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China’s foreign assistance to Africa is growing rapidly during the past decade.Meanwhile, China is developing a new way to provide foreign assistance. In the presentresearch, the internal factors of China’s rise are given much consideration in the analysis ofChina’s foreign assistance to have a better understanding about how and to what extent thatChina’s rise has impacts on its foreign assistance, and on Africa’s development.
     It has been concluded that foreign assistance is highly influenced by the donors’ ownway of development. Historically, China adopted different ways of development indifferent periods during the past60years or so, from ‘Soviet Model’ in the1950s to1960sto ‘Beijing Consensus’ in the21stcentury. Accordingly, the policy of China’s foreignassistance to Africa kept changing, from ideology dominated to pursuing ‘win-win’relationship. Comparisons are also made between China and Western states. Institutionalconstruction is highly valued by the Western states whose foreign assistance in Africastresses on democracy. In contrast, China advocates independent exploration indevelopment and adopts the ‘no-strings’ policy in foreign assistance. Thus, in the presentstudy, the ‘Angola Model’ is considered as an extension of ‘Beijing Consensus’ in the fieldof foreign assistance.
     China’s foreign assistance has brought both positive and negative impacts on Africa.Being constrained by the ‘no-strings’ policy the impacts of China’s foreign assistance aremainly constrained into the perspective of economic growth, while the impacts on thepolitical and social perspectives are limited. China’s foreign assistance focuses oninfrastructure construction and combines with trade and investment, which play animportant role in promoting Africa’s economic growth. For the problems brought byChina’s foreign assistance in human rights and environment, they will only be solved afterChina has dealt with the similar problems in the domestic market. With the extension ofChina’s benefits in Africa, China’s foreign assistance will play a more vital role in Africa’spolitics and society.
     The current foreign assistance system is undergoing ‘silent revolution’ stimulated byChina’s foreign assistance to Africa. In the present study, it is believed that China’s foreignassistance is going to be absorbed gradually by the current foreign assistance system as China’s way of development——‘Beijing Consensus’ is accepted by the rest of the worldsteadily.
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