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     本研究以矮杆短节材料黄瓜“矮生一号”为母本,选取节间较长、差异明显的“A38”黄瓜材料为父本进行杂交,并采用新型分子标记SRAP技术,结合群分法(Bulked SegregantAnalysis,BSA)策略,对黄瓜节间长度这一遗传基础相对比较复杂的性状进行分子标记,结果如下:
     3.利用正交设计法,建立了黄瓜SRAP-PCR的最优扩增体系,20μL体系中各组分分别为:Primer1(0.1ug/uL)0.3μL;Primer2(0.1ug/uL)0.3μL;25mMMgCl_2 1.4μL;2.5mM dNTPs1.6μL;10×PCR buffers2μL;DNA约40ng,ddH_2O补足20μL。
Research was made on the dewarf character of cucumber,the inheritance,expression and marking of the length of cucumber internode were mainly studied,for that it is the most important factors to effect the hight of cucumber plant and the pattern of the plant.Reasonable pattern is the key factor to decide the total cucumber yield.With the growing area of protected cultivation and the decreaseing area of the open field cucumber planting,breeders are demanded to put out the reasonable pattern cucumber varieties.
     Short internode cucumber Aisheng No.1 was selected as female parent,long internode material was used as male parent,the length of internode was marked by SRAP combined with Bulked Segregant Analysis,the results are described below:
     1.The Survey of F_2-generation seedlings hypocotyl and internode length show that the characters were normal distribution,which is the genetic of quantitative characters.
     2.By CTAB or by plant genome quick extraction kit the extracted DNA has high quality to meet the requirement of molecular marking.
     3.By orthogonal design cucumber SRAP-PCR system was set up.In 20μL volum Primerl (0.1ug/μL) is 0.3μL,Primer2(0.1ug/μL) is 0.3μL,25mM MgCl_2 is 1.4μL;2.5mM dNTP is 1.6μL;10×PCR buffer is2μL,DNA is about 40ng,ddH_2O is complicated to 20μL.
     4.1026 pairs primers were tested,polymorphism bands can be amplified by 982 pairs primers,different bands can be amplified by 292 pairs primers and the primer polymorphism is 95.7%,the effective rate(primer with polymorphism/overall primer used) is 28.5%,showing the superiority of SRAP.
     5.By ME23/EM28 a stable significant band was amplified to linked with the length of internode.
     6.By clone and sequence,a DNA marker about 369bp was get.
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