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20th century saw too many man-made disasters which make Adorno refuse to accept any idea of theodicy. The most apparent one for him is Auschwitz, a concentration camp in Poland where two million people are murdered by Nazi. He asserts that the guilt context within which he lives after escaping from the Nazi concentration camp burdens him with a responsibility. Such a dark time shed a light on his negative philosophy which is saturated with the experience of Auschwitz. His thought is the emanation of the wish of those who died in concentration camps. This dissertation will argue from two dimensions, one is to explore the influence of Auschwitz event on Adorno"s idea, including the philosophy of history, aesthetics and moral philosophy; another dimension is to borrow from the ideas of other western thinkers to deepen and expand the significance of Adorno's thought.
     Moreover, this dissertation will give prominence to the Marxism tradition of Adorno's philosophy. The historical disaster forces Adorno to turn to a revised materialism, which means the unbearable body agony as his starting point for philosophy. And the trauma of Auschwitz provides a model for understanding negative dialectics. Thus. Adorno's dialectics insists on a radical critique of everything existing. By the critique of Hegel's idea of universal history, Adorno asserts that the victims of Auschwitz mock any idea of progress and theodicy. No idea of progress can ignore the scream of millions who are murdered for some ideals. After Auschwitz, even art is faced with a moral dilemma, both to remain silent and to express the horror of Auschwitz is easily lapsed to barbarism. There are two conflicts in Kant's Categorical Imperative in Adorno's eyes. One is theoretical, namely, the valid of Categorical Imperative lies on the fact of reason which cannot be guaranteed by reason itself. Another is practical, the formalism of Kant's moral philosophy cultivates moral coldness which is the key condition of Nazi Holocaust. Adorno proposed his own version of Categorical Imperative,"never again of any Auschwitz". His moral impulse is the fundamental resources for reconstruction of moral philosophy after Auschwitz. This dissertation also attempts to examine the nature of evil in the Nazi Holocaust. The Muselmann in death camps and the related reflection by Arendt, Adorno, and Agamben show that the tension between the disenchantment of death and the death of death is an important framework for understanding the genocide. And it should not be ignored that Adorno's negative philosophy does not turn to despair as he advocates a non-identity hope from micrology.
     Above all, Adorno's negative philosophy demonstrates that historical disaster should not be overcome easily, and only by sticking to the memory of disaster and sticking to the obligation of negative philosophy will human beings be able to avoid being relapsed into disaster again.
1 奥斯维辛原来只是波兰南部的一个普通小镇,后来成为附近40多座集中营的总称,纳粹在集中营建造了4个大规模的毒气“浴室”及储尸窖和焚尸炉。1944年,这里每天要焚烧约6000具尸体。纳粹还要在焚尸前剥下纹身人的皮肤做灯罩
    ,他的思想会不可避免的失败与瘫痪:超越大屠杀是不可能的。”参见Fackenheim, To Mend the World,2nd ed. New York:Schocken Books.1989:xxiv.
    6 Fackenheim. To Mend the World,2nd ed. New York:Schocken Books,1989:320
    7 Adorno.Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, translated by E.B.Ashton. the Continuum.1973:361.
    8张倩红:后大屠杀时代:纳粹屠犹的社会后果分析, 《史学月刊》,2005年第9期,第75页。
    9 Adorno.Theodor W. Metaphysics, translated by Edmund Jephcott. Polity Press,2000:110.
    10 Adorno.Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, The Continuum Publishing Company.1973:364.
    11从集中营里逃生的匈牙利作家凯尔泰斯也谈到了自己对于奥斯维辛的责任: “除了奥斯维辛的内容,我对什么都无所谓。……我所想的一切都围绕着奥斯维辛。如果看上去我完全是在谈论别的事情,那么实际上还是在谈奥斯维辛。我是奥斯维辛魂灵的介质.奥斯维辛从我的心底在述说。”参见凯尔泰斯·伊姆雷:《苦役日记》,李震译,《外国文艺》,2003年01期,第21页。
    Adorno.Theodor W. Minima Moralia. trans. E. F. N.Jephcott. Verson.l974:18.
    14 Adorno.Theodor W.Negative Dialectic. The Continuum Publishing Company.1973:362.
    15 Adorno.Theodor W.Negative Dialectic. The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:65. 16 Martin Jay. The Dialectical Imagination:A History of the Frankfurt School and the Institute of Social Research 1923-1950. University of Cailfornia Press,1973.
    17Buck-Morss, Susan. The Origin of Negative Dialectics:Theodor W. Adorno. Theodor W. Walter Benjamin, and the Frankfurt Institute. Free Press,1977.
    18 Gillian Rose. The Melancholv Science:An Introduction to the Thought of Adorno. Theodor W. The MacMillan Press.1978.
    19 Robert Hullto-Kentor. "Back to Adorno". Telns 81 Fall 1989.
    20 O'Connor. Brian. Adorno's Negative Dialectic:Philosophy and the Possibility of Critical Rationalitv. MIT Press.2004.
    21 Cook. Deborah. Adorno. Theodor W. Habermas. and the Search for a Rational Society. Routledge,2004.
    22 Zuidervaart, Lambert. Social Philosophy After Adomo. Theodor W. Cambridge University Press,2007.
    24 Gerhard Schweppenhauser. Ethik nach Auschwitz:Adornos negative Moralphilosophie. Argument-Verlag.1993.
    25 Cohen, Josh. Interrupting Auschwitz:Art. Religion. Philosophy. Continuum.2005.
    26 Dana Villa. "Genealogies of Total Domination:Arendt. Adorno.Theodor W. and Auschwitz". New German Critique, Vol.34, No.1.2007.
