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Grain for Green is a green construction project which is the most widespread in China, strongest policy, highest degree of mass participation. The key areas of its implementation are those which ate important for the location of the western ecology, fragile of ecological environment, serious soil erosion and large areas of blown sand hazard. Grain for Green project began since 1999 and comprehensive incepted in 2002 , .The implementation covered the 25 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and more than 3200 million peasant households of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, and 124 million peasant farmers. Because of preferential benefits of national policy excitations, the project has been rapid development. Government has worked out series of economic compensation policies, it plays as a very important role for the project can smoothly conduct and execute.
     Grain for Green ecological compensation is a behavior of protection by reducing the slope of land desertification and degradation of arable land, restoration of existing land resources. That can implement with the abandoned farmers money and grain subsidy, provide appropriate compensation for their losses, while for the damage caused by external resources and economic behavior that is not appropriate punitive measures to achieve the protection of resources. In order to encourage Grain for Green of China, the implementation of policies related to financial compensation includes food, cash assistance policy, food subsidy payment policy, seedlings and planting costs subsidy policy, agricultural tax policy, pre-work and scientific support and other expenses subsidy policy Lin kinds of structural policies, forest (grassland) ownership policy, land contract, contract management policies and subsidies used to adjust the policy. The key of effective implementation of Grain for Green includes that first priority is to establish the ecological objectives and in the same time supporting farmers appropriate economic compensation, such compensation is to achieve the purpose of Grain for Green’s internalization of externalities.
     At present, Grain for Green’s implementation of compensation policies have achieved some results. Some areas are proceeding smoothly, not only to some extent increase the income of farmers farmland, improve their survival environment, have effective prevention of natural disasters, but also have played a positive influence in the local industrial restructuring steps to promote regional economic development . The study of implementation of Grain for Green in Wangmo County of Miao Autonomous Prefecture of Guizhou Buyi in southwest of Guizhou Province in recent years carried out the survey also shows that most of the farmers and the government support in favor of attitude for the development and implementation of returning farmland to forest, most farmers think that the State's land tax compensation was significantly higher than the local grain yield slope farmland.
     China's current compensation mechanism of Grain for Green although define the subject of compensation , compensation targets , compensation standard , compensation terms and manners of compensation policy work, but during operation, there are still some problems. Main issues include that first, the money which farmers grain is mainly provided by the central government, resulting in tremendous pressure on state finances, causing problems for the implementation of the project. Second, the county government as the sector which operates the specific implementation of returning farmland to forest , the many costs incurred by lack of timely compensation, combined with reduced agricultural tax reduction and exemption policies of its revenue which is lower than its income that it affected the County Executive in the work of their initiative. Third, the manner of division and operation of Forest (Grass) compensation which is defined by two areas of Yangtze River as well as the northern regions and Yellow River basin as well as the southern regions has been lack of scientific and flexibility, resulting in facing the problem of hardly solving farmers basic survival issues who live in the remote countryside and difficult areas, it affect the expected results of policy implementation. Fourth, although the government introduced a policy to extend the period of compensation, but did not specify a specific period which affected farmers’passion to the project. Fifth, compensation fund of Grain for Green of our country is most of the financial burden by the state, this single source of funding sources results in returning farmland to forest (grass) a serious shortage of funds, farmland compensation benefits households received is low. Sixth, the local government to implement the responsibility system works with the external characteristics, leading local governments to achieve central government objectives and obtain their own economic interests conflict, efficiency of policy implementation is poor.
     To effectively solve above problems, achieve the desired goals, it needs further improvement of the Grain for Green project’s compensation mechanisms. First, the main deficiency based on compensation issues should establish and perfect the multi-subject, in addition to the central government and local governments, there should be the benefit district local governments, the international community, national organizations and individual donations in the form .Second, the county government should be included in the scope of compensation objects. Third, according to the specific circumstances of each area, determining the reasonable compensation standard in order to meet the production standard of farmers’living and farmland where economic development is steady. Fourth, diversification towards compensation for the same time, in our country practice, the appropriate reference to international good experience, through the establishment of compensation funds, distribution of ecological environmental protection lottery, the introduction of eco-taxes, to attract international investment funds and guide industrial and commercial enterprises and other methods, expand channels for supporting the implementation of compensation, Improving the compensatory mechanism of the Grain for Green policy of China.
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