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Information and communication technology (ICT) is creating a new virtual space, cyberspace. Cyberspace can partially absorb human’s activities.
     This dissertation takes cyberspace as a research object instead of only an element that has an impact on the global politics and world economy. This dissertation starts with an analysis on the resources and power in the cyberspace. By means of the theory of structural power summarized by Susan Strange and embedded power in a space by Michel Foucault, this dissertation analyzes the power structures in cyberspace, which can partially determine the relations among the actors in the space, and also determine the distribution of the relevant wealth.
     After discussion of the characteristics of networked economy, this dissertation analyzes the competition among the actors for the structural power during the construction of the cyberspace. The actors include nations, nation groups, international organizations, enterprises and network communities. They compete for power in the cyberspace and they struggle for win in the competitions of technical platform and code and technical standards. The resources have been taken as potential power in the field of global politics. The resources in the cyberspace are quite different from the ones in the natural space. They include space resource, time resource, information and knowledge resource, attention resource and the market resource of ICT infrastructure.
     Chapter Three discusses the economic traits of the ICT industry. The discussion focuses on the network effect of the ICT product, lock-in effect and switch cost, technical standards and compatibility, and the role of the de facto standards in the market competition. The market failure caused by lock-in effect and by lack of supply of public good.
     In the era of globalization and information, ICT resource is paid more and more attention. In the cyberspace the ICT resource can not be controlled and maintained by nation’s borders and military control lines. The technical code can play the role as a control border. By means of the theory of structural power summarized by Susan Strange and embedded power in a space by Michel Foucault, this dissertation analyzes the structural power in the cyberspace, and analyzes the disciplines that the actors received.
     Chapter Five discusses the U.S. cyber-frontier strategy. The discussion focuses on the structural power that helps the United States gain wealth. By retrospecting the history of the ICT development of the United States, we find that the U.S. government, technical elites and entrepreneurs established a control center of cyberspace and expend it cyber-frontier through GII program, while setting a series of rule of game in the cyberspace. The ICT enterprises of the U.S. play a very important role in gathering the wealth and resources for the United States.
     The American created the internet and expanded it to the world. The hegemony in the internet gives the U.S. a new tool to acquire new resources and impose its influence in the cyberspace. Because of the ownership of the core infrastructure the U.S. holds the control power of the internet. When the internet becomes a global social infrastructure, the global governance of the internet is demanded. This dissertation discusses the power structure related to the governance of the internet with the conceptual framework of property, power and public choice.
     The competition and compatibility among the different system platforms in cyberspace lead to the technical development. Chapter Seven discusses the competition between the Galileo platform and GPS platform. The discussion focuses on the motives of the EU for establishing the Galileo platform, and the U.S. reaction to the challenge of the Galileo. Because of the status of monopoly, the GPS loses its momentum for innovation and GPS is reluctant to give better service. The market gives a welcome to the Galileo’s competition with the GPS,and also hopes the two platform can reach an compromise for compatibility.
     The technical code can play the role as a control border. The source code of the software is one of the most important ones. Some proprietary software like Windows helps the Microsoft to become rich and rich by controlling the source code. Chapter Eight discusses the competition between the open source software and proprietary software. The open source movement consisting of hikers provides much free software. It imposes a challenge to proprietary software. The movement helps many developing countries to narrow the digital divide.
     Technical Standards mean fortune and international power, which is not only ascendant in world high-tech industry competition, but also taken as the advanced modality of industrial management. International competition around technical standards has become gradually the technique, economic, and political dynamic game. Huge industrial scale, innovative research capability, tremendous market and the international bargaining capability are the fundamental conditions of setting technical standards. With fundamental conditions China’s national standards strategy has achieved the preliminary effect, but at the same time it is also confronted with power structural limitation in the market and standards-setting system. Therefore, the status of Chinese enterprises in the international technical standards system can be improved gradually through long-term fight in accordance with power structure.
