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本文是一篇研究ODR(英文全称为Online Alternative Dispute Resolution;Online Dispute Resolution,笔者将之译为“在线替代性纠纷解决机制”)的博士论文。文章以“ODR概述(ODR是什么)——ODR的运行——ODR运行的价值——ODR运行的缺陷——我国ODR的完善”为主线,把本论文分为了5章。
This doctoral dissertation is a research of ODR (in English called the Online Alternative Dispute Resolution; Online Dispute Resolution, I would translate it "on-line alternative dispute resolution mechanisms").The dissertation put "what is ODR-the operation of ODR-the value of operation of ODR-the defect of operation of ODR-the perfection of ODR in our country" as the main line, and is divided into 5 chapters.
     ChapterⅠ:an overview of ODR. In this chapter, the author briefly introduce " what is ODR " from a macro point of view. Network civil disputes rapidly grow with the rapid development of network economy. The use of litigation and ADR to resolve these civil disputes will encounter jurisdiction dilemma, judgment difficult to enforced, conflicts between benefit and cost in dispute resolution, etc. To reply challenge from network civil disputes, defuse predicament in the traditional dispute resolution methods, and realize the assumption of "network disputes onlining resolve", a mechanism called ODR emerged.ODR cites the principle of ADR. To correctly distinguish ADR and ODR, we must consider online technology or dis-online technology in the role of the settlement of disputes. If the main process of the dispute resolution is to rely on online technology, we call it ODR, otherwise online technology can only be an auxiliary means of ADR to resolve disputes. ODR does not include online litigation and the court's online mediation. Online consultations, online mediation and online arbitration are generally reviewed belong to the scope of ODR. The online consultation can be divided into aid-oriented online consultation and automatic-oriented online consultation. The online mediation can be divided into aid-oriented online mediation and automatic-oriented online mediation. The online arbitration can be divided into the formal online arbitration and informal online arbitration. ODR is an alternative and diversion mechanism to the litigation and ADR.
     ChapterⅡ:the operation of ODR. This chapter research the operation of ODR from the points of award process and implementation process. Before the research to these two processes, the author explores the basic institution to the operation the ODR. In theory, the scope of accepting cases in ODR is very broad. However, we found that in practice there is only part of civil disputes suitable for ODR to resolve:the civil disputes which meeting cost more than the benefit to the resolution of civil disputes, the civil disputes which only have the monetary claim, the civil disputes which with significant advantages to use network technology, the civil disputes which can achieve the self-regulation in the internet industry, the civil disputes which with the special purpose to the parties. The main form of obtaining jurisdiction to ODR web site is under the jurisdiction agreement. The exclusive jurisdiction of ODR is generally the member of self-regulatory organization or the network management organization, they must select a designated site under the jurisdiction of the ODR. The establish body of ODR sites mostly are businessmen, ODR sites are mostly legal person with enterprise nature, they survive based on providing dispute resolution service to obtain profit, but the neutrality of the ODR was negatively impacted because of the commercial mode of operation of the ODR web site. To eliminate this negative impact, we can inject liquidity into the ODR website by government, grant loans from commercial banks, adopt peremptory challenge to enterprises which pay membership fees. In the practice of ODR, we will find that it is difficult to determine the identity of the parties. In the virtual environment of ODR, an adult participates the ODR process by anonymous to resolve their own disputes, it is accord with the due process. For persons without legal capacity, the award made by the ODR web site is effective if it is beneficial to them, and is invalid if it is adverse to them when the legal agent refuse to ratify. Generally, it is still transparency insufficient in the existing ODR sites, and still need to promote the opening extent in the process of ODR, especially for the award.
     The adjudication process of ODR is basic, voluntary, legitimate, variable, etc. Procedural justice is still the first value objective in ODR. To pursuit efficiency is an important feature in ODR. We should base on the basic procedural justice to promote the efficiency in dispute resolution, and it is the bottom line to the efficiency promotion in ODR. Online service and online file transfer can basically ensure the needs of information exchange. The ways of hearing of ODR take adjudication by record as principle and trial as an exception. In the award process of ODR, the adjudicator can umpire beyond the parties'claim and investigate under their own decisions. It is unnecessary to design an appeal procedure for ODR award.
