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In recent yea rs, satellite remote sensing has formed a la rge-sca le applica tionin the world. Civilia n remote sensing satellite data pla y an importa nt role in thescientific resea rch, production and ma ny other socio-economic activities, andcreate considerable benefits. Since 1999 China-Bra zil Earth Resources Satellitewas la unched successfully, China resources satellite ma rket developed rapid andsuccessful, China-Bra zil Earth Resources Satellite data has been widely used inChina's nationa l economy in ma ny areas. So a more comprehensive, scientificeva lua tion for the ind ustry applica tion eva lua tion of China-Bra zil EarthResources Satellite has great significa nce.
     Industry applica tion eva lua tion of China-Bra zil Earth Resources Satellite is acomplex issue. The resea rch put forward the the overa ll perspective for resourcessatellite ind ustry applica tion eva lua tion. Through a large number of datacollection, ana lysis , established the index system of the China-Bra zil EarthResources Satellite ind ustry applica tion eva lua tion.
     During the China-Bra zil Earth Resources Satellite ind ustry applica tioneva lua tion, involving ma ny qua lita tive factors, need to hand le a large number ofexperts’subjective informa tion. The genera l eva lua tion methods are difficult tosolve the uncertainty of the informa tion and the limita tions of expert knowled ge.To sovle this problem, this paper presents a subjective eva lua tion model based onevidence theory. Converted experts’fuzzy commments to the basic probabilitydistribution function, then use the synthetic formula of evidence theory tointegrate the information, such uncertainty more people multi-a ttribute decisionmaking problem converted into the genera l multi-a ttribute decision makingproblem.
     Finally, we obta ined the experts’fuzzy commments sets throughquestionna ire survey. Then used the subjective eva lua tion model based onevidence theory to eva lua te the ind ustry applica tion of China-Bra zil EarthResource Satellite and ana lysed the result, found ma ny mea ningful conclusionsand provided some advice for the father development of China-Bra zil Earth Resource Satellite ind ustry applica tion .
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