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    3 Michael A. Gollin, Driving Innovation:Intellectual Property Strategies For A Dynamic World 29 (2008).
    9 Black's Law Dictionary (第8版)第1534页, Trailer Clause. An employee's promise to assign to the employer the rights to all inventions developed while employed and for a specified time afterward. For the covenant to enforceable, the time restriction must be reasonable. -Also termed Holdover Clause.
    12该法名为"das Gesetz uber Arbeitnehmererfindungen",简称"ArbEG",1957年7月25日制定,最近一次修正是在2008年5月28日,德国议会通过了《专利法简化及现代化法案》(Act for Simplification and Modernization of the Patent Law),对相关内容进行了修正,新规定于2009年10月1日实施。
    14 Dr. Dieter Stauder, The Lower House (Bundestag) of the German Parliament passed the "Act to Simplify and Modernize the Patent Law" on May 28,2009, IP Report,2009/Ⅱ.
    15 Christian Haggemuller, Germany:Employees'Invention Act Simplified, Managing Intellectual Property, September 2009.
    16 Markus Deck and Jens Matthes:Employee inventions in Germany, Intellectual Asset Management June/July 2005.
    18参见Law on Employee Inventions第二章第9条第2款:In assessing compensation, due consideration shall in particular be given to the commercial applicability of the service invention, the duties and position of the employee in the enterprise, and the enterprise's contribution to the invention.
    19 Markus Deck and Jens Matthes:Employee inventions in Germany, Intellectual Asset Management June/July 2005.
    20 Matthias Leistner, Farewell To The "Professor's Privilege"-Ownership of Patents For Academic Inventions In Germany Under The Reformed Employee's Inventions Act 2002.
    21 Christian G. Stallberg, The Legal Status of Academic Employees'Inventions in Britain and Germany and Its Consequences for R&D Agreements, Intellectual Property Quarterly 2007,4.
    22美国宪法Art.1,Sec.8 §8"The congress should have power…To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries."。
    23 2007年9月7日,美国众议院以225票赞成、175票反对,通过了《美国专利改革法案》,议案号:H.R.1908:Patent Reform Act of 2007,以先申请制(first-to-file)取代“先发明制”。
    24 Robert P. Merges, The Law and Economics of Employee Inventions, Harvard Journal of Law & Technology, Vol. 13, No.1, Fall 1999.
    25 Paul C. Van Slyke & Mark, M. Friedman, Employer Rights to Inventions and Patents of its Officers, Directors, and Employees,18 AIPLA Q.J.127,132-33 (1990).
    26 Donald S. Chisum, Patents, V.5,22-24 (1993):an employer will own the rights to a patentable invention of an employee if the employee was either initially hired or later directed to solve a specific problem or to exercise his inventive faculties in an area.
    27 Black's Law Dictionary(第8版)第1412页,Shop right. Patents. An employer's right to an irrevocable, nonassignable, nonexclusive, royalty-free license in an employee's invention, if the employee conceived and developed the invention during the course of employment and used company funds and materials. The term derives from the idea that the right belongs to the shop, not to the employee. Employment contracts frequently contain patent-as-signment clauses, but the employer is entitled to the license even if the employee retains the patent. If the employee or consultant was hired to invent, then the employer owns the resulting inventions. If an employee develops an invention independently, the employee is its sole owner. But if an employee uses the employer's resources to make the invention, courts use the shop-right doctrine to compensate the employer. 对 shop right 的中文意思,本文采用台湾学者曾陈汝明在其著作《两岸暨欧美专利法》中的译文。
    28 Steven Cherensky, A Penny for Their Thoughts:Employee-Inventors, Preinvention Assignment Agreements, Property and Personhood,81 Cal. L. Rev.597,616 (1993).
    29 Marc B. Hershovitz, Unhitching The Trailer Clause:The Rights of Inventive Employee and Their Employers, Journal of Intellectual Property Law.
    30该八个州为加利福尼亚州、特拉华州、伊利诺斯州、堪萨斯州、明尼苏达州、北卡莱罗纳州、犹他州和华 盛顿州,参见Donald J. Ying, A comparative Study of The Treatment of Employee Inventions, Pre-invention Assignment Agreements, and Software Right, University of Pennsylvania Journal of Business and Employment Law, Spring 2008.