     Because people do not trust for the virtual environment as well as the flexibility of ODR process, there is only one ODR site have enforcement power for the award in the world. The author assume, we can give the award of ODR enforcement power if fulfil the following conditions:the award of ODR is domestic, the ODR web site certificate, the award of ODR certificate, the parties apply for enforcement to the court of competent jurisdiction within the statutory time limit. The enforcement of the network community include direct enforcement and indirect enforcement of the network community. The indirect enforcement of the network community include the indirect the mechanism of the trust mark, rate and comment system, reputation management system, blacklist system and the market mechanism to expel. The enforcement of social forces include escrow system, deposit system, belated payment system, subrogation implement mechanism, the award enforcement fund system and the insurance system. In the three kinds of ODR award enforcement mechanisms of judiciary, network communities and social forces, we suggest to use the power of network communities firstly, and then consider whether it fits the conditions for the judicial enforcement when the power of network communities can't enforce, finally consider to use the forces of society to enforce the award of ODR.
     ChapterⅢ:the value of ODR. The traditional approach to resolve network civil disputes always encounter the problems such as meeting costs higher than the target amount, especially in the small amount and B2C e-commerce disputes with long-distance. The ODR is the most suitable mechanism for resolution of network civil disputes. It has the advantages with specialized personnel, extremely convenient in record-keeping and flexibility in process. It can avoid the strength differences between the parties and reduce the costs in the dispute resolutions when the parties chose to use the ODR mechanism to resolve the B2C disputes. These advantages in the ODR are mainly brought about by network information technology, so the network information technology tools has a great significance. With a wide range of information technology, comprehensive and easy to get, the information management system is not only able to provide information exchange, storage, a clear point of contention, and even be able to directly give the results of dispute settlement. Because decisions without third-party participants will be able to resolve disputes, technical capabilities are known as the "fourth party."
     With the empirical observation of the number of Accepting Cases to finishing Cases then to carrying out the ruling rate of ODR, we can see that ODR has played a significant traffic diversion. ODR is the largest area under the jurisdiction cases of B2C e-commerce disputes, while the B2C e-commerce disputes, the most appropriate solution is online mediation. ODR of the most successful example is the domain name ODR, such websites have the case source of stability, ease of implementation of decisions, expert referees, referees quick and efficient, low-cost advantages, but with its shortcomings of the limited admissibility of cases and limited responsibility means. With ruling gained recognition, Most of the world ODR domain name website is going out of the crisis of confidence.
     ChapterⅣ:the defects of ODR. ODR mechanism to play its value at the same time, we must face up to its shortcomings. this value proposition of ODR mechanism is bound to make the existence of defects, because of this defect is caused by ODR's value proposition, so I called the inherent defects in ODR. The inherent shortcomings include the limit of their own values as well as the double-edged nature of technology tools. The limit of their value mainly refers to the limit of the admissibility of cases and the limit of of providing remedies way. The double-edged nature of technical tools mainly is a technical tool for convenience and risk of the same in, security and complexity of the same in, ease and convenience of fraud of the same in.In addition to the inherent shortcomings, ODR have many difficulties in actual operation,which are lack of trust, difficulty of access to justice, abuse of standards of practice. But the difficulties can be mitigated and even eliminated.
     Chapter V:our ODR mechanism for the improvement. Civil disputes in China's surge in the network need to grow our ODR, but only 2 ODR providers:ChinaODR, Domain Name Dispute Resolution Center, and the general poor running condition. ODR is behind the practice because of lower moral character of China's Internet users, ODR distrust, no publicity, the absence of the role of government.
     Perfecting the ODR include to establish trust worthy ODR web site;To expand the case to resolve the source of China's crisis of survival of ODR sites and expand the specific case of the source path is to build a model of the ODR web site dispute prevention mechanisms to achieve inter-site links and the ODR to achieve internal and external links between ODR to achieve the Court and the ODR Web site links between achieving judicial and administrative authorities and the external links between ODR sites.To ensure convergence of the surrounding systems, specifically including small amounts of e-commerce disputes engaging in conciliation pre-ism, giving the effect of interruption of the limitation of ODR ruling, giving the parties the right to stop consensually the proceedings. Our government can not too excessively involve in ODR, but my ODR can not develop without government support. government support is mainly manifested in the establishment of ODR sites demonstration, the ODR web site certification, publicity ODR, etc. Our ODR ultimate goal is to build community-driven, government-involved, court -harmonied of the ODR.
