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     5.儿童的出生史:对儿童出生时的体重、身长、分娩方式以及分娩时的胎龄情况做比较,发现肥胖组儿童出生时的体重高于对照组(3514.52±524.01g vs3263.90±446.77g,P<0.001),肥胖儿童组中巨大儿所占比例明显高于对照组(15.0%vs8.8%,P<0.05),出生时身长亦大于对照组儿童(50.84±1.81cm vs50.24±1.45cm,P<0.05)。肥胖儿童组中剖宫产比例明显高于对照儿童组(72.8%vs64.2%,P<0.05)。两组在分娩时胎龄上的差异不具有统计学意义(P>0.05)。
Objective: To investigate preschool physical differences between simple obese andnormal weight children, discuss the hazard of obesity to the health of children aged3-6; Tounderstand the risk factors leading to childhood obesity and observe blood levels of leptinand adiponectin among simple obesity children in order to explore their relationship withchildhood obesity; To provide the theoretical basis for integrated intervention strategies tochildhood obesity; To establish a long-term and effective scientific model of healthpromotion and health education for obese children in the future and promote the healthdevelopment of children.
     Methods: The investigation was performed in36kindergartens of Jingzhou city andWuchang, Hankou, Jiangxia, Caidian, Dongxihu districts of Wuhan city, Hubei provincefrom August to October2011based on a cluster sampling survey. The cases enrolled werethree to six years old simple obese children according to the Children Growth Standardsmade by WHO in2006(weight-for-height≥+2SD deemed to be obese), and the controlswere health normal weight children matched by community, gender, age (±3months),height (±3centimeters). The cases and controls were interviewed with the same self-madequestionnaires by professionally trained investigator.3ml of blood samples were collectedfrom children. Serum leptin and adiponectin concentrations were detected by ELISA. Thestatistical analyses were conducted by chi-square test, t test,1:1pair conditional logisticregression, and covariance analysis.
     Results: A total of467pairs of cases and controls were investigated.
     1. Analysis of the measurement index of the child: the chest circumferences of the obese group and the control group were58.68±5.10cm and49.93±3.50cm, the waistmeasurements of the obese group and the control group were60.61±6.85cm and50.78±3.12cm, the hiplines were66.06±5.12cm and55.60±3.50cm, the systolic and dilatepressure of the two groups were95.39±9.22mmHg and87.76±6.72mmHg,62.06±6.25mmHg and58.49±6.13mmHg; the Skinfold Thickness of the obese group andthe control group were8.64±3.06mm and6.19±1.26mm (bicipital muscle),13.27±3.76mmand8.14±1.89mm (abdomen),19.41±3.46mm and11.12±2.95mm (thigh),10.03±2.85mmand6.66±1.45mm (subscapular),12.11±3.58mm and7.58±2.28mm (waist). Themeasurement differences between the two groups were statistically significant (P<0.001).The hemoglobin values, adiponectin levels, and leptin levels of the obese group and thecontrol group were126.07±9.21g/L and123.12±8.89g/L,8.93±5.11mg/L and13.60±5.81mg/L,11.65±4.98μg/L and3.89±2.33μg/L. The measurement differencesbetween the two groups were statistically significant (P<0.05).
     2. The family characteristics: the childbearing age of the mothers in the obese groupand the control group were27.02±3.85years and26.41±3.80years, the difference hadstatistical significance (t=2.453, P<0.05). The childbearing age of the fathers in the obesegroup and the control group were28.92±4.88years and29.34±4.47years, the differencehad no statistical significance (P>0.05). The education level of the mothers in the obesegroup and the control group were mainly undergraduates which accounted for39.5%and50.1%respectively. The education level of the fathers in the obese group and the controlgroup were mainly undergraduates which accounted for54.6%and55.2%respectively. Themothers in the obese group and the control group were mainly business or service personnel,which accounted for35.8%and34.0%respectively. The fathers in the obese group and thecontrol group were mainly technical personnel, which accounted for35.8%and33.4%respectively. These differences showed no statistical significance. The family incomes ofthe obese group and the control group were concentrated distributed at2000-<2500Yuanand2500-<3000Yuan, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).
     3. Children's personality traits and living habits: Analysis of character, eating behavior(breakfast, food preferences, bedtime snacks, times of meal a day, frequency of having fastfood, snacks intake and eating speed, etc.), physical activity (sedentary static behavior, activity time, etc.) and sleep time in obese and control groups. There were significantdifferences of partiality for sweets (P=0.048) and meat (P=0.000), times of meal a day(P=0.000), eating speed (P=0.000), time of watching TV (P=0.000) and activity time(P=0.001) in both groups.
