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Employment, which is vital to people's livelihood, is a fundamental impetus to a country's stability and prosperity. Employment and unemployment's management has been one of focal issues which academic and political circles all over the world are generally concerned on. Especially in China, a most populous nation with complicated demographical constitution, the problem of employment becomes particularly acute.
     The public employment service, as a significant approach of government to undo unemployment initiatively, gains increasingly attentions from international community. The Twelfth Five-Year Plan of the People's Republic of China for National Economic and Social Development, established in the NPC and CPPCC (National People's Congress and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference) in2011, signs that unified flexible personnel resource market, urban-rural public employment service and employment information in the national network need to be improved in order to provide labors excellent and efficient employment service. In recent years, the Party Central Committee has put forward the reform objectives of developing new-type urbanization, which needs to shift a large numbers of surplus rural labors. Therefore, the problems of employment appear. The key of solving dire employment situations is that the government should maximize its functions in public employment service based on the market allocation system of labor force.
     County government levels among provinces, cities and townships (towns), as a link between the preceding and the following layers, connecting cities and countryside, is a bond local regime between the central and the grassroots governments. It plays a critical role in realizing the policy of public employment service. The function of our county government's public employment service is confined due to its specific developing stage and reality limits. Therefore, research over innovative approach of county government's public employment system is of important theoretical value and realistic significance.
     Based on previous theoretical researches, this thesis strives to analyze one representative county government's public employment service's fragmentary circumstance systemically and profoundly analyzes reasons. In the perspective of Holistic Governance, it adopts systematic adaptation model, combines normative analysis and empirical analysis in addition to qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, and utilizes quantitative analytic data and sported surveys. Accordingly, it put forwards relevant solutions to promote reformation and improvement of county governments' public employment service of our country
     The logical frame can be divided into nine modules:
     The first module:theme's value and origin. On the basis of the origin and value of the study, China's county government's public employment service system is chosen as subject. After carding and analyzing foreign and domestic relative researches, this part explores fruits and drawbacks of the subject, holding the function of reference and innovation. And definition of relative concepts confines the research area and object.
     The second Module:literature review and brief evaluation. This part mainly collect, analyze and briefly evaluate the related literature at home and abroad. So that it can provide academic evidence for selection, construction, assumption and the focal points of this paper.
     The third module:concept tool and theoretical perspective. The part clearly defines Holistic Governance theory and Fragmentation Theory related to the subject so as to provide innovative theory view and research evidence.
     The fourth module:research model and theoretical assumption. This part moulds organizing systematic adaptation model through the subject's theoretical and empirical study. Meanwhile, it puts forwards theoretical assumptions on the basis of previous theoretical achievements and spotted surveys.
     The fifth module:empirical design and data collection. According to assumptions as are mentioned above, the thesis give respective definitions, measures, questionnaire designs and interview plans to the six systems fixed by systematic adaptation model. Then it elects the representative and equitable sample, county of Shandong and Hubei Province, for investigative research to make sure reliability and validity of data.
     The sixth module:survey result and data analysis. Making use of the SPSS software, it scientifically analyzes the questionnaire data in order to check the relative theoretical assumptions mentioned. At the same time, it makes relative illustrations and provides reasons with empirical and normative analysis.
     The seventh module:result discussion and cause analysis. This part mainly focuses on summarizing and investigating the results from gather data and results, and exploring the reasons of difficulties in the reform from the perspectives of macro, meso and micro levels.
     The eighth module:measures and research conclusions. According to the mentioned data analytic result, this part gives strategies to improve county government's public employment service system's fragmentary circumstance, applying historic study, comparison study and normative analysis. It moulds systematic contingency and uses "Networking Management""Labor Economic Theory""New Public Service""Complex Science Theory" in the perspective of Holistic Governance.
     The ninth module:this module summarizes the paper's fruits and defects, and then indicates the direction of further study.
     This paper has five innovations:
     (1) Research fields:improvement and development of county government's public employment system is of great significance to tackle China's unemployment problems. Considering deficiency in the relative research field in domestic academic circles, the author chooses a typical county government's department of public employment service to conduct a omnibearing study, which possesses theoretical significance full of exploration in some extent.
     (2) Method of studying mould:The thesis sets six-element systematic analysis model (that contains Environmental Supersystem, Object-Value Subsystem, Organizational Structure Subsystem, Management Subsystem, Sociopsychological Subsystem, Technical Subsystem) as the analyzing frame proposed by F.E.Kast and J.E.Rosenzweig, outstanding representatives of American systematic adaptation management school. And it also applies Networking Management, Complex Science Theory and Labor Economic Theory and other advanced scientific theory to assume the research over improvement of county regions'public employment service system, combining normative analysis and empirical study, institutional analysis and comparative analysis, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis.
     (3) The new visual angle:Holistic Governance Theory has gradually been the mainstream theoretic form that internationally directs governments'reforms, arousing an extensive attention in academic and political circles. In this situation, this thesis focuses on public employment service's fragmental problem as the starting point. And in the perspective of Holistic Governance Theory, it designs a new-style county government's public employment system, which is orientated by the society's demand for public employment service.
     (4) Research viewpoint:In this paper, county government's public employment service's predicament was located in "fragment". The thesis comes up with holistic strategies to establish and improve county government's public employment system in six different views objectively and scientifically, applying relatively forward Holistic Governance Theory, combining profound system adaptation connotation, making use of multiple quantitative statistical analysis method.
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