    6[美]Eoghan Casey:《数字证据与计算机犯罪》,陈圣琳等译,北京:电子工业出版社,2004年版,第113页。
    10 Lucille M. Ponte and Thomas D. Cavenagh, CyberJustice:online dispute resolution (ODR) for e-commerce,Pearson Prentice Hall Press,2004,P.36.
    11 ibid.,P.31.
    46 Internet Usa ge Statistics(2009),Internet World Stats, http://www.internetworldstats.com/stats.htm
    47至于每年有多少件网络民事纠纷,以及网络民事纠纷准确的增长率,是一个不得而知的数字,也许永远没有答案的。不过根据世界上最成功的域名ODR网站WIPO每年受理的域名纠纷案件数可窥一斑。资料来源http://www.wipo.int/pressroom/zh/articles/2008/article 0015.html
    49 Marc Galanter, "The Vanishing Trial:An Examination of Trials and Related Matters in Federal and State Courts", http://marcgalanter.net/Documents/papers/thevanishingtrial.pdf
    55 Lucille M. Ponte and Thomas D. Cavenagh, CyberJustice:online dispute resolution (ODR) for e-commerce.Pearson Prentice Hall Press,2004,P.25.
    73 Julia Hornle, "Online Dispute Resolution-The Emperor's New Clothes?Benefits and Pitfalls of Online Dispute Resolution and its Application to Commercial Arbitration," 17th BILETA Annual Conference.2002, P.1.
    95 V. Bonnet, "Online Dispute Resolution Systems as Web Services", P.1. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/; Ethan Katsh and Janet Rifkin, Online dispute resolution:resolving conflicts in cyberspace, Jossey-Bass Press,2001,p.4.
    96 Thomas Schultz,前注70,p.3.
    97 United Nation Commission on International Trade Law, Report of the Working Group on Arbitration on the work of its thirty-four session,New York 21 May—1 Ju ne 2001, para.7.
    104李礼仲:“网路仲裁—电子商务纠纷及跨国电子商务纠纷之解决机制”,http://www.eusa-taiwan.org/active report.
    108这是笔者的观点,也有学者认为Online Dispute Resolution和Online Alternative Dispute Resolution内涵不一致。详见Graham Ross,前注63.
    113 Ljiljana Biukovic, "International Commercial Arbitration in Cyberspace:Recent Developments," Journal of International Law & Business, Spring 2002, p.3351.
    116根据笔者的研究,国际上提供过正式在线仲裁服务的ODR机构很少,主要有英国皇家仲裁院协会(the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators)和加拿大的诺华电子裁判庭(NovaForum—ElectronicCourthouse),其它的ODR裁决均没有司法强制执行力,当事人均可以再起诉到法院。但是NovaForum—ElectronicCourthouse已不存在了,甚至以之为关键词在Google上也搜不出一条相关内容。
    117 Douglas Walton and David M. Godden, "Persuasion dialogue in online dispute resolution, "Artificial Intelligence and Law.2006, P.2.
    124 SquareTrade.Com系一个ODR网站,其网址http://www.squaretrade.com/cnt/jsp/index.jsp
    126王聪裕:“数位化商品在网路交易之规范——以美国统一电脑资讯交易法为中心”,中国文化大学硕士论文,2003年12月,第80页。Louise Ellen Teitz, "Providing Legal Services for the Midddle Class in Cyberspace:the Promise and Challenge Of Online Dispute Resolution",70 Fordham L. Rev.985,2001,PP.990-992.
    127 Progress of transnational online dispute resolution, International Forum on EC trust(taibei), http://papers.ssm. com/sol3/
    128 www.cybersettle.com
    129 M.Scott Donahey, "Current Development in Online Dispute Resolution", Journal of International Arbitration,1999,P.117.
    130进入SettlementOnline的主网页,三十秒后会主动转至Cybersettl e的主网页,而clickNsettle网站,已改为国家调解与仲裁服务(National Arbitration and Mediation, NAM)。
    132 Thomas Schultz,前引70,P.2.
    144 Thomas Schultz,前注70,P.7。
    156详见Thomas Schultz,前注147.
    158 Janet Rifkin, "Online Dispute Resolution:Theory and Practiceof the Fourth Party", Conflict Resolution Quarterly.2001. Fall,19(1), P.118.
    159 Lucille M. Ponte and Thomas D. Cavenagh, Cyberjustice:online dispute resolution for e-commerce, Prentice Hall Press,2004, p.67.