    32 Stanfield, Building a Better Mousetrap (1979), National Journal 1436.
    33 "Innovation's Golden Goose," The Economist, December 14,2002, p.3
    34 35 U.S.C. §200:"It is the policy and objective of the Congress to use the patent system to promote the utilization of inventions arising from federally supported research or development;…; to promote collaboration between commercial concerns and nonprofit organizations, including universities;…; to promote the commercialization and public availability of inventions…"
    35 35 U.S.C. §202:"With respect to any invention in which the contractor elects rights, the Federal agency shall have a nonexclusive, nontransferrable, irrevocable, paid-up license to practice or have practiced for or on behalf of the United States any subject invention throughout the world..
    36 The Bavh-Dole Act at 25, A publication of BayhDole25, Inc, April 17,2006.
    37 Thomas R. Savitsky, Compensation for Employee Inventions,73 J. Pat.& Trademark Off. Soc'y 650 (1991).
    39 Improvement of Employee Invention System, written by Patent System Subcommittee & Intellectual Property Policy Committee & Industrial Structure Council.
    40 Theory and Practice of Employees'Invention, Japan Patent Office & Asia-Pacific Industrial Property Center & JIII 1999.
    41 Mineko Mori, Christopher Heath, Employee's Invention in Japan, International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law,2005
    42 2009年6月22日起,该法更名为“相关产业活力再生和产业活动革新的特别措施法”
    43参见:文部科学省の職員の職務発明等に対する補償金支払要领,http:/www.mext.go.jp/a menu/shinkou/sangaku/sangakuc/030201a访问日期:2009-09-10。
    44 Jon Sandelin, Japan's Industry-Academic-Government Collaboration and Technology Transfer Practices:A Comparison with United States Practices, Journal of Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration,2004.
    45 Andreas von Falck, Christiane Schmaltz, University Invention:Classification and Remuneration In Germany, The Netherlands, France, The UK, The US and Japan, International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law 2005.
    46 Takeyuki Iwai,3 Modalities for the Employees'Inventions System, IIP Bulletin 2003.
    47 James Duncan Kelly and Kwok Wai Chiu v GE Healthcare Ltd. [2009] EWHC 181 (Pat)此案中,Kelly和Chiu博士在1980年代中期受雇于Amersham International PLC(现为GE医疗公司),二人花费大量时间和精力研究出一种新化合物,该化合物为放射性显像剂的基础物质,可用于心脏医学治疗。GE公司将该发明申请专利并获得授权,而后以”Myoview"为商标销售该显像剂,取得了巨大的经济效益。此产品为GE医疗公司带来了13亿英镑以上的利润,但两位发明人从未获得过任何直接的报酬。因此,Kelly博士在2003年退休后不久,便与Chiu博士一起将GE医疗公司起诉至法院,要求GE公司支付报酬。此案于2009年2月11日由英国高等法院宣判,法官判决GE公司应向发明人支付利润的3%作为报酬,其中Kelly博士获得100万英镑,Chiu博士获得50万英镑。
    48 Intellectual Property in Government Research Contracts, Guidelines for public sector purchasers of research and research providers, written by The UK Patent Office.
    50 Dr. Jurgen Meier, Dr. Thure Schubert, Dr. Hans-Rainer Jaenichen, Employees' Invention Remuneration-Money (f)or Nothing, Biotechnology Law Report. April 2005,24(2).
    51 Alan Johnson and Ikuo Suzuki, Employee Compensation for Invention:Getting A Fair Share, IP&IT 2005 Legalease Special Report.
    52参见《法国知识产权法典》第R.611-14-1.-Ⅰ条:…the additional remuneration referred to in Article L.611-7 shall be constituted by a bonus share in the proceeds derived from the invention by the public person that is the beneficiary of the invention."
    53 Thomas Bouvet,Employee-Inventor Rights In France,for Loyola Law School IP Special Focus Conference August 2006.
    59参见《审查指南修改公报(第3号)》(第51号),http://www.sipo.gov.cn/sipo2008/zwgs/ling/200903/t20090302 442783.html,访问日期2009-9-18。
    60香格里拉国际饭店管理有限公司诉国家知识产权局专利复审委员会无效宣告请求审查决定行政纠纷案一 审行政判决书(2002)一中行初字第555号。
    66 Campbell Chiang:A Putative Inventor's Remedies To Correct Inventorship On A Patent, http://www.law.duke.edu/journals/dltr/articles/2003dltr0020.html,访问日期2009-9-24。
    39、Dieter Stauder, The Lower House (Bundestag) of the German Parliament passed the "Act to Simplify and Modernize the Patent Law" on May 28,2009, IP Report,2009/Ⅱ.
