M].厦门:厦门大学出版社,2005.170-175.
    ① CUNNINGHAM, RICHARD O. & CNBB, TROY H. A Review of WTO Dispute Settlement of US Anti-dumping and Countervailing Duty Measures[J].Journal of International Economic Law,2003.155-170.
    ② Id.
    ③ 该条之规定为:相关的利害关系方不 “合作(cooperate)”、调查当局不能获得相关信息的情况,可能会导致比利害关系方“合作”的情况下更加不利的结果。
    ④ 同本页注①。
    ① 反倾销谈判之友的成员包括:巴西、哥伦比亚、以色列、日本、韩国、墨西哥、挪威、新加坡、瑞典、智利、中国香港、中国台湾以及泰国。
    ② KERR, WILLIAN A& LOPPACHER, LAURA J. Anti-dumping in the Doha Negotiations: Fairy Tables at the World Trade Organization[J]. Journal of World Trade, 2004, 38(2):211-245.
    ③ Id.
     ① KERR, WILLIAN A& LOPPACHER, LAURA J. Anti-dumping in the Doha Negotiations: Fairy Tables at the World Trade Organization[J]. Journal of World Trade, 2004, 38(2):211-245.
    ② Id.
     ① 美国国会认为,拒绝任何削弱反倾销机制吸引力的尝试,并不是因为他们认为外国公司在实施不公平的贸易实践,而是因为反倾销机制使他们的生活更加方便。同意在多哈回合中发起对反倾销的协商,是因为如果不同意的话,那么整个回合的发起就会受到威胁,使现存的机制更加有效的协商就会受到威胁。KERR, WILLIAN A& LOPPACHER, LAURA J. Anti-dumping in the Doha Negotiations: Fairy Tables at the World Trade Organization[J]. Journal of World Trade, 2004, 38(2):211-245.
    ① YU, LEI. Rule of Law or Rule of Protectionism: Anti-dumping Practices Toward China and the WTO Dispute Settlement System[J]. Columbia Journal of Asian Law, 2002(15):293-343.
    ② 也有的学者指出,对“清楚地表明类似产品的制造、生产和销售是在市场经济条件下进行的”应当另有翻译,该规定英文原文为:“market economy conditions prevail in the industry”,该句应翻译为“市场经济条件 在……方面占优势”。如果“市场经济条件”与“非市场经济条件”相比较,前者占优势,中国企业或产业部门就具有享受“市场经济待遇”的资格。 由于中文不是 WTO 的工作语言,因此,中国目前流行的中文译文对中国将来在 WTO 争端解决程序中对《议定书》第 15 条的解释,没有任何影响。如何翻译第 15 条仅仅是我们内部的问题,是不要自己误导自己的问题。参见:陈静.《议定书》第 15 条原义谈[EB/OL]. http://www.cacs.gov.cn/DefaultWebApp/showNews.jsp?newsId=201190000113, 2006-04-20.
    ① YU, LEI. Rule of Law or Rule of Protectionism: Anti-dumping Practices Toward China and the WTO Dispute Settlement System[J]. Columbia Journal of Asian Law, 2002(15):293-343.
    ① YU, LEI. Rule of Law or Rule of Protectionism: Anti-dumping Practices Toward China and the WTO Dispute Settlement System[J]. Columbia Journal of Asian Law, 2002(15):293-343.
    ② 也有的学者指出,对“清楚地表明类似产品的制造、生产和销售是在市场经济条件下进行的”应当另有翻译,该规定英文原文为:“market economy conditions prevail in the industry”,该句应翻译为“市场经济条件
    ① 何培育.简析外国对华反倾销及我国的应对策略[EB/OL]. http://www.law-lib.com/lw/lw_view.asp?no=2136, 2006-04-20.
    ② “ 反倾销会计” 是指特定主体运用会计知识、反倾销法知识和国际贸易知识,就反倾销中的问题提供会计支持,进行会计规避、会计举证、会计调查、会计鉴定的活动。从反倾销会计的概念可以看出:反倾销会计其实是用来保护自己的一种会计手段,是确保自由贸易条件下公平竞争的安全阀。谁懂得了这个“ 反倾销会计”保护机制,谁就可以用它来保护自己。袁磊. 反倾销会计[M].北京:中国财政经济出版社,2004,15.
    ③ 鉴于篇幅有限,本文主要从中国企业的角度来探讨应对“价格公平比较”规则的对策。
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    ① 颜延.反倾销司法会计-会计学视野下的反倾销[M].北京:中信出版社,2003.379-381
    ② 潘煜双.如何界定反倾销调查中“生产成本”概念[J].嘉兴学院学报,2002,(4):34-36.
    ① 韩承伟.倾销确认中的会计计算问题浅析[J].科技情报开发与经济,2004,(11):146-147.
    ② 齐炳忠,梁劲.反倾销中会计计量公允性的思考[J].重庆建筑大学学报,2002,(4):72-74.
    ③ 周友梅.应诉欧美反倾销的会计举证[J].上海会计,2003,(12):12-13.
     ① 试论反倾销会计的若干问题[EB/OL]. http://www.chinesetax.com.cn/Article/Class331/200502/17659.html, 2005-02-06.
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