    160 Melissa Conley Tyler, "115 and Counting:The State of ODR 2004", http://www.odr.info/unforum2004/ConleyTyler.htm
    161 Katsh Ethan and Wing Leah, Ten Years of Online Dispute Resolution (ODR):Looking at the Past and Constructing the Future",38 U.TOL.L. REV,2006, P.19.
    165 Addressing Disputes In Electronic Commerce——Final Report and Recommendations of The American Bar Association's Task Force on Electronic Commerce and Alternative Dispute Resolution, ABA,2002, P.24. http://www. law.washington.edu/ABA-eADR/
    167更多有关BBBonline的介绍,详见Steven J Cole and Charles I. Underhill, "Protecting Consumers in Cross-Border Transactions:A Comprehensive Model for Alternative Dispute Resolution, Better Business Bureau," 2000, http://www.ilpf.org/events/jurisdiction2/.加入BBBonline认证标章机制的商业网站,在美国就有10000多个,详见Vincent Tilman, "Online Confidence:A New Tool for Resolving Disputes Online", http://www.ombuds.org/center/
    176 ibid,P.12.
    217 Morek Rafal前注215,P.8.
    237对于ODR网站来说,虽然每年解决的B2C纠纷占了很大的比例,但是解决B2C纠纷没有太大的经济效益。详见Dr Lee A Bygrave, "Online Dispute Resolution-What it Means for Consumers", P.5. http://folk.uio.no/lee/oldpage/articles/Bygrave ODR.pdf
    238 Consumers International,前注74,P.4.
    239 Consumers International:前注74,P.8.
    240 Dr Lee A Bygrave,前注237,P.9.
    241 Cybersettle, http://www.cybersettle.com/pub/home/about.aspx
    243 Consumers International,前注 74, P.9. 244 VAMG的资金最初由Villanova University支持最后转到由Chicago-Kent Law School支持,而Online Ombuds Office最初由National Center for Automated Information Research提供资金支持, eResolution的前身Cybertribunal由University of Montreal提供资金支持, Resolution Forum由South West Texas提供资金支持。详见Ethan Katsh, "The New Froniter Online ADR becoming a global priority", Dispute Resolution Magazine, Winter 2000, P.7.
    266 Lucille M. Ponte and Thomas D. Cavenagh, CyberJustice:online dispute resolution (ODR) for e-commerce,Pearson Prentice Hall Press,2004,P.33.
    269 Dr Lee A Bygrave, "Online Dispute Resolution- What it Means for Consumers", P.4. http://folk.uio.no/lee/oldpage/articles/Bygrave_ODR.pdfo
    270 Consumers International:"Disputes in cyberspace 2001",P.8.
    272 Dr Lee A Bygrave, "Online Dispute Resolution- What it Means for Consumers", P.5. http://folk.uio.no/lee/oldpage/articles/Bygrave_ODR.pdfo
    282 Lucille M. Ponte and Thomas D. Cavenagh, CyberJustice:online dispute resolution (ODR) for e-commerce,Pearson Prentice Hall Press,2001,P.27.
    285详见以下著作:章武生等:《司法现代化与民事诉讼制度的建构》,北京:法律出版社,2000年版,第142页。汤维建、单国军:《香港民事诉讼法》,郑州:河南人民出版社,1997年版,第16-17页。常怡主编:《比较民事诉讼法》,北京:中国政法大学出版社,2002年版,第95页。[英]戴维·M·沃克:《牛津法律大词典》,李双元等译,北京:法律出版社,2003年版,第668页。[英]丹宁:《法律的训诫》,刘庸安等译,北京:法律出版社,1999年版,第96页。[美]詹姆斯·M.伯恩斯等:《民治政府》,陆震纶等译,北京:中国社会科学出版社,1996版,第210页。[美]Michael D. Bayles:《程序正义》,邓海平译,北京:高等教育出版社,2005年版,第24页。[日]谷口安平:《程序的正义与诉讼》,王亚新、刘荣军译,北京:中国政法大学出版社,1996年版,第13页
    322 Lucille M. Ponte and Thomas D. Cavenagh, CyberJustice:online dispute resolution (ODR) for e-commerce.Pearson Prentice Hall Press,2004,P.33.