    27 Michael Rothberg. "After Adorno:Culture in the Wake of Catastrophe". New German Critique, No.72. Autumn,1997:45-81.
    28 Neiman, Susan. Evil in Modern Thought. Princeton Univerty Press,2002.
    29 Bernstein. Richard J. Radical Evil. Polity Press.2002.
    30 Levi, Primo. Survival in Auschwitz. Trans, by Stuart Woolf. Simon and Schuster.1996: Amery,Jean. At the Mind's Limit, Indiana University Press,1980.
    1 Adorno.Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:11.
    2 Arnold Kunzli. "Irrationalism of the Left", in Foundation of the Frankfurt School of Social Research, edited by Judith Marcus and Zoltan Tar, Transction Books,1984:113.
    3 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics. The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:ⅹⅹ.
    4 Adorno.Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, The Continuum Publishing Company.1973:27.
    5 Lyotard. The Differend, Manchester University Press,1988:88.
    6 阿多诺:《否定辩证法》,张峰译,重庆出版社,1993:156。
    7 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, The Continuum Publishing Company.1973:365.
    8 Adorno,Theodor W. Minima Moralia. Verson,1974:83.
    9 Berel Lang, Philosophical Witnessing:the Holocaust as Presence, Brandeis,2009:32.
    10 参见《圣经》:“在他们所走的每段路程,白天耶和华的云彩停在圣幕上面.黑夜云彩在上面成为火柱,显在以色列全家眼前。”(出埃及记40:38):“耶和华也必在锡安全山,并各会众以上,使白日有烟云,黑夜有火焰的光;因为在全荣耀之上必有遮蔽。必有亭子,白日可以得荫避暑,也可以作为藏身之处,躲避狂风暴雨。”(以赛亚书4:5-6)。
    11 Irving Greenberg. For the Sake of Heaven and Earth:the New Encounter between Judaism and Christianity, Jewish Publication Society,2004:45.
    12 Lyotard. the Differend, Manchester University Press,1988:55.
    13 Susan Neiman. Evil in Modern Thought. Princeton Univerty Press.2002:256.
    Adorno, Kierkegaard:Construction of the Aesthetic, trans. R. Hullot-Kentor, Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press, 1989:114.
    15 Adorno, Negative Dialectics, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:14.
    16 马克思:《资本论》,第一卷,人民出版社,1975,第24页。
    17 Adomo,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:144.
    18 Adomo.Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, The Continuum Publishing Company.1973:153.
    19 Adomo.Theodor W. Minima Moralia. Verson.1974:27.
    20 Martin Jay. the Dialectical of Imagination. University of California Press.1973:263.
    21 dorno. Theodor W. Negative Dialectics. The Continuum Publishing Company.1973:191.
    22 Adomo.Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:193-194.
    24 Adorno,Theodor W. Minima Moralia:Reflections from Damaged Life, trans. E. F. N. Jephcott. Verson.l974:59.
    25 Lisa Yun Lee. Dialectics of the Body:Corporeality in the Philosophy of Theodor Adorno, Theodor W. Routledge 2004:39.
    26 Fackenheim. To Mend the World.Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1994:135.
    27 Adomo,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:17-18.
    28 Adomo,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, The Continuum Publishing Company,197317-18.
    29 Peter Sloterdijk, Preface. Critique of Cvnical Reason.1987. University of Minnesota Press,ⅹⅹⅹⅲ--ⅹⅹⅹⅴ
    30 Jean Amerry, at the Mind's Limits. Indiana University Press,1980:68-69.
    31 Strawson, Freedom and Resentment and Other Essays, Routledge,2008:9.
    32 Jean Amery. At the Mind's Limits, Indiana University Press,1980:ⅹⅳ.
    33 Nussbaum, The Therapy of Desire, Princeton University Press,1994:404.
    34 Nussbaum, The Therapy of Desire, Princeton University Press,1994:403.
    35 Nussbaum, The Therapy of Desire, Princeton University Press,1994:416.
    36 黑格尔:《精神现象学》贺麟王玖兴译.上卷.商务印书馆.1981年,第145页。
    37 黑格尔:《精神现象学》,下卷.商务印书馆,1981年,第231页。
    38 黑格尔:《精神现象学》,上卷.商务印书馆,1981.第21页。
    39 Adomo,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics. The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:361.
    40 Adomo,Theodor W. Metaphysics:Concept and Problems. Polity,2000:124.
    41 Adomo,Theodor W. Metaphysics:Concept and Problems. Polity,2000:124.
    42 Gillian Rose. The Melancholy Science:An Introduction to the Thought of Adorno.Theodor W. The MacMillan Press,1978:ⅸ
    43 Lorenz Jager. Adorno, Theodor W. A Political Biography, Yale University Press,2004:180.
    44 康德:《未来形而上学导论》.庞景仁译.商务印书馆.1982:163。
    45 Adorno,Theodor W.Negative Dialectics. The Continuum Publishing Company.1973:407.
    46 Adomo,Theodor W. Minima Moralia:Reflections from Damaged Life. Verson,1974:77.
    47 Adomo.Theodor W.Negative Dialectics. The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:28.
    48 Adomo,Theodor W. Prisms, trans.by Shiecry Weber. MIT Press.1981:254.
    49 Adomo,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics. The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:129.
    50 Arendt, the Life of the Mind, Mariner Books,1981:192.
    51 Martin Jay. The Dialectical Imagination, Berkeley:University of Cailfornia Press,1973:280.
    52 Said, Representations of the Intellectural. Vintage,1996:43.
    53 Adorno,Theodor W. "the USSR and the Peace".转引自 Adorno:a Critical Reader. Blackwell,2002:122.
    54 Adomo,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics. The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:365.406.