     Cyberspace consists of technical platforms. The emergence of the cyberspace leads to the competition for power and resource among the actors. The structural powers are connected to the ICT knowledge. The first-mover of the main information technology embedded the power during the development process. These structural powers result in hegemony and unfair play in the cyberspace. Because of the network effect and compatibility, some competition goes along with cooperation and compromise.
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    2 Toffler, Alvin (1990) Power Shift. New York: Bantam Books.
    3 Drucker, Peter F. (1993) Post-capitalist Society. New York: HarperBusiness. p.42
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    3 参见本论文第六章 管理权的竞争:互联网的全球治理
    1 参见本论文第八章 编码的竞争:对开放源代码运动的分析。
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    4 林奇富:“论知识与政治权力的相关性”,《长白学刊》,2006 年第 1 期, 第 24 页。
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    2 Nye, J.S. (1990) Bound to Lead: The Changing Nature of American Power. New York: Basic Books. Pp.31-32
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     1 邢怀滨、苏竣:“全球科技治理的权力结构、困境及政策含义”,《科学学研究》,2006 年 6 月, 第 370 页。
     1 James N. Rosenau, and J. P. Singh(edited), Information Technologies and Global Politics: The Changing Scope of Power and Governance, NY: SUNY Press. P.159
    1 马克斯·H·布瓦索:《信息空间—认识组织、制度和文化的一种框架》,王寅通译,上海译文出版社,2005 年版,第 182 页。
    2 毛丰付:《标准竞争与竞争政策——以 ICT 产业为例》,上海三联出版社,2007 年版,第 44 页。
    3 参见本论文第八章 编码的竞争
    4 Brian Martin: “反知识产权”,见贾星客、李极光 主编:《自由软件运动经典文献》,云南大学出版社,2003年版,第 288 页。
     1 Borrus, Michael and John Zysman (1997) "Wintelism and the Changing Terms of Global Competition; Prototype of the Future?" BRIE Working Paper, 96B, University of California, Berkeley. P.4
    2 Morris, Charles R., and Charles H. Ferguson (1993) "How Architecture Wins Technology Wars," Harvard Business Review, March-April. pp.88-89
     1 Jeffrey R. Cooper. 2000. The CyberFrontier and America at the Turn of the 21st Century: Reopening Frederick Jackson Turner's Frontier, First Monday July 3, 2000, Vol. 5, No. 7 (
    1 罗曼:《信息政策》,科学出版社,2005 年版,第 43-44 页。
    2 主父笑飞、赵景芳:“美国信息战略探析”,《现代国际关系》,2006 年第 7 期,第 32 页。
    3 Keohane, Robert O., and Joseph S. Nye, Jr. Power and Interdependence in the Information Age. Foreign Affairs.(September/October)77(5). 1998.
    1 Al Gore GII Buenos Aires Speech,
    2 葛伟民:《网络效应:互联网发展对全球经济的影响》,上海社会科学院出版社,2004 年版,第 49 页。
    3 美国前商务部长布朗 1994 年发表演说指出,美国新的竞争力会将美国的成功经验传播到海外,由此给美国提供新的机会。1992 年美国通讯产业出口总额为 73 亿美元,其中网络和传输设备有 12 亿的出超其他通讯设备有13 亿的出超,而美国软件产业在 1992 年的国际收支为 224 亿美元。
    4 关于互联网的全球治理问题请参见本论文第六章。
    1 13 台根服务器中,日本、英国和挪威各一台,其余 10 部全都在美国。在美国的 10 台中,2 台由军队使用,1台由美国国家航空航天局使用。
    2 Brett D. Schaefer, John J. Tkacik, Jr., and James L. Gattuso “Keep the Internet Free of the United Nations” (别让联合国插手互联网) November 2, 2005. InternationalOrganizations/wm904.cfm
    3 Keohane, Robert O., and Joseph S. Nye, Jr 1998. Power and Interdependence in the Information Age. Foreign Affairs.(September/October)77(5).