    325 Consumers International,前注74,P.13.
    349 Thomas Schultz,前注 70, P.8.
    350 Building Trust in the Online Environment:Business-to-Consumer Dispute Resolution, OECD,2001,2. http://www.olis.oecd.org/olis/2001doc.nsf/LinkTo/DSTI-ICCP-REG-CP(2001)2
    351 Thomas Schultz,前注147.
    352 Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler and Thomas Schultz, Online dispute resolution:challenges for contemporary justice, Kluwer Law International Publishers.2002, p.223.
    353 Wiliam Krause, "Do You Want to Step Outside? An Overview of Online Alternative Dispute Resolution",19 The John Marshall Journal of Computer&Information Law, Spring,2001,P.476. http://www.jcil.org/journal/articles/179.html
    354原文是"The main challenge for online arbitration is that if judicial enforcement is required then it partly defeats the purpose of having an online process. Alternatively, some processes have developed self-enforcement mechanisms such as technical enforcements, black lists and trustmarks”详见http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Online_dispute_resolution.
    360 ODR裁决书的认证是一个双方合意行为,如果有一方拒绝参加ODR裁决书的认证,则该认证程序不能启动。
    362Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler and Thomas Schultz, Online dispute resolution:challenges for contemporary justice, Kluwer Law International Publishers,2002, P.214.
    371原文为:"Cyberspace is regulated by different coercive powers:legal sanctions, economic forces(the market),social norms, and computer code",详见Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler and Thomas Schultz, Online dispute resolution:challenges for contemporary justice, Kluwer Law International Publishers,2002, P.224.
    372 ODR裁决利用实体世界的强制执行办法来执行仅仅是一个过渡。详见王聪裕:“数位化商品在网路交易之规范——以美国统一电脑资讯交易法为中心”,中国文化大学硕士论文,2003年12月,第106页。
    374 Steve Abernethy,前注7,P.2.
    392 Aashit Shah, "Using ADR to Resolve Online Disputes", http://www.law.richmond.edu/
    399Rafal Morek,前注205,P.7.
    402 Perritt H.Henry, "Dispute resolution in cyberspace:Demand for New Forms of ADR",15 OHIO ST. J. ON DISP. RESOL 2000, P.675.
    403 David R.Johnson, " Screening the Future for Virtual ADR, Dispute Resolution Journal",51 DISP. RESOL. J.1996. Manevy Isabelle, "Online dispute resolution:what future? ", http://www.ombuds.org/cyberweek2002/manevy_odr01.pdf
    405 Lide and E. Casey, "ADR and Cyberspace:The Role of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Online Commerce, Intellectual Property and Defamation",12 OHIO ST. J. ON DISP. RESOL,1996, P.220.
    423 Ethan Katsh, "the new frontier Online ADR becoming a global priority", Dispute Resolution Magazine, Winter 2000, P.7.
    424 Graham Ross,前注63,p.10.徐继强:“在线纠纷解决机制(ODR)的兴起与我国的应对”,《甘肃政法学院学报》,2001年第6期,第34页。
    425 Julia Hornle,前注73,p.5.
    426 Ethan Katsh and Janet Rifkin, Online dispute resolution:resolving conflicts in cyberspace, Jossey-Bass Press,2001, p.137.
    427 Alan L.Limbury,前注85,PP.5—6.
    428 Dr Eugene Clark and Arthur Hoyle,"On-line Dispute Resolution:Present Realities and Future Prospects",17th BILETA Annual Conference, April 5th-6th,2002, P.1.
    429而ADR机制也利用信息技术手段(如电话、传真、Email等)来完成纠纷的解决,因此每种纠纷解决机制均运用了各种纠纷解决工具。由于2者的纠纷解决工具将会更加的融合,Rule认为在将来区分ADR和ODR将变得更困难,详见Colin Rule, Online Dispute Resolution for Business:B2B, Ecommerce. Consumer, Employment, Insurance, and Other Commercial Conflicts,Jossey-bass Press,2002,p.24.
    410 Daewon Choi, "Online Dispute Resolution:Issues and Future Directions", Proceedings of the UNECE Forum on ODR 2003,P.2. http://www.odr,info/unece2003
    431 Ethan Katsh认为除了当事人双方、中立第三人外,网络信息技术甚至无需要人为参加就可以解决纠纷,因此称之为“第四方”,详见Ethan Katsh and Janet Rifkin, Online dispute resolution:resolving conflicts in cyberspace, Jossey-Bass Press,2001, p.93.