    55 Adomo,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics. The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:284
    56 Lukacs. Preface, the Theory of the Novel. MIT press,1971:22
    57 马克思:《马克思恩格斯全集》第2版第3卷,第201页。
    55 Adomo,Theodor W. "Resignation" in Critical Models:Interventions and Catchwords. Translated by Henry Pickford. Columbia University Press,1998:167.
    59 Rose, Melancholy Science. The MacMillan Press,1978:147.
    60 参见俞吾金:一个被遮蔽了的“康德问题”—康德对两种实践的区分及其当代意义,《复旦学报》,2003年第]期。
    61 Adomo, Problems of Moral Philosophy, trans. R. Livingstone, Polity Press,2000:2-4
    62 Adomo,Theodor W. Notes to Literature, Vol.1, trans. Shierry Weber Nicholsen. Columbia University Press,93.
    63 Adomo,Theodor W. Prisms, trans.by Shiecry Weber Cambridge, MIT Press 1981:149.
    1 Neiman, Susan. Evil in Modern Thought, Princeton Univerty Press,2002:239.
    2 Renee Jeffery. Evil and International Relations, Palgrave Macmillan,2008:26-28
    3 Kant. Religion and Rational Theology, trans, and ed.by Wood, Allen W. and George Di Giovanni. Cambridge University Press, 1996:24-37.
    4 Kant. Religion and Rational Theology, trans. and ed.by Wood, Allen W. and George Di Giovanni. Cambridge University Press, 1996:33.
    5 转引自吴飞:《伏尔泰与里斯本地震》,《读书》,2009年第3期。
    6 黑格尔:《精神现象学》,下卷,商务印书馆,1981年,第119页。
    7 Hegel. Political Writing, Cambridge University Press,1991:220-23.
    8 黑格尔:《历史哲学》,王造时译,上海书店出版社,2006年,第33页。
    9 转引自卞之琳:《布莱希特戏剧印象记》,中国戏剧出版社,1980年.第18页。
    10 黑格尔:《历史哲学》王造时译,上海书店出版社,2006年,第34页。
    11 黑格尔:《历史哲学》王造时译,上海书店出版社,2006年,第30-31页。
    12 Adorno, Hegel, Three Studies.trans by Shierry Weber Nicholsen, The MIT Press,1993:27.
    13 黑格尔:《历史哲学》,上海书店出版社,2006年.第33页。
    14 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, trans. by E.B. Ashton, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:305.
    15 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, trans. by E.B. Ashton. The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:362.
    16 Adorno,Theodor W. Minima Moralia. translated by E.P. Jephcott. Verso,1974:55.
    17 Adorno,Theodor W. History and Freedom, Polity,2006:45
    18 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics. The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:362.
    19 黑格尔:《历史哲学》王造时译,上海书店出版社,2006年,第19页。
    20 黑格尔:《历史哲学》王造时译,上海书店出版社,2006年.第34页。
    21 黑格尔:《历史哲学》王造时译,上海书店出版社.2006年,第30页。
    22 Adorno,Theodor W. Minima Moralia, Verso,1974:234-35.
    24 Zvemunt Bauman. Postmodern Ethics. Blackwell,1993:225.
    25 Levinas, Existence and Existents. Martinus Nijhoff,1978:91.
    26 Agamben. Infancy and History. Verso,1993:104-05.
    27 Levinas. Totality and Infinity. Duquesne University Press,1969:52,
    28 Levinas. Totality and Infinity. Duquesne University Press,1969:55.
    30 Kenneth Surin, Theology and the Problem of Evil. Basil Blackwell,1986:51.
    31 Richard Cohen,'What Good is the Holocaust? in Philosophy Today. Summer 1999:176. 32 Adorno and Max Horkheimer. Diatectic of enlightenment. Stanford University Press.2002:186.
    33 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:318.
    34 Adorno,Theodor W. Metaphysics:Concept and Problems, trans, by Edmund Jephcott. Polity,2000:111.
    35 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, The Continuum Publishing Company.1973:320
    36 Adorno,Theodor W. History and Freedom. Polity,2006:97.
    37 Adorno,heodor W. Negative Dialectics, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:5.
    38 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics,The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:157.
    39 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:9.
    40 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:110.
    41 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:5.
    42 Adorno and Max Horkheimer. Diatectic of enlightenment. Stanford University Press,2002:11.
    43 Adorno and Max Horkheimer. Diatectic of enlightenment. Stanford Universirv Press,2002:41
    44 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:317
    45 Adorno,Theodor W. Hegel:Three Studies, trans. S. Weber Nicholsen, MIT Press,1993:91
    46 Adorno,Theodor W. History and Freedom. Polity,2006:86.
    47 Adorno,Theodor W. Minima Moralia, Verson,1974:151.
    48 Adorno, History and Freedom, Polity,2006:143
    49 Adorno, Historv and Freedom, Polity,2006:12
    50 Adorno,Theodor W. Minima Moralia.Verson,1974:151.
    51 Adorno and Max Horkheimer. Dialectic of enlightenment. Stanford University Press,2002:25.
    52 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:320.
    53 Paul Connerton. The Tragedy of Enlightenment:An Essay on the Frankfurt School. Cambridge University Press.1980:114.
    54 参见其著名论文:Adorno. "The Essav as form". New German Critique. No.32.1984:151-171.
    55 E. Fackenheim. To Mend the World. Indiana Universitv Press,1994:225-49.
    56 Adorno, Historv and Freedom, Polity,2006:84.
    57 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics. The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:303.
    58 Dana Sawchuk, "Horkheimer and Adorno on Social Change:Problems and Potential in Light of History from Below", Crit Sociol,31,2005:550.
    59 Adorno,Theodor W. History and Freedom, Polity,2006:45.
    60 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:308.
    61 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:320.
    62 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:301.
    63 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:326.
    64 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, The Continuum Publishing Company.1973:146.
    65 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:536.
