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Author using literature data, questionnaire, interview, mathematical statistics, and logic analysis, and other research methods, Hefei seven large and medium-sized private enterprises sports staff conducted a survey of the status quo, come to the following conclusions:
     1. Hefei private enterprises do not attach importance to employees sports, seven enterprises only three enterprises set up trade unions sports organization and management workers, and most of the enterprises organize employees to lower the frequency of physical education, private enterprises in Hefei sports facilities are less.
     2. Hefei private enterprise workers to participate in physical activity is generally a positive attitude, motivation relatively clear physical training, male employees take part in physical exercise is better in the enthusiasm of women workers, unmarried employees take part in physical exercise good attitude to married workers.
     3. Hefei private sports enterprise workers are low-population ratio, and the quality of physical activity is not high. Survey of private enterprise workers in the frequency of physical activity and exercise duration showed gender differences and age differences.
     4. Hefei private enterprise workers to participate in physical exercise is the main form of spontaneous.
     5. School Physical Education friends and colleagues is the impact of private enterprise workers interested in physical training formation of the external factors affecting the workers not to participate in physical activity is the main reason for sports facilities do not have the time and poor conditions.
     Regarding the above circumstances put forward the following measures: private enterprises should attach importance to the private sector in charge of enterprise workers sports, and should urge all enterprises in accordance with the trade union law, the establishment of trade unions or sports organizations, to ensure that their sports interests of private enterprises should be employees of sport as a cultural construction enterprises to develop and management of enterprises should strive to raise the awareness of fitness workers, and actively participate in creating the atmosphere of physical training and the environment; government departments should strengthen public sports facilities and the construction of community sports facilities, improve social and public sports facilities open; private enterprise employees to set a good Physical Exercise awareness initiative to take part in physical exercise.
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