     4. Pregnancy: We analyzed the parents' BMI, smoking/drinking, abnormal gestationand birth, first trimester vaginal bleeding or injury, mothers' living habits (categories offood intake, emotional state, activity, sleeping time and etc), change of weight and diseasesduring pregnancy in both groups. Mothers' BMI of the obese group and the control groupwere22.29±2.89and21.23±2.53(t=5.908, P<0.001), fathers' BMI were24.29±3.17and23.20±2.79(t=5.386, P<0.001), weight gain during pregnancy were17.26±6.34Kg and14.93±5.98Kg(t=5.658, P<0.001). The difference of intake of bean products (P<0.001) andsweets (P<0.05), sleeping time (P<0.05) and emotional state (P<0.05) in both groups werestatistically significant.
     5. The children's birth history: we analyzed the weight, length, mode of delivery andgestational age. We found that birth weight of the babies in the obese group were heavierthan the control group (3514.52±524.01g vs.3263.90±446.77g). The proportion ofmacrosomia in the obese group was obviously higher than that in control group (15.0%vs.8.8%). We also found analogous results about their height in both group (50.84±1.81cm vs.50.24±1.45cm). The proportion of cesarean section in obesity group was significantlyhigher than the control group (72.8%vs.64.2%). There was no significant difference withgestational age between the two groups (P>0.05).
     6. Feeding history of children: In the obese group, there were282children hadbreastfeeding history (60.4%),107children had mixed feeding (22.9%) and78children hadformula feeding (16.7%). In the control group, there were315children had breastfeedinghistory (67.5%),97children had mixed feeding (20.8%),55children had artificial feeding(11.8%). The proportion of breastfeeding children was obviously lower than the controlgroup(60.4%vs.67.5%, P<0.05). The proportion of breastfeeding for6or more months inthe obese group was significantly lower than control group (43.7%vs.51.9%, P<0.05).There were differences of the first time to have supplementary food (P=0.046) and solidcomplementary (P=0.010) in these two groups.
     7. Parents' awareness of children obesity related knowledge: Whether parents knowthe body mass index (BMI)(P=0.040) and attitudes of childhood obesity (P=0.019) in thesetwo groups had significant differences.
     8. Analysis of obesity affects factors: According to the multifactor conditional logisticregression analysis, Children partiality for meat (OR=1.713), daily TV time>3h(OR=7.820), mother's BMI≥24(OR=3.884), the father's BMI≥24(OR=3.905), birth weight≥4000g (OR=2.108), weight gain at13to20kg during pregnancy (OR=1.960), weightgain>20kg during pregnancy (OR=5.147), leptin level>10.45μg/L (OR=2.697) wereassociated with a higher childhood obesity risk. Average household income per head at2500-<3000Yua n (OR=0.183), and average household income per head≥3000Yua n(OR=0.135), slower eating speed of children (OR=0.471), often ingest beans and itsproducts during pregnancy (OR=0.406), time of breastfeeding≥6months(OR=0.486), firsttime to have supplementary food in4to6months (OR=0.383), first time to havesupplementary food>6months(OR=0.355), leptin level <4.40μg/L(OR=0.516), parentsknew more than3reasons that cause childhood obesity(OR=0.222) proved to be protectorfactors against childhood obesity.
     9. Duration of breast-feeding and leptin and adiponectin levels of children: Thechildren's serum leptin level was lower than bottle feeding ones when they breastfed for4-<6months or≥6months. The difference had statistical significance (P<0.05). Thedifference of adiponectin level showed no statistical significance (P>0.05).
     Conclusions: Environmental factors and serum leptin level have influence on thesimple obesity of children aged3-6.
     1. The reflection of childhood obesity is not just on the higher and weight, excessiveamount of fat accumulates in different parts of the body. Obesity has been showncardiovascular risks on the children under3-6years old.
     2. There are many factors influencing the obesity of preschool children, and children'sunhealthy diet and lifestyle are the main causes. What's more, the childhood obesity isclosely related to the weights of their parents, children with parents of overweight are proneto be obese. Mothers' diet, weight gain during pregnancy, breastfeeding, the time to supplycomplementary food, knowledge of parents to childhood obesity, family economic situations are the influencing factors of childhood obesity.
     3. There is lower level of serum adiponectin and higher leptin level (leptin resistance)in obese children, prolonged breastfeeding could reduce serum leptin level in children.
     4. Emphasis on prevention of obesity in children is needed; parents should receivescientific family feeding knowledge to help children establish healthy dietary habits inorder to eliminate obesity eventually.
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