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Unemployment is a kind of widespread economic phenomenon under market economic system. Since the 1980s, China is facing increasingly serious problem of urban unemployment, the timely establishment of the system of unemployment insurance. However, the complexity of the situation, the severity of the unemployment problem as well as the existing unemployment insurance system by the existence of their own shortcomings, it is inevitable in the course of implementing the exposed many issues requiring urgent solution. China's unemployment insurance in-depth analysis of the supply and demand situation, the development of China's unemployment insurance status and regional differences, China's unemployment insurance and economic development, China's unemployment insurance system effects of the operation of such issues, and formulate the appropriate reform measures, and improve China's unemployment insurance system, socialism with Chinese characteristics to the healthy development of the market economy and building a harmonious society of great theoretical and practical significance.
     This paper intends to development of contemporary China's unemployment insurance system a more in-depth study. On unemployment insurance from the start with the basic theory, qualitative and quantitative analysis of a combination of the issue of China's unemployment insurance vertical and horizontal comparative study on the supply and demand of China's unemployment insurance, the unemployment insurance and economic development of the relationship between the China's unemployment insurance system, as well as the operation of an in-depth issues such as research, and focusing on the present and future periods in China, in the face of the many problems and challenges, the unemployment insurance system, how to give full play to its decentralized unemployment risk and the promotion of employment The role, which made the improvement of China's unemployment insurance system responses and recommendations. Paper is divided into four parts:
     The first part is introduction. First of all research papers on the background and significance. Second on unemployment insurance on the status quo at home and abroad, and then elaborated on content structure and research methods. Finally the paper pointed out that the innovation.
     The second part is theoretical research. Including Chapters I and II. The first chapter of the concept and types of unemployment, and unemployment insurance concept, function and type, the unemployment insurance system and the main contents of the theoretical basis of unemployment insurance and unemployment insurance in the development of the global general exposition. In the second chapter, the first of China's unemployed status more detailed analysis, pointed out that more and more urban unemployed, the new working-age population, the peak period, a large number of surplus rural labor force of migrant workers, college graduates facing structural employment problems, employment elasticity has been decreasing both unemployment and vacancy status quo; Second is the reason for China's unemployment problem from the total, structural, institutional, and conceptual aspects of the analysis; Third, it is pointed out that the social impact of unemployment that unemployment is a waste of labor resources, degradation of quality of the labor force increased polarization of rich and poor, and affecting social stability; Fourth, it is briefly introduced China's unemployment insurance system, the establishment and development of the situation, China's unemployment insurance system, the establishment and development is divided into three stages: China's unemployment insurance system start-up, China's unemployment insurance system development, China's reform of the unemployment insurance system and sound stage; The fifth is on China's unemployment insurance system, the main content; Six of the unemployment insurance system in China compared with the reference, first of all, the content compared and analyzed abroad unemployment insurance system reform and development trend of the last unemployment insurance on foreign experience and inspiration.
     The third part is empirical analysis. Including Chapter III, IV and V of chapter. Chapter III from the unemployment insurance system and the unemployment insurance fund demand and supply both the supply and demand analysis. In chapter IV, the first constructed China's unemployment insurance system of statistical indicators, including unemployment insurance system described indicators, monitoring and evaluation index system indicator system; Then use of multivariate statistical analysis of the establishment of China's unemployment insurance model dynamic development of the comprehensive analysis; Finally, the establishment of multivariate statistical analysis of the model to China in the unemployment insurance comprehensive analysis differences in the situation of the state of development. In the fifth chapter, the first through the establishment of an appropriate level of unemployment insurance coefficient of China's unemployment insurance and the level of economic development of moderation; And the level of China's economic effects of unemployment insurance analysis, respectively, the level of unemployment insurance and gross domestic product, the unemployment rate a mathematical model for analysis; Finally, the unemployment insurance on the theory of re-employment impact analysis, from the unemployment insurance impact on employment, unemployment level of protection for the unemployed insurance job-seekers of the impact of unemployment insurance on re-employment may exist in a positive role for analysis.
     The fourth part is the problem and counter-measures. Including Chapter VI, and VII of the Charter. First, Chapter VI from the adaptability of the system, effectiveness, fairness of the three aspects of China's unemployment insurance system to evaluate effects of the operation. That China's unemployment insurance system and mode of development of the era, system functions and transition situation of adaptation, system security and the level of economic development, China's unemployment insurance system has improved the social insurance system, and maintaining a stable society in transition to guarantee the basic livelihood of the unemployed, China's unemployment insurance system, the function of promoting employment inadequate funding of the employing units formed anti-employment incentives, coverage is too narrow and difficult to expand, regional and industry significantly and the unequal status of workers. Second, China's unemployment insurance system and the problems facing challenges. That China's unemployment insurance system is still inadequate to low-level co-ordination unemployment insurance, unemployment insurance premium collection difficult, the existing enterprises employment rate, and other issues. At the same time, This was followed by analysis of China's unemployment insurance system faces challenges. That China's unemployment insurance in a "group of newly unemployed", employment forms, with low-level co-ordination .Merged into the unemployment insurance for laid-off employees and standardizing the quality of low-level challenges. Chapter VII is to further improve China's unemployment insurance system responses and suggestions. The following six areas that should be reformed and improved: First, adjustment system goals; and the second is to strengthen the promotion of employment and re-employment functions; and the third is to gradually expand the coverage of unemployment insurance System, unemployment insurance establish a diversified classification model; Fourth, unemployment insurance innovative financing mechanisms. Raise the social level and co-ordinate efforts to gather funds; explore the unemployment insurance rate system innovation, appropriate adjustments to achieve the rate of accumulation of differential rates of social equity; timely introduction of the unemployment insurance tax; Fifth, it is innovation unemployment insurance fund system, the establishment of the identification of hidden employment mechanism, the establishment of a loan fund and establish a different payment system; Sixth, it is strengthen the unemployment insurance system supporting the effective functioning of the building, especially the building of the legal system to speed up the legislative process.
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