    66 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:365.
    67 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:323.
    68 黑格尔:《小逻辑》,贺麟译,商务印书馆,1981.第172页。
    69 Gillian Rose, "From Speculative to Dialectical Thinking---Hegel and Adomo" in Judaism and Modernity. Blackwell,1993.
    70 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:159.
    71 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:160.
    72 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:304.
    73 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:319
    74 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:355.
    75 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:355.
    76 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:46.
    77 Levinas. "Useless suffering" in The Provocation of Levinas:Rethinking the Other, ed. Robert Bernasconi and David Wood, Routledge,1998:162.
    78 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:361.
    79 Adorn. Metaphysics:Cowcept and Problems, trans. by Edmund Jephcott. Polity,2000:144.
    1 阿多诺、霍克海默:《启蒙辩证法》,渠敬东、曹卫东译上海人民出版社,2003.第29页。
    2 Steiner, George. Language and Silence:Essays on Language. Literature, and the Inhuman. Atheneum.1967:ⅸ
    3 马克思:《马克思恩格斯全集》第9卷,人民出版社,1995.第251页。
    4 Michael Rothberg. "After Adorno:Culture in the Wake of Catastrophe" in New German Critique, No,72,1997:59.
    5 鲍曼:《现代性与大屠杀》,译林出版社,2002第18页。
    6 凯尔泰斯·伊姆雷著:《惨败》,卫茂平译,上海译文出版社,2005年10月,第51页。
    7 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:352.
    8 Adorno,Theodor W. Prims, trans. Samuel and Shierry Weber. MIT Press,1981:34.
    9 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:367.
    10 凯尔泰斯:《谁的奥斯维辛》,《文汇报》,2002年10月31日。
    11 Gillian Rose, Judaism and Modernity, Wiley-Blackwell,1993:35.
    12 Adorno,Theodor W. Critical Models, Interventions and Catchwords. Columbia University Press.1998:41.
    13 Adorno,Theodor W. Notes to Literature Volume Two. Columbia University Press,1991:88
    14 Steiner, George. Language and Silence:Essays on Language. Literature, and the Inhuman. Atheneum,1967:61.
    15 Robert Fine and Charles Turner. Social theory after the holocaust, Liverpool University Press,2000:223.
    16 Elie Wiesel. "Trivializing the Holocaust". New York Times,16 April 1978:2.中译文引自《历史创伤的再现》.《文艺研究》2010年第2期.96-97页。
    17 Adorno,Theodor W. Notes to Literature Volume Two. Columbia University Press,1991:83
    18 Steiner, George. Language and Silence:Essays on Language, Literature, and the Inhuman. Atheneum,1967:101.
    19 Steiner, George. Language and Silence:Essavs on Language, Literature, and the Inhuman. Atheneum,1967:101.
    20 Steiner, George. Language and Silence:Essays on Language, Literature, and the Inhuman. Atheneum,1967:123.
    21 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:41
    22 Adorno,Theodor W. Aesthetic Theory trans.by Robert Hullot-Kentor, Athlone,1997:112.
    23 Bettelheim, B. Surviving and Other Essavs. Thames and Hudson.1979:97.
    24 Primo Levi, The Drowned and The Saved, trans, by Raymond Rosenthal. London:Abacus Books.1989:63-64
    25 Gillian Rose. Beginning of the Day:Fascism and Representation, in Mourning Becomes the Law:Philosophy and Representation, Cambridge University Press,1996:43.
    26 凯尔泰斯·伊姆莱,《英国旗》.余泽民译,作家出版社,2003年。
    27 Lyotard, Jean-Francois. The Differend:Phrases in Dispute. University of Minnesota Press.1988:13.
    28 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:367
    29 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics. The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:207.
    30 Adorno,Theodor W. Aesthetic theory trans.by Robert Hullot-Kentor, Athlone,1997:18.
    31 Adorno,Theodor W. Aesthetic Theory trans.by Robert Hullot-Kentor, Athlone,1997:1.
    32 Adorno,Theodor W. Notes to Literature Volume Two. Columbia University Press,1991:88.
    33 Adorno,Theodor W. Notes to Literature Volume Two. Columbia University Press,1991:39.
    34 Adorno,Theodor W. Notes to Literature Volume Two. Columbia University Press,1991:88.
    35 约翰费尔斯坦纳:《保罗策兰传》,李尼译,江苏人民出版社2009年版,第34-35页。
    1 康德:《道德形而上学原理》,苗力田译,上海人民出版社,2005年版,第38页。
    2 康德:《道德形而上学原理》,苗力田译,上海人民出版社,2005年版,第39页。
    3 Adorno,Theodor W. Problems of Moral Philosophy, Trans. R. Livingstone. Standford University Press,2003:110-112.
    4 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics. Trans. E.B. Ashton, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:261.
    5 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, Trans. E.B. Ashton, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:236.
    6 Adorno,Theodor W. Problems of Moral Philosophy, Trans. R. Livingstone. Standford University Press,2003:149.
    7 Adorno,Theodor W. Problems of Moral Philosophy, Trans. R. Livingstone. Standford University Press,2003:113.
    8 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, Trans. E.B. Ashton, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:271-272.
    9 马克·乔纳森·哈里森:发掘20世纪大屠杀的坟墓,《当代电影》,2006年第1期.第96页。
    10 Walter Laaueur. A Historv of Zionism. Schocken Book,1976:551.
    11 Arendt, Eichmann in Jerusalem:A Report on the Banality of Evil. Viking Press,1965:106.
    12 Horkheimer and Adorno,Theodor W. Dialectic of Enlightenment, Trans. E. Jephcott. Stanford University Press,2002:80.
    13 康德:《实用人类学》,邓晓芒译,上海人民出版社,2005年版,第168页。
    14 韦伯:《新教伦理与资本主义精神》,于晓陈维纲译,三联书店,1987年版。
    15 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, Trans. E.B. Ashton, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:362.
