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     1 1BL/1RS易位系出现的比率
1BL/1RS translocation lines play an important role in wheat cultivation, because the chromosome arm 1RS of rye(Secale cereale L.), which transferred to wheat (Triticum sp.) ,carries genes for resistance to disease and drought. Conversely, 1RS chromatin can also negatively impact the wheat end-product quality and efforts to breed for quality. So it is necessary to discuss the disadvantages of 1RS in wheat. Here, we used acid polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (A-PAGE) and SDS- polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) to analyse the composition of gliadin and glutenin in 1BL/1RS translocation lines. And the content of the gliadin and gluten proteins were also analysed with the quality trait in 1BL/1RS translocations. The main results were as follows:
     1 The frequency of 1BL/1RS translocations
     We identified 17 cultivars of 1BL/1RS translocations form 106 wheat varieties.They accounted for 16% among all of the varieties. It’s a lower frequency as compared with the results of other reaearch literature.
     2 The components of HMW-GS were analysed by SDS-PAGE. There is smaller genetic diversity for HMW-GS in 1BL/1RS translocations. Lower diversity was found for Glu-B1 specially, and the glutenin subunits components were mostly performanced as 7+8 and 7+9.
     3 The quality parameters measured for this study were Sedimentation Volume, Wet Gluten Content, Protein Content, Stability and Dough Extensibility. Compared with the non-1BL/1RS translocations, the 1BL/1RS translocations mainly affected the Sedimentation Volume, Development time and Stability and it had little effect on protein content and wet gluten content.
     4 Canonical relation analysis were used here.The gliadin content ,glutenin content and the GMP content were in the fist group and crude protein content , wet gluten content, Sedimentation Volume, Development time and Stability were in the second. The results indicated that glutenin content and GMP content play an important role. And they closely connected with the Stability and development time especially. Gliadin content is not an important factor and there is no significant differences detected between translocations and non-1BL/1RS translocations for theGMP content. So Glutenin content is the most important factor here.
     Generally, 1BL/1RS translocations cannot affect the HMW-GS because the Glu-1 loci are located on the long arms of group 1 chromosomes A, B and D. It’s most likely that enhancing the amount of LMW-GS is necessary in improving the 1BL/1RS translocation lines .
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