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In this paper, process conditions preparing endohedral metallofullerene Gd@C_(82) by arc-discharge method are studied, and its best technological conditions are obtained: helium pressure 0.08 MPa, nGd: nC = 1:15-1:20, activation current 200A, activation time 30min, reaction current I = 90 ~ 100A; conditions of separation and extraction of Gd@C_(82) from soot are studied: firstly, the soot is extracted in vacuum with DMF as the solvent; secondly, Gd@C_(82) is separated by Buckyprep-M column and its retention time is about 40 ~ 50min when the mobile phase is toluene and flow rate is 10mL/min. Applications to fullerene film of drop-coating method and vacuum evaporation method are studied. Spin-coating is introduced into fullerene film in the first time, and achieves good results. Ultimately spin-coating method and vacuum evaporation coating method are determinted to can be applied to fullerene film. Effects of liquid - liquid interface micro-environment on of the fullerene crystal are studied, and simple cubic C60 crystal not easily prepared at room temperature are abtained. At last some properties of C_(82) and Gd@C_(82) carbon cage are calculated using the Dmol3, some phenomena encountered in the preparation of Gd@C_(82) are explained, and some chemical properties of Gd@C_(82) are predicted.
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