    16 Adorno,Theodor W. "Education after Auschwitz" in Critical Models, Trans. Henry Pickford. Columbia University Press, 1998:197.
    17 鲍曼:《现代性与大屠杀》,杨渝东等译,译林出版社,2002第29页。
    18 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics. Trans. E.B. Ashton, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:364.
    19 Horkheimer and Adorno.Theodor W. Dialectic of Enlightenment, Trans. E. Jephcott. Stanford University Press,2002:120.
    20 Hilberg, Raul. The Destruction of the European Jews. New York:Holmes & Meier.1985:1187.
    21 马克·乔纳森·哈里森,发掘20世纪大屠杀的坟墓,《当代电影》,2006年第1期,第98页。
    22 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, Trans. E.B. Ashton. The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:363.
    23 Horkheimer and Adorno,Theodor W. Dialectic of Enlightenment, Trans. E. Jephcott. Stanford University Press,2002:170
    44 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, Trans. E.B. Ashton, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:213.
    25 Levinas, Totalitv and Infinity, Trans. Alphonso Lingis. Duquesne University Press,1969:21.
    26 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, Trans. E.B. Ashton, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:365
    27 《马克思恩格斯选集》第1卷,人民出版社1995年版,第9-10页。
    28 《马克思恩格斯选集》第]卷,人民出版社1995年版,第14页。
    29 Adorno,Theodor W. Minima Moralia, Trans. E.Jephcott. Stanford University Press,1974:95.
    30 Adorno,Negative Dialectics. Trans. E.B. Ashton, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:365.
    31 Schopenhauer, On the Basis of Morality, Hackett,2000:144.
    32 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, Trans. E.B. Ashton, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:285.
    33 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, Trans. E.B. Ashton, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:286.
    34 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, Trans. E.B. Ashton, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:299.
    35 Levinas. "The Name of a Dog, or Natural Rights" in Difficult Freedom. Trans. Sean Hand. Athlone Press,2000:152-153.
    36 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, Trans. E.B. Ashton, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:17-18.
    37 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, Trans. E.B. Ashton, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:221-223.
    38 Adorno,Theodor W. History and Freedom, Trans. R.Livingstone. Polity Press,2006:240.
    39 Adorno,Theodor W. History and Freedom, Trans. R.Livingstone, Polity Press,2006:239.
    40 Adorno,Theodor W. History and Freedom, Trans. R.Livingstone, Polity Press,2006:235.
    41 参见谢地坤:“道德的底限与普世伦理学”,《江苏社会科学》,2004年第1期。
    42 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, Trans. E.B. Ashton, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:203.
    43 Habermas. The New Conservativism:Cultural Criticism and the Historian's Debate. MIT Press,1989:251.
    44 Iris Murdoch. The Sovereignty:of Good. Schocken Books,1971:61.
    1 Adorno.Theodor W. Negative Dialectics. The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:362.
    2 Adorno.Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:362.
    3 Adomo.Theodor W."Notes on Kafka" in Notes to Literature. Columbia University Press,1991:259
    4 Adorno.Theodor W. Prisms, trans.by Shiecry Weber. MIT Press.1981:268
    5 George Sterner. "K," in Language and Silence:Essays on Language. Literature, and the Inhuman. Atheneum,1967:118-126.
    6 George Steiner. Language and Silence:Essays on Language. Literature, and the Inhuman. Atheneum,1967:121.
    7 Traverso, Understanding the Nazi Genocide, Pluto Press,1999:4
    8 Omer Bartov. Muder in our Midst, Oxford University Press,1996:67.
    9 阿伦特:《极权主义的起源》,林骧华译,三联书店,2008年版,第554页。
    10 阿伦特: 《极权主义的起源》,林骧华译,上海:三联书店.2008年,第548页。
    11 阿伦特:《极权主义的起源》,林骧华译,上海:三联书店,2008年,第548页。
    12 阿伦特:《极权主义的起源》,林骧华译,上海:三联书店,2008年,第568页。
    13 Berel Lang. "The Evil in Genocide" in Genocide and Human Rights:A Philosophical Guide, ed. John K. Roth. Palgrave Macmillan,2005:11.
    14 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, translated by E.B.Ashton, the Continuum,1973, p.362.
    15 J.M. Bernstein, Adorno:Disenchantment and Ethics, Cambridge University Press,2001, p.382.
    16 Primo Levi, Surviving in Auschwitz. Simon and Schuster,1996:27-28.
    17 活死人(Muselmanner)按照字面意思可以译为穆斯林.大概是体现了西方社会对穆斯林的某种偏见,认为活死人犹如穆斯林低头祈祷时对真主完全驯服的样子。本文为避免这种偏见而详为活死人,但缺少了原词所表现的独特形象。
    18 正如许多学者指出的那样,该书意大利文原著的标题为《如果这是人的话》(Sequesto un uomobest, If This is a Man)没有提供生存下去的希望,英译本《奥斯维辛的生存》(Surviving in Auschwitz)则容易误导,使人以为集中营里有生存与拯救。
