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沙棘木蠹蛾(Holcocerus hippophaecolus Hua、Chou、Fang et Chen)是近几年在我国内蒙古、辽宁、山西、陕西和宁夏等地沙棘林大面积爆发的钻蛀性害虫,对我国的沙棘产业发展和态环境构成严重威胁和巨大损失。本文重点是研究沙棘挥发物及对沙棘木蠹蛾趋性行为的影响,为沙棘木蠹蛾的成灾机理提供一定的理论依据。
Holcocerus hippophaecolus is a destructive trunk borer of Hippophae rhamnoides L.,in recent years, seabuckthorn carpenter moth H. hippophaecolus broken out in Inner Mongolia Autonomous region,Ningxia Hui Autonomous region,Shanxi,Shaanxi,Liaoning,Hebei and Gansu provinces,and caused a heavy ecological and economic loss.The emphasis of this dissertation is laid on the volatiles of H. rhamnoides and its effect to H. hippophaecolus,which can provide theoretical basis for mechanisms of occurrence of the H. hippophaecolus.
     Firstly, the experimental conditions of dynamic headspace air-circulation collection method were optimized,screening the PVC pipe made in USA is suitable to collect trace volatiles; Furthermore,the main volatiles from Hippophae rhamnoides included Nonane、Octane、3-methyl-1-Butanol、Pentanal、2-methyl-Butanal、2,3-Butanedione、2-Hexen-l-ol、2-Hexenyl benzoate in close natural state.
     In order to research the cause of that it is more seriously harmed by H. hippophaecolus in the planted forest of H. rhamnoides than in the natural forest,the headspace volatiles emitted by healthy and verminous leaves and trunk of H. rhamnoides in planted forest and natural forest were examined by adsorption-thermodesorption and GC-MS identification.Twenty nine compounds were yielded.The analysis revealed that the plants in the planted forest released more pentanal、E-2-Hexenyl 2-benzoate、5-Methyl-5-hydroxyhexanoic acid lactone、3-Methyl-1-butanol,while the plants in the natural forest released more Trans-2-decen-ol、2-nonen-1-ol、2-Methyl-butanal、Heptanal. Lots of terpenes were released and the releasing of aldehydes and alcohols were also enhanced when those trees were damaged by the H. hippophaecolus.
     The EAG results showed that,H.hippophaecolus is most sensitive to pentanal,following are 2, 3-Butanedione and 3-methyl-l-butanol.The potential reactivities of H.hippophaecolus by different compounds are positive correlation in the decimus concentration.
     The volatiles from 8 kinds of host trees of H.hippophaecolus were collected by using dynamic headspace air-circulation collection method and identified by TCT-GC-MS.The result shows that in the volatiles of the H.rhamnoides subsp sinensis、chenggse and ayaganka.The main compounds are 3-Methyl-Pentanal、2-Phenylethyl-isonicotinic acid ester、Octanal、2-Ethyl-l-hexanol、Nonanal、Acetic acid、2-Ethylhexyl、decanal、Butanoic acid,butyl ester、Benzoic acid,2-ethylhexyl ester、DI-N-octyl phthalate; The proportion of terpenes is larger in the volatiles from qiuzhong taiyang, while the relative content of esters and aldehydes is lower than H.rhamnoides subsp sinensis、chenggse and ayaganka,but not in species.The main terpenes are Alpha-pinene、Beta-phellandrene、3-carene. The volatiles from wumu and chuyi, the relative contents of esters and aldehydes are larger than the relative contents from qiuzhong and xiangyang,but lower than chengse and H.rhamnoides subsp sinensis; The relative content of terpenes are lower than qiuzhong and xiangyang.The relative contents of Esters、Aldehydes、Terpenes from Ulmus pumila L.are close to each other.
     The behavior responses of H.hippophaecolus to four host trees were measured by the "Y" olfactometer.The result showed that the volatiles from H.rhamnoides subsp sinensis was better than others in attracting H.hippophaecolus, secondly was chengse,the analysis of variance showed that the difference reached at the 5% significant level.
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