    432 Rifkin Janet, "Online Dispute Resolution:Theory and Practice of the Fourth Party",19 Conflict Resolution Quarterly, Fall 2001, p.117.
    433 Douglas Walton and David M. Godden, "Persuasion dialogue in online dispute resolution",Artificial Intelligence and Law,2006, P.6.
    434 Ethan Katsh, "Online Dispute Resolution:The Next Phase", http://www.lex-electronica.org/articles/v7-2/katsh.htm
    435 Ethan Katsh前注418,P.5.
    436 Ethan Katsh和Janet Rifkin的该研究成果的详细介绍将放在第五章。
    437 Ethan Katsh,前注418,P.8.
    438 Ethan Katsh and Janet Rifkin. Online dispute resolution:resolving conflicts in cyberspace, Jossey-Bass Press,2001. p. 75.
    439 ibid,p.77.
    455 Melissa Conley Tyler and Di Bretherton,前注175,P.9.
    501这实质上是我们前文所言的半强制性管辖权。详见Dr Lee A Bygrave,前注80,P.7.
    502虽然二十五份“申请书”的被申请人均拒绝参加Vitural Magistrate的纠纷解决程序,但是在Tierney vs. America Online案中,Vitural Magistrate在Tierney缺席的情形下做出了裁决书。实质上这是Vitural Magistrate审理的唯一的一个案子。
    503 ODR的运行主要依靠当事人的道德、理性,而对于道德水平低下,甚至心存欺诈的当事人,ODR根本无法取得案件的管辖权。
    510 Colin Rule, Online Dispute Resolution for Business, Jossey-Bass Press.2002, p.81.
    538打着使用ODR的幌子,行盗取对方诉讼资料之实,详见Dr Lee A Bygrave,前注80,P.4.
    539 Consumers International,前注74,P10。
    548Consumers International,前注74,P.12.
    555中国互联网络信息中心:《中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》, 2009年7月,第25页。
    576其它的书要么没有,要么显示在定购中,收集到的这4本书是:Online dispute resolution:challenges for contemporary justice; CyberJustice:online dispute resolution (ODR) for e-commerce; Online Dispute Resolution for Business-B2B, E-Commerce, Consumer, Employment, Insurance, and Other Commercial Conflicts; Online dispute resolution:resolving conflicts in cyberspace。
    636 Consumers International,前注74,P.9.
    637 Consumers International,前注74,P.10.
    638 Consumers International,前注74,P.11.
    640 Alternative Dispute Resolution for Consumer Transactions in a Borderless Online Marketplace, U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S.Federal Trade Commission,2000, http://www.smartsettle.com/news-and-events/
    645 Katsh Ethan, "Bringing Online Dispute Resolution to Virtual Worlds:Creating Processes Through Code", P.275. http://www.nyls.edu/user files/1/3/4/17/49/v49n 1 p271-291.pdf
    646 Lucille M. Ponte and Thomas D. Cavenagh, CyberJustice:online dispute resolution (ODR) for e-commerce.Pearson Prentice Hall Press,2004, P.36.
    647 ibid,P.28.
    [11][美]Eoghan Casey:《数字证据与计算机犯罪》,陈圣琳等译,北京:电子工业出版社,2004年版。
    [28][美]Michael D.Bayles:《程序正义》,邓海平译,北京:高等教育出版社,2005年版。
    [43]广州仲裁委员会召开电子商务发展现状及其纠纷解决机制研讨会,http://www.gzac.org/info_view.asp?VID= 1621
    [46]《上海市电子商务发展报告(2007-2008年)》,http://www.smbpc.org/content.jsp?id= 1177
    [49]刘静怡:“从ICANN (The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers)的成形与发展看网际网路公共资源分配机制的政策与法律问题:1998至1999的国际趋势观察和省思”,http://my.nthu.edu.tw
    [1]Colin Rule, Online Dispute Resolution for Business:B2B, Ecommerce, Consumer, Employment, Insurance, and Other Commercial Conflicts,Jossey-bass Press,2002.
    [2]Ethan Katsh and Janet Rifkin, Online dispute resolution:resolving conflicts in cyberspace, Jossey-Bass Press,2001.
    [3]Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler and Thomas Schultz,Online dispute resolution:challenges for contemporary justice,Kluwer Law International Publishers,2002.
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