    1 周光斌:“对新一轮 WTO 电信谈判的思考”,《通信世界》,2005-9-15。
    2 The White House. A Framework for Global Electronic Commerce. July 1, 1997 gov/digeconomy/related_doc.htm
    3 孙健:《网络经济学导论》,电子工业出版社,2001 年版,第 98 页。
    4 罗曼 :《信息政策》,科学出版社,2005 年版,第 53 页。
     1 White House, “The National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace” February, 2003
    1 Bruce P. Mehlman, “Technology Administration:21st Century Policy Challenges for American Innovation Leadership”. Remarks in Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA,Oct. 23, 2003. (
    2 American National Standards Institute, “The United States Standards Strategy” December 8, 2005. (
     1 Jeffery A. Hart, and Sangbae Kim. Explaining the Resurgence of U.S. Competitiveness: The Rise of Wintelism, The Information Society, 18: 1-12, 2002
    1 Joseph S. Nye Jr. and William A. Owen, “America’s Information Edge” Foreign Affairs, Vol. 75, No. 2, March/April 1996
    2 黄仁伟、吴雪明:“试析信息技术对美国‘新经济结构’的影响”,《世界经济研究》,1999 年第 6 期。
     1 Chairman's Summary in Second Meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) Rio de Janeiro, 12 - 15 November 2007
     1 ASCII 是 American Standard Code for Information Interchange 的缩写,意即美国标准信息交换标准码
     1 中国网络信息中心《中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》2007 年 7 月
    2 【搜狐 IT 消息】 “欧盟官员称 IP 地址严重分配不均 中印日最稀缺”
    1 联合国报告 The Digital Divide Report :ICT DIFFUSION INDEX2005 UNCTAD/ITE/IPC/2006/5
    2 Mike Jensen: “非洲的 ICT 状况报告”,《 世界经济论坛 2002-2003 年全球信息技术报告》. Dutta, S 等编; 邱仲潘等译,机械工业出版社, 2003 版,第 88 页。
     1 朱伟等:“域名解析在国家信息安全中作用日益凸现”,见《中国国防报》2006 年 4 月 3 日。
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    2 美国众议院决议文,Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding oversight of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. 编号 H. Con. Res. 268 [109th]
    3 Jay Wrolstad,,Congress: U.S. Internet Control Inviolable,
    4 樊勇明:《西方国际政治经济学》,上海人民出版社,2001 年版, 第 142 页。
     1 本·斯泰尔等: 《技术创新与经济绩效》,上海人民出版社,2006 版, 第 220-222 页。
    1 Report from the Working Group on Internet Governance. [2005-8-31].
    2 美国国家通讯和信息管理署网站
    3 Debora L. Spar, “The Public Face of Cyberspace” Global Public Goods: international cooperation in the 21st century edited by Inge Kaul, Isabelle Grunberg, and Marc A.Stern. Oxford University Press 1999 pp. 344-359
    1 Chairman's Summary in Second Meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) Rio de Janeiro, 12 - 15 November 2007
     1 艾伦·斯密德:《财产、权力和公共选择——对法和经济学的进一步思考》,上海三联出版社,2006 年版, 第8-13 页。
    1 中国互联网协会,中国互联网数据中心:《Netguide2008 中国互联网调查报告》,2008 年 1 月 8 日。
    2 罗晓白:“锁死后门 我互联网信息不再受美国监控”,《IT 时代周刊》,第 119 期,2007 年 1 月 5 日。
    1 David Souter. African Participation in WSIS: review and discussion paper[R] Prepared for the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) July 2004
    2 Final Declaration of the African Regional Conference of the World Summit on the Information Society. Bamako, 30 May 2002
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    2 Braunschvig, David, Richard L. Garwin, and Jeremy C. Marwell.“Space Diplomacy.” Foreign Affairs, July/August 2003, page 159–162.