    19 Levi. Surviving in Auschwitz. Simon and Schuster,1996:27.
    20 Tony Judt, "The Courage of the Elementary," in New York Review of Books, Vol. XLⅥ. No.9 (May 20,1999).31-38.
    21 E. Fackenheim. To Mend the World.Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1994:209.
    22 E. Fackenheim. To Mend the World.Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1994:135.
    23 Primo Levi. The Drowned and the Saved, trans. Ravmond Rosethal. Abacus,1989:148.
    24 Giorgio Agamben, Remnants of Auschwitz, trans. D. Heller-Roazen. Zone,1999:60.
    25 阿伦特:《极权主义的起源》,林骧华译,上海:三联书店,2008年,第566页。
    26 Arendt, Essay in Understanding. Harcourt, Brace,1994:13-14.
    27 黑格尔:《精神现象学》下卷.贺麟王玖兴译.商务印书馆,1981,第11页。
    28 黄瑜熊凯:黑格尔死亡观的伦理意蕴.《青海社会科学》2007年第1期,第124页。
    29 阿伦特:《极权主义的起源》.林骧华 译,上海:三联书店,2008年,第564页。
    30 J.M. Bernstein. Adorno:Disenchantment and Ethics. Cambridge University Press,2001:381.
    31 阿伦特:《极权主义的起源》,林骠华译,上海:三联书店.2008年,第553页。
    32 海德格尔:《存在与时间》,陈嘉映王庆节合译.生活读书新知三联书店,2006年,第282页。
    33 Primo Levi, The Drowned and the Saved, trans. Raymond Rosethal, Abacus,1989:75.
    34 Giorgio Agamben, Remnants of Auschwitz, trans. D. Heller-Roazen, Zone,1999:34.
    36 Primo Levi. Survival in Auschwitz. Simon and Schuster,1996:87.
    37 Anatoly Marchenko, My Testimony. Trans. Michael Scammell. New York:Collier-Macmillan,1961
    38 Primo Levi. Survival in Auschwitz, Simon and Schuster,1996:82.
    39 Lawrence Langer, Versions of Survival, State University of New York Press,1982, p.57.
    40 Sternberg-Newman, Judith.In the Hell of Auschwitz, Exposition Press,1963:42-43.
    41 Primo Levi. The Drowned and the Saved, trans. Ravmond Rosethal, Abacus,19897
    42 Primo Levi. Survival in Auschwitz. Simon and Schuster,1996:118.
    43 Des Pres, the Survivor:an Anatomy of Life in the Death Camps, Oxford University Press,1976:60.
    44 Lawrence Langer, Versions of Survival. State University of New York Press,1982:75.
    45 特别行动队(Sonderkommandos)是纳粹集中营中协助党卫队看守杀害囚禁者的组织。由男性犹太囚犯组成,负责将被害者关入毒气室,并冲洗受害者尸体上的污物.取下金牙等有价值的物品,随后将其掩埋或送入焚尸炉。行动队成员一般4个月后即被处决,由新人接替。
    46 Primo Levi, The Drowned and the Saved, trans. Raymond Rosethal, Abacus,1989:35.
    47 阿伦特:《极权主义的起源》,林骧华译,三联书店,2008年,第563页。
    48 Jean Amery.At the Mind's Limit. Indiana University Press,1980:19-20.
    49 Jean Amery. At the Mind's Limit, Indiana University Press,1980:16.
    50 Lyotard, The Differend:Phrases in Dispute, trans. Georges Van Den Abbeele.University of Minnesota Press,1988:100.
    51 Primo Levi. Survival in Auschwitz, Simon and Schuster,1996:90.
    52 Jean Amery. At the Mind's Limit, Indiana University Press,1980:17
    53 Primo Levi. Survival in Auschwitz. Simon and Schuster,1996:75.
    54 Primo Levi. Survival in Auschwitz. Simon and Schuster,1996:41.
    55 Primo Levi. Survival in Auschwitz. Simon and Schuster,1996:90.
    56 Fackenheim, The Jewish Return into Historv. New York:Schocken.1978:246.
    57 Primo Levi. Survival in Auschwitz, Simon and Schuster,1996:25.
    58 Lawrence Langer, Versions of Survival. State University of New York Press,1982:112.
    59 Primo Levi. Survival in Auschwitz, Simon and Schuster,1996:26.
    60 Hilene Flanzbaum. The Americanization of the Holocaust The Johns Hopkins University Press,1999:56.转引自,张倩红:后大屠杀时代:纳粹屠犹的社会后果分析,《史学月刊》,2005年第9期,第75页。
    61 Primo Levi. Survival in Auschwitz, Simon and Schuster,1996112-113.
    62 Charlotte Delbo, Auschwitz and After, trans. Rosette C. Lamont. New Haven:Yale University Press,1995:142.
    63 Charlotte Delbo, Auschwitz and After, trans. Rosette C. Lamont. New Haven:Yale University Press,1995:145.
    64 Lawrence Langer, "Moralizing the Holocaust," Dimensions, Vol.12, No.1,1998:3-6.
    1 Susan Neiman, Evil in Modern Thought:An Alternative History of Philosophy, Princeton University Press,2002:8.
    2 Hannah Arendt, "Nightmare and Flight," in Hannah Arendt:Essays in Understanding,1930-1954. ed. Jerome Kohn. Harcourt, Brace & Co.,1993:134.
    3 Hannah Arendt, "We Refugees," in The Jew as Pariah:Jewish Identity and Politics in the Modern Age. ed. Ron H. Feldman. Grove Press,1978:66.
    4 Hannah Arendt. Essays in Understanding. New York:Schocken Books,132.
    5 Adorno,Theodor W. Metaphysics:Concept and Problems, trans. by Edmund Jephcott. Polity,2000:115.
    6 鲍曼:《现代性与大屠杀》,杨渝东等译.译林出版社,2002,第17页。
    7 鲍曼:《现代性与矛盾性》,邵迎生译.商务印书馆.2003,第30-39页。
    8 鲍曼:《现代性与矛盾性》,邵迎生译.商务印书馆.2003,第60-61页。
    9 Carson. Silent Spring, Houghton Mifflin.1962:6.
    10 Fackenheim. To Mend the World, Indiana University Press,1994:233.
    11 陈瑶华:康德论根本恶,《东吴政治学报》2006年第23期,第66页。
    12 Hannah Arendt. The Human Condition. Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1958:241.
    12 康德:《纯然理性界限内的宗教》,中国人民大学出版社,2007,第52页。
    14 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:381.
