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Continuous Double Auction and Call Market are the trading mecha nisms that thefina ncia l markets of most nations adapt. Ever since a long time ago,we study the tradingprocess of stock trading as a black box which yields an effectual price if some informationis input, when we research the price behavior of stock market, and after that the marketmake the capital alloca tion optima l. As the experimental economics and MicrostructureTheory develop, the scholars are trying to open the black box by the research about theaffection of trading behavior to price behavior in the double auction market. Price strategyis an important part of trading behavior,different strategy has different affection. Thispassage selects severa l typica l trading strategies to study this problem.
     In a computerized continuous double auction CDA market with Zero-intelligence withconstraint ZI-C agents and Zero-intelligence plus ZIP agents, this paper studies the pricebehavior of the CDA market with homogenous ZI-C agents, homogenous ZIP agents, andheterogeneous agents of the two. Regular patterns of price behaviors with the twohomogenous agents are provided by time series analysis and statistic analysis. Thetransformation pattern of price behavior is analyzed with different percent ofheterogeneous agents of the two. It is that when there are more agents applying the samestrategy, the price behavior gets closer to the pattern with that homogenous strategy. Forthe reason that the CDA is the premier market format in most modern fina ncia l excha nges,the find ing is useful to study the price behavior in the fina nce market.
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