    1 Bulmahn, Edelgard, federal minister of education and research (Germany). “Europe’s Ambitions in Space.” Address. Center for International Science and Technology Policy, George Washington University, Washington, DC, 6 February 2002.
    2 “Business: Navigating the Future; GPS and Galileo.” Economist 367, no. 8330 (28 June 2003): page92.
    3 European Commission. The European Dependence on US-GPS and the Galileo Initiative. Brussels, Belgium: Directorate-General for Energy and Transport, 8 February 2002. page 14-17
    4 Gustav Lindstrom, “The Galileo satellite system and its security implications” Occasional Papers No.44 April 2003. Published by the European Union Institute for security Studies. Page 18
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    2 Wilson, Andrew, ed. Galileo: The European Programme for Global Navigation Services. AG Noordwijk, Netherlands: ESA Publications Division, May 2002. page 7.
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    2 Wilson, Andrew, ed. Galileo: The European Programme for Global Navigation Services. AG Noordwijk, Netherlands: ESA Publications Division, May 2002. page 7.
    1 “US Warns EU about Galileo’s Possible Military Conflicts.” Space Daily, 18 December 2001. gps-euro-01g.html
    2 Gustav Lindstrom, “The Galileo satellite system and its security implications” Occasional Papers No.44 April 2003. Published by the European Union Institute for security Studies. Page 22
    3 “欧洲“伽利略”启航”,《科学时报》, 2002 年 3 月 25 日。
    1 Clinton, William J. “Statement on the Decision to Stop Degrading Global Positioning System Signals.” Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: William J. Clinton, 2000–2001. Book 1, 1 May 2000. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 2001.
    2 Sirak, Michael. “USA Sets Sights on GPS Security Enhancements.” Jane’s Defence Weekly, 16 January 2002, 30. page 30.
    3 美国国务院声明
    1 Dornheim, Michael A. “GPS Improvements Set to Help Civil Users.” Aviation Week and Space Technology 157, no. 13 (23 September 2002): page 56.
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     1 Divis, Dee Ann. “GPS III, Modernization Face Budget Cut.” GPS World 13, no. 7 (July 2002): page 10–11.
    2“Boeing to Upgrade GPS 2F Series Birds As Military Needs Increase.” Space Daily, 19 November 2003.
    1 Bialos, Jeffrey P. “Togetherness on Galileo?” Space News International, 6 May 2002, page 15.
    2 EC Press Release.”GALILEO and GPS will navigate side by side: EU and US sign final agreement”.IP/04/805. Brussels,28 June 2004
    3 EU Press Release. “Commission takes stock of the GALILEO Programme” IP/06/744. Brussels, 7 June 2006
    1德国之声网站,“欧洲伽利略首战告捷,美国 GPS 神话破灭” 2006 年 1 月 1 日。,,1841373,00.html
    2 Gustav Lindstrom, “The Galileo satellite system and its security implications” Occasional Papers No.44 April 2003. Published by the European Union Institute for security Studies. Page 29
    4 Lamoureux, Francois, director general, European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy and Transport (ECDG-TREN). “Opening of EU-China Negotiations on Satellite Navigation.” Address. Brussels, Belgium, 16 May 2003.
    5 “China Joins EU Space Program to Break US GPS Monopoly.”Space Daily, 27 September 2003. http://www.spacedaily .com/news/gps-03zc.html.
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    4 vanWendel R, de Bruijn J, van Eeten M (2003) Protecting the Virtual Commons, Information Technology & Law Series, T.M.C. Asser Press, 44–50
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    2 Todd Berson. Brazil: Free Software's Biggest and Best Friend. The New Tork Times March 29, 2005
    3 Ryan Tool. Economcs of Open Source: The Motives and Methods Behind the Free Software that is Challenging Market Leaders. June 3, 2005
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