    15 Adorno,Theodor W. History and Freedom, Polity,2006:155-6.
    16 Fackenheim. To Mend the World. Indiana University Press,1994:238.
    17 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics. The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:213.
    18 Hannah Arendt. Essavs in Understanding. Harcourt Brace,1994:317.
    19 阿伦特:《极权主义的起源》,林骧华译,三联书店,2008年版,第552页。
    20 吉尔伯特:《纳粹屠犹:历史与记忆》,大象出版社,2007年,第40页。
    21 Elie Wiesel. "Trivializing Memory," in From the Kingdom of Memory:Reminiscences. Simon and Schuster,1990:166.
    22 Y. Bauer. "Holocaust and Genocide:Some Comparisons", in P. Hayes (ed.). Lessons and Legacies:the Meaning of the
    Holocaust in a Changing World. Northwestern Univesity Press,1991:36.
    23 Primo Levi. The Drowned and the Saved, trans. Raymond Rosethal, Abacus,1989:125.
    24 Hannah Arendt, Essays in Understanding, New York:Schocken Books,131.
    25 Fackenheim, The Jewish return into history:reflections in the age of Auschwitz and a New Jerusalem, Schocken Books, 1978:133-134.
    26 Bernstein, Richard J. Radical Evil, Polity Press.2002:235.
    27 E. Fackenheim. To Mend the World.Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1994:135.
    28 Giorgio Agamben. Remnants of Auschwitz, trans. D. Heller-Roazen, Zone,1999:63-64.
    29 海德格尔:《关于技术的问题和其它论文》,转引自朱利安·扬:《海德格尔·哲学·纳粹主义》,陆丁、周濂译.辽宁教育出版社,2002年,第260页。
    30 海德格尔在给马尔库塞的信中明确把同盟国在二战时对德国的轰炸与纳粹屠杀犹太人相提并论,参见王金林:《一个包裹三封信”——马尔库塞与海德格尔之间的一段公案》,载《世界哲学》,2007年第2期。
    31 海德格尔:《存在与时间》,陈嘉映工庆节合译,生活读书新知三联书店,2006年,第276页。
    32 海德格尔:《存在与时间》,陈嘉映王庆节合译,生活读书新知三联书店,2006年,第301页。
    33 萨弗兰斯基:《海德格尔传》,靳希平译,商务印书馆,1999年,第222页。
    34 朱利安·扬:《海德格尔哲学纳粹主义》,辽宁教育出版社,2002年,第261页。
    35 此观点深受Todd Samuel Presner论文的启发,参见其Heidegger. Arendt. and the Modernity of Mass Death". Telos, No. 135,2006:84-108.
    36 Lyotard, Heidegger and the Jews, University of Minnesota Press,1990:82.
    37 Amery, At the Mind's Limit. Indiana University Press,1980:18.
    38 Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics. The Continuum Publishing Company,1973:380.
    39 Todorov. Facing the Extreme, Holt Paperbacks:1997:267-71.
    40 鲁迅:《鲁迅全集》第六卷,人民文学出版社,2005年,第520页。
    41 Jean Amery. At the Mind's Limit, Indiana University Press,1980:66
    42 Jean Amery. At the Mind's Limit, Indiana University Press,1980:28.
    43 弗兰克:《活出意义来》,赵可式等译,三联书店,1991年版。
    44 Bruno Bettelheim. The Informed Heart:Autonomy in a Mass Age, Avon Books,1979:158.
    45 Charlotte Delbo. Auschwitz and After, trans. Rosette C. Lamont. Yale University Press,1995:225.
    46 Charlotte Delbo. Auschwitz and After, trans. Rosette C. Lamont. Yale University Press,1995:168.
    47 Charlotte Delbo. Auschwitz and After, trans. Rosette C. Lamont. Yale University Press,1995:108
    48 Adorno,Theodor W. "Trying to Understand Endgame" in:Notes to Literature, Vol.1, trans. Shierry Weber Nicholsen. Columbia University Press,1991:251.
    49 阿多诺:《美学理论》,王柯平译,四川人民出版社.1998,第322页。
    50 尼采,《论道德的谱系》,周红译,三联书店,1992,第48页。
    51 Jefferv, Renee. Evil and International Relations, Palgrave Macmillan,2008:29.
    52 尼采:《论道德的谱系》,三联书店,1992,第135页。
    53 Steven Tudor. Compassion and Remorse. Leuven:Peeters.2001:13.
    54 Emmanuel Levinas. "Useless Suffering." in The Provocation ofLevinas:Rethinking the Other, ed. Robert Bernasconi and David Wood. Routledge,1988:157-58.
    55 Emmanuel Levinas. "Useless Suffering." in The Provocation ofLevinas:Rethinking the Other, ed. Robert Bernasconi and David Wood. Routledge.1988:156.
    56 Emmanuel Levinas. Time and the Other, trans. Richard A. Cohen. Duquesne University Press,1987:72.
    57 Elaine Scarrv. The Bodv in Pain. Oxford University Press,1985:49.
    58 Richard White. Levinas. "the Philosophy of Suffering, and the Ethics of Compassion". The Heythrop Journal,2012:114.
    59 Jean Amery, At the Mind's Limits. Indiana University Press,1980:33.
    60 Levinas, Time and the Other, Duquesne University Press,1987:69.
    61 Levinas. "Useless suffering" in The Provocation of Levinas:Rethinking the Other, ed. Robert Bernasconi and David Wood, Routledge,1998:163.
