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The State Council promulgated the "National Long-term Education Reform and Development Plan (2010-2020)" to put the development of pre-school education in the national developmental tasks list in the nearly decade in July2010. And the "Some opinions on the Current Development of Preschool Education of the State Council" was published in November2010. Preschool education popularization and quality improvement of preschool education in rural areas have been being the greatest focus in the resent years. Both of those two documents have been pointing out the direction of preschool education development, which is promoting the quality of preschool education fundamentally. In such a request, kindergarten teachers must have more understanding of regular pattern of children's physical and mental development, more positive examining and reflection on their teaching activities, more attention about professional development of themselves. To do those matters, kindergarten teachers' teaching practical wisdom is the best helper.
     The methodology of this research are literature method, case study method and content analysis method. Confirming the angle and the value of this research through searching of existing research results in literature method. Then explaining the research theme through cases from kindergarten by case study method. The information or cases is collected by observing and interviewing. Finally analyzed contents of teacher's working dairy and children evaluation to make a conclusion about kindergarten teachers' teaching practical wisdom.
     There have been a lot of researches on teachers' wisdom, teaching practice and sapiential teaching. Because of different cultural beliefs, different times background and different living experience, those researchers certainly had different opinions of practical wisdom. But all of them consistently acknowledged that it was important for teachers that practical wisdom had been playing a vital role in both teaching and professional developing. This research reviewed studies of Chinese and foreign scholars to explore and understand about practical wisdom with the literature research method, followed by asking that what the significance for teachers is and what the purpose for teaching is. Then there was an essence of kindergarten teachers'teaching practical wisdom told out, which is highlighting kindergarten teachers'lives meaning and also promoting children's development. On the base of that essence, it was certain that teaching practical wisdom was a kind of knowledge or ability which was shaped during teaching activities in kindergarten, and was used to give guidance to children's knowledge acquisition and personality formation. This kind fo ability could help kindergarten teachers organize teaching activities, deal with unexpected problems and reflect teaching progress better. In this research, kindergarten teacher's teaching practical wisdom had six characteristics, which were practicality, creativity, generativeness, reflectiveness, tacitness and transferability. Kindergarten teachers' teaching practical wisdom could be founded and increased when they positively understood, reflected and implement in teaching activities. After discussing the connotation, characteristics and philosophy of kindergarten teachers' teaching practical wisdom, this research showed that there were three dimension of it, which were content, situation and localization. Meanwhile, teachers, children and events constituted a ternary structure. The use of kindergarten teachers' teaching practical wisdom was that coordinating the real localization and situation with the ideal ones, and making a connection with teachers, children and events. It embodied as teachers' education beliefs, creating teaching environment, design teaching activities and dealing with children's individual events.
     Teachers' teaching practical wisdom and their personal living experience were closely related. It was harvested through all sorts of calendar tries in their long-time life experience. It played a role as bridge between life and work, which connected those two parts together. Those two parts were as well developing, changing and rebuilding. Although there were a lot of ways for kindergarten teaching to found teaching practical wisdom, the most basic cycle of any structure was alway the "building-reflection-rebuilding". The progress of its developing could be divided into two stage:pre-serving training and in-serving developing. The author used the casr study method in this research, observing the teaching activities, choosing valuable cases, analyzing resent situation, and then put forward many suggestion about how to make it easy for kindergarten teachers to get or build teaching practical wisdom.
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