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     1.提出了受约束的竞争经济模型(Restricted Commodity Market Model,RCMM)。该模型基于自由竞争理论,以实体间相互信任为基础、以时间和预算来约束资源调度,从而保证调度的有效性和稳定性。针对该模型,以多代理系统(Multi Agent System,MAS)描述其组成结构。
     2.提出了以独立第三方的方式对实体,即资源、网格服务消费者(Grid Services Consumer,GSC)和网格服务提供者(Grid Services Provider,GSP),进行可信任评价的方法,其评价结果形成实体在RCMM中的可信任基础,最终构成选择资源的依据。其内容包括资源信任度、GSC和GSP信誉度的概念和相应的计算方法;信誉度评价算法;以信誉度为依据的资源选择算法;评价体系结构;等等。
Employing economic approaches to tackle resource scheduling is a hot spot inthe grid technology, which involves various contents including economic model(such as auction and free competition), trust, security, monitoring, control, tally,payment, and so on. Current though, the state of art in the grid resource schedulingis far behind other grid research areas. No economic element that supports multiplecriteria including evaluation, stable control, contract and so forth is proposed in therelated works. And most results achieved in the related projects are still atexperiment stage, which can not satisfy the practical requirements. Trying to solvethese intractable problems needs, this dissertation adopts the free competition modelas the basis, discusses the resource scheduling problems including trust, price andscheduling optimization in detail. The main contributions of this dissertation are asfollows:
     1. The theoretical hypothesis of the RCMM(Restricted Commodity MarketModel) model is proposed. Based on the free competition model and trustbetween entities, the resource scheduling according to the time andbudget is constrained in the RCMM model. And the architecture of RCMMmodel is composed by the multiple agent; systems.
     2. Trust evaluation of the entities that contain resource, GSC andGSP is performed by the independent third party organization. Accordingto this approach, the trust basis between entities and the selectioncriteria of resource scheduling are formed, including concepts ofresource trust, GSC(Grid Services Consumer) credit, GSP(Grid ServicesProvider) credit and their calculation formulas, credit evaluationalgorithm, resource selection algorithm based on credit, evaluationarchitecture.
     3. T(?)tonnement price negotiation process is implemented in the RCMMmodel. And a highest price fixing approach based on the Ramsey pricetheory to carry out price controlling is firstly presented, which guarantees the stability of price.
     4. Aiming at optimization of resource selection, the concept of griddistance and its computation method is defined, then the optimizationalgorithm based on grid distance is introduced. The local schedulingalgorithm is presented according to the description of localcharacteristics. A binding scheduling algorithm is given according tothe definition and structure of resource binding. The whole optimizationstrategy is composed by the three optimization approaches above.
     5. The contract-based resource scheduling management that definesthe structure and transition process of the contracts is proposed in theRCMM model, which underpins the economic features of the RCMM model.
     6. The monitoring and evaluation system of the RCMM model is implemented.Information, not only RUR data of the sub-system where the resource reside, butalso infrastructure data including task queue and resource directory, can be gatheredby this system. Based on the information, performance evaluation, defect detection,recovery, fault-tolerant and prediction can be supported, besides data of marketprice, supply and demand relation, credit evaluation can be provided.
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