    40、Christian Haggemiiller, Germany:Employees'Invention Act Simplified, Managing Intellectual Property, September 2009.
    41、Markus Deck and Jens Matthes, Employee inventions in Germany, Intellectual Asset Management June/July 2005.
    42、Matthias Leistner, Farewell To The "Professor's Privilege"-Ownership of Patents For Academic Inventions In Germany Under The Reformed Employee's Inventions Act 2002.
    43、Christian G Stallberg, The Legal Status of Academic Employees'Inventions in Britain and Germany and Its Consequences for R&D Agreements, Intellectual Property Quarterly 2007,4.
    44、Robert P. Merges, The Law and Economics of Employee Inventions, Harvard Journal of Law & Technology, Vol.13, No.1, Fall 1999.
    45、Paul C. Van Slyke & Mark, M. Friedman, Employer Rights to Inventions and Patents of its Officers, Directors, and Employees,18 AIPLA Q.J.127,132-33 (1990).
    46、Donald S. Chisum, Patents, V.5,22-24 (1993).
    47、Steven Cherensky, A Penny for Their Thoughts:Employee-Inventors, Preinvention Assignment Agreements, Property and Personhood,81 Cal. L. Rev.597, 616 (1993).
    48、Marc B. Hershovitz, Unhitching The Trailer Clause:The Rights of Inventive Employee and Their Employers, Journal of Intellectual Property Law.
    49、Donald J. Ying, A comparative Study of The Treatment of Employee Inventions, Pre-invention Assignment Agreements, and Software Right, University of Pennsylvania Journal of Business and Employment Law, Spring 2008.
    50、Stanfield, Building a Better Mousetrap (1979), National Journal 1436.
    51、The Bayh-Dole Act at 25, A publication of BayhDole25, Inc, April 17,2006.
    52、Thomas R. Savitsky, Compensation for Employee Inventions,73 J. Pat.& Trademark Off. Soc'y 650 (1991).
    53、Mineko Mori, Christopher Heath, Employee's Invention in Japan, International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law,2005.
    54、Jon Sandelin, Japan's Industry-Academic-Government Collaboration and Technology Transfer Practices:A Comparison with United States Practices, Journal of Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration,2004.
    55、Andreas von Falck, Christiane Schmaltz, University Invention:Classification and Remuneration In Germany, The Netherlands, France, The UK, The US and Japan, International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law 2005.
    56、Takeyuki Iwai,3 Modalities for the Employees'Inventions System, IIP Bulletin 2003.
    57、Dr. Jurgen Meier, Dr. Thure Schubert, Dr. Hans-Rainer Jaenichen, Employees' Invention Remuneration-Money (f)or Nothing, Biotechnology Law Report. April 2005,24(2).
    58、Alan Johnson and Ikuo Suzuki, Employee Compensation for Invention: Getting A Fair Share, IP&IT 2005 Legalease Special Report.
    59、Thomas Bouvet, Employee-Inventor Rights In France, for Loyola Law School IP Special Focus Conference, August 2006.
    60、Bayh-Dole Act, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayh-Dole Act
    61、Intellectual Property in Government Research Contracts, http://www.ipo.gov.uk/ipresearch.pdf.
    62、Campbell Chiang:A Putative Inventor's Remedies To Correct Inventorship On A Patent, http://www.law.duke.edu/journals/dltr/articles/2003dltr0020.html
    63、文部科学省の職员の職務発明等に対する補償金支払要领,httn://www.mext.go.jp/a menu/shinkou/sangaku/sangakuc/030201a
    65、《2008中国有效专利年度报告》,http://www.sipo.gov.cn/sipo2008/mtjj/2009/200908/t20090826 473643.html
    67、香格里拉国际饭店管理有限公司诉国家知识产权局专利复审委员会无效 宣告请求审查决定行政纠纷案一审行政判决书(2002)一中行初字第555号,http://www.cha-tm.com/caipanwenshu/ViewInfo.asp?id=3

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