基于IEEE 1451.5的RFID及无线视频传感系统建模与实现
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     ⑴深入开展基于IEEE1451.5的传感系统UML与Petri网联合建模方法研究,实现模型可操作性验证与动态性能评估,提高系统开发速度与质量。基于层次化信息流动态建模方法建立了基于IEEE1451.5的RFID与无线视频传感系统通信机制模型,从宏观角度描述RFID与无线视频传感系统静态用例模型、信息交互模型与系统整体物理实现;通过制定UML与Petri网转换规则,实现UML图到Petri网模型转换,分析验证模型结构可操作性与性能;研究基于IEEE1451.5WiFi协议WTIM接入机制与数据传输过程有色Petri网模型,采用CPN Tools工具,分析模型活性、有界性、可达性。最后,还研究WTIM数据流CPN模型结构参数配置对系统性能指标影响规律,提高系统设计合理性与性能。
     ⑶研究一种适用于无线视频传感系统的PDP-AAN JPEG图像压缩方法,采用多边形DCT裁剪方法(PDP)增加裁剪模式,结合AAN快速DCT算法优化JPEG压缩过程。PDP裁剪方法针对JPEG图像压缩DCT变换运算量较大、裁剪模式少、应用灵活性不强等问题,通过扩展DCT系数矩阵选取区域,增加裁剪模式,有利于图像压缩质量宽范围细致调节。应用BIC信息准则选取PDP裁剪系数,避免主观因素影响,权衡图像压缩质量与复杂度关系,应用灵活性得到增强。将AAN缩放因子与JPEG量化过程结合,推导得AAN量化表,优化JPEG压缩过程。仿真结果表明,PDP-AAN JPEG图像压缩方法,在图像压缩质量减少0.2%下,二维DCT乘法、加法运算个数分别减少3.8%、6.0%,量化、“Z”字形排列计算量分别减少32.8%、32.8%。
     ⑷针对资源受限的IEEE1451.5无线视频传感系统,提出一种基于隔块角线编选分离(IDSCS)的无线视频编码方法。其特点在于,采用PDP-AAN JPEG图像压缩方法降低图像压缩运算量,增强应用灵活性;利用隔块角线像素采样差异值自适应更新视频帧,增强编码适应性;将复杂度较大的编码参数选取与动态更新算法从资源受限编码节点转移至运算能力较强的视频集成中心,实现编选分离,降低编码节点复杂度。研究基于IEEE1451.5的无线视频系统性能提升方法,将JPEG文件头与TEDS用户自定义信息结合减少图像数据传输量,并通过优化配置无线视频节点结构参数提高进程并行处理能力。仿真结果表明,基于IDSCS无线视频编码方法与M-JPEG方法相比,解码图像PSNR降低3%下,数据传输量减少约55%。
     论文还开展基于IEEE1451.5的RFID系统、无线视频系统实现与性能验证实验,探讨系统应用与效果。实验表明,将RFID及无线视频传感系统建模方法、CFDDE标签数估算方法、QCFDDE多标签防碰撞方法、PDP-AAN JPEG图像压缩方法、隔块角线编选分离视频编码等方法,综合应用到基于IEEE1451.5的RFID及无线视频传感系统建模与实现,能有效提高系统整体性能与开发速度。通过准确度较高的CFDDE标签数估算法,能提高QCFDDE防碰撞方法性能,RFID系统读写性能比基于泊松分布标签数估算法的防碰撞方法提高约17%;基于PDP-AAN JPEG图像压缩方法,能通过裁剪系数调整图像压缩质量,减少无线数据传输量,图像压缩率Crate≈16;基于IDSCS的无线视频编码方法,能动态更新视频传输帧类型与视频编码参数,视频流畅(传输帧率Frate≈18fps)。在智能机房无线视频监控与资产管理初步应用、基于IEEE1451物联网区域环境空气质量监测平台应用,均表明RFID及无线视频编码技术应用已经达到项目预期效果,证明本文所研究方法有效性、适用性,并且还可以在其它领域推广应用。
This paper mainly researches on modeling and realization of IEEE1451.5RFID andwireless video sensing system. The research work is valuable for academic and practicalapplication for the development of wireless smart sensing technology, and promot theintelligentization of modern manufacturing. The research work is supported by ChinaPostdoctoral Science Foundation (2012M511806), Guangdong High-level Talent Project(Guangdong teacher letter [2010]79).