    62 Ophir. The Order of Evils, Zone,2001:262.
    Adorno.Theodor W. Aesthetic Theory trans.by Robert Hullot-Kentor, Athlone,1997.
    Adorno,Theodor W. Critical Models:Interventions and Catchwords. Trans. by Henry Pickford. Columbia University Press,1998.
    Adorno and Max Horkheimer. Diatectic of Enlightenment, trans. by Edmund Jephcott. Stanford University Press,2002.
    Adorno,Theodor W. Hegel:Three Studies, trans. S. Weber Nicholsen, MIT Press,1993.
    Adorno,. In Search of Wagner, trans. by Rodney Livingstone, London:NLB,1981.
    Adorno,Theodor W. Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, trans. R.Livingstone, University Press, 2001.
    Adorno,Theodor W. Kierkegaard:Construction of the Aesthetic, trans. R. Hullot-Kentor, University of Minnesota Press,1989.
    Adorno,Theodor W. Minima Moralia:Reflections from Damaged Life. trans. E. F. N.Jephcott, Verson,1974.
    Adorn,Theodor W. Metaphysics:Concept and Problems, trans. by Edmund Jephcott, Polity, 2000.
    Adorno,Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, trans. by E.B. Ashton, The Continuum Publishing Company,1973.
    Adorno,Theodor W. Notes to Literature. Columbia University Press,1991.
    Adorno,Theodor W. Prisms, trans.by Shiecry Weber. MIT Press.1981.
    Adorno,Theodor W. Problems of Moral Philosophy, trans. R. Livingstone, Polity Press,2000.
    Adorno,Theodor W. The Cutture Industry, London; New York:Routledge,1991.
    Adorno,Theodor W. The Complete Correspondence,1928-1940, Harvard University Press,1999.
    Agamben. Giorgio. Remnants of Auschwitz, trans. D. Heller-Roazen, Zone,1999
    Amery.Jean. At the Mind's Limit, Indiana University Press,1980
    Arendt, Hannah. Eichmann in Jerusalem,1994, New York:Penguin Books.
    Arendt, Hannah. The Human Condition. University of Chicago Press.1958.
    Bauman, Zygmunt. Modernity and the Holocaust. Cornell University Press,1989.
    Benhabib, Seyla. Critique, Norm, and Utopia:A Study of the Foundations of Critical Theory. Colombia Press,1986.
    Benjamin, Walter. Illuminations. Trans. by Harry Zohn. Schocken Books,1969.
    Bernstein. J.M. Adorno:Disenchantment and Ethics, Cambridge University Press,2001.
    Bernstein, Richard J. Radical Evil, Polity Press,2002.
    Bettelheim, B. Surviving and Other Essays. Thames and Hudson,1979.
    Buck-Morss, Susan. The Origin of Negative Dialectics:Adorno, Walter Benjamin, and the Frankfurt Institute. Free Press,1977.
    Cohen, Joshua. Interrupting Auschwitz:Art, Religion, Philosophy. Continuum,2005.
    Coles, Romand. Rethinking Generosity:Critical Theory and the Politics of Caritas. Cornell University Press,1997.
    Cook, Deborah. Adorno, Habermas, and the Search for a Rational Society. Routledge,2004.
    Delbo, Charlotte. Auschwitz and After, trans. Rosette C. Lamont. Yale University Press,1995.
    Fackenheim. The Jewish Return into History:Reflections in the age of Auschwitz and a New Jerusalem. Schocken Books,1978.
    Fackenheim. To Mend the World.Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1994.
    Greenberg, Irving. For the Sake of Heaven and Earth:the New Encounter between Judaism and Christianity, Jewish Publication Society,2004.
    Habermas. The New Conservativism:Cultural Criticism and the Historian's Debate. MIT Press,1989.
    Hegel. Political Writing, Cambridge University Press,1991.
    Hullot-Kentor. Robert. Things Bevond Resemblance:Collected Essays on Theodor Adorno. Columbia University Press,2006.
    Jay, Martin. Adorno,Theodor W. Harvard University Press,1984.
    Jay, Martin. The Dialectical Imagination:A History of the Frankfurt School and the Institute of Social Research 1923-1950. Berkeley:University of Cailfornia Press,1973.
    Jay, Martin. Marxism and Totality:The Adventures of a Concept from Lukacs to Habermas.
    Berkeley:University of California Press,1984.
    Jeffery. Renee. Evil and International Relations, Palgrave Macmillan,2008.
    Kant. Religion and Rational Theology, trans. and ed.by Wood, Allen W. and George Di Giovanni. Cambridge University Press,1996.
    Lang, Berel. Philosophical Witnessing:the Holocaust as Presence. Brandeis,2009.
    Levi, Primo. Survival in Auschwitz. Trans. by Stuart Woolf. Simon and Schuster,1996.
    Levi, Primo. The Drowned and the Saved, trans. Raymond Rosethal, Abacus,1989.
    Levinas, Emmanuel. Totality and Infinity. Trans. A. Lingis. Duquesne University Press,1969.
    Levinas. Emmanuel.Otherwise than Being or Bevond Essence. Trans. Alphonso Lingis. Kluwer.1991.
    Levinas, Emmanuel. The Provocation of Levinas:Rethinking the Other, ed. Robert Bernasconi and David Wood. Routledge,1988.
    Levinas, Emmanuel. Difficult Freedom. Trans. Sean Hand. Athlone Press,2000.
    Lyotard. the Differ end. Manchester University Press,1988.
    Murdoch, Iris. The Sovereignty of Good. Schocken Books,1971.
    Neiman, Susan. Evil in Modern Thought, Princeton Univerty Press,2002.
    O'Connor, Brian. Adorno's Negative Dialectic:Philosophy and the Possibility of Critical Rationality, MIT Press,2004.
    Ophir, The Order of Evils, Zone,2001.
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