     The dissertation summarizes the domestic and foreign research progresses of IEEE1451.5sensing system modeling technology, fast acquisition mehod of RFID information,and coding technology of wireless video sensing system, and determines research contents.The primary work includes:
     ⑴Make a deep study on the combination modeling method of UML and Petri net forIEEE1451.5wireless smart sensing system, and analysize the operability and dynamicevaluating model performance to improve the system development rate. With hierarchicalinformation flow and dynamic modeling method, the IEEE1451.5RFID and wireless videosensing system communication mechanism is modeled. It macro describes the staticorientied-object model, information interactive flow and system physical implementation ofRFID and wireless video sensing system. Throughing establishing conversion rule, the UMLmodel is converted to Petri net model to analysize, verify model operability and performance.Base on the IEEE1451.5communication mechanism, the WTIM access mechanism and datatransmission based on WiFi protocol are modeled. With the aid of CPN Tools, the liveness,boundedness, and rechability are analyzed. In order to enhance system design, the WTIMdata flow CPN model is builded. The influence characterics of change of structure parameterto the system performace is also studied.
     ⑵Study on tag estimate and anti-collision method of IEEE1451.5RFID system toaccelerate information acquisition rate. Aiming at the problem of large computation ofsearch-based tag estimate method, a coarse-fine double searching-based tag estimate method(CFDDE) is proposed. It uses the idea of coarse and fine adjustment, no need or only a littermultiplication to estimate tag number. Utilize another evaluating indicator in the first searchto replace multiplication with addition, subtraction, and decrease search area of the secondseach. Generally, the area can be decreased by90%, and the estimation time can be reducedby54%compared to the chebysheve inequality method. The QCFDDEtag anti-collision method is studied based on CFDDE, and the relationship of frame lengthe and tag number is derived.As the frame length is normally not integer power of2, which can not be directed applied, andthe neareset interger is not suitable for Q slection. The Q selection method is proposed basedon interative method with bounded condition to improve channel efficiency. The simulationresults indicate that, the power dissipation of tag based on QCFDDEis less than those based onminimized collision, poison distribution, and idle slot tag estimation by26.7%,15.4%, and15.4%, respectively. The channel efficiency is increased by6.9%,4.2%,4.3%, respectively.
     ⑶Study on a PDP-AAN JPEG image compression method that suitablue for wirelessvideo sensing system. With polygonal DCT pruning method, the pruning mode is enlargedand combining AAN fast DCT algorithm to optimize the JPEG image compression process.PDP pruning method aims at decresing large computation of traditional JPEG, enlarging thepruning mode, and enhancing the application flexibility. Throughing explanding the selectionarea of DCT coefficient, the pruning mode is increased which is meaningful for image qualityfine adjustment. BIC information criterion is applied to determine the PDP pruningcoefficient, which can avoid human influence, and balance the relationship between ofcompression quality and comutation. In order to optimize the JPEG compression process, thescalable factor of AAN fast DCT algorithm and the quantization table is combined. The AANquantization table is derived. The simulation results indicate that, compared to standard JPEGmethod, PDP-AAN JPEG image compression method can reduce computation ofmultiplication, addition of2-dimension DCT coefficient by3.8%, and6.0%, the quantizationand “Z” arrangement process by32.8%,32.8%.
     ⑷Aiming at the resource limited system of IEEE1451.5wireless video sensing system,the interval-block diagonal-line and seperation of coding and parameter-selection(IDSCS)-based wireless video coding method is proposed. The feature of this method is,PDP-AAN JPEG image compression method is used to decrease computation, utilizinginterval-block diagonal-line pixel sampling difference to adaptive update video frame toenhance the suitability, and tranforing the complexed parameter selection algorithm fromresource limited coding node to decoding system which separate the coding and parameterprocess. The coding adaption is enhanced, and the computation is decreased. Proposeperformance enhance measures, such as comining the user TEDS with the JPEG headinformation to reduce data transmission quantity, optimize the structure parameter of wirelessvideo coding node to enhance the parallel process ability. The simulation results indicate that,compared to M-JPEG method, the IDSCS-based video coding method can reduced ablut 55%data transmission quantity while the decoding image quality is decreased only about3%.
     The design and implementation of IEEE1451.5RFID and wireless video sensingsystem is carried out and the application effect is discussed. The experiment results indicatethat, applied the method of joined modeling of RFID and wireless video sensing system,CFDDE tag estimate, QCFDDEanti-collision, PDP-AAN JPEG, IDSCS, and etc, caneffectively improve the system performance and development rate. The RFID system canread both ISO18000-6B and ISO18000-6C tag. The reading speed is improved by17%thanpoison distribution tag estimation method. The PDP-AAN JPEG compression method canprun the image compression quality, reduce wireless data send quantity, the overall imagecompression rate Crate≈16. The IDSCS-based video coding method can dynamic update videoframe type and coding parameter, and the video is smooth (frame rate≈18fps).The initialapplication result to the data center computer room superviosn and management, and appliesto the IEEE1451and Internet of Things based district environment air quality monitorplatform. Both applicaton result show that, RFID and wireless video sensing technologachieve the project expected target which prove the study method of this dissertation iseffective and applicability, and can be expended to other application fields.
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