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At present, with the introduction of bidding system for procurement in the university libraries, an increasing number of colleges and universities began to pay attention to the tendering process for the evaluation of suppliers. As one type of literatures, periodicals, especially foreign-language periodicals, have got the attention of teachers and students because of its new and informative contents which show the latest developments and the newest scientific research achievements. And the foreign-language periodicals play an important supportive role in teaching and researches for most universities.
     In the procurement process of foreign-language periodicals, the determination of funding and suppliers plays a vital role in the quantity and quality of procurement. However, in the process of selecting suppliers for foreign-language periodicals, most colleges and universities have not formulated a better evaluation system, only through the subjective and man-made evaluation to make a choice. At the same time, for the overall funds of foreign-language periodicals for procurement, they only follow the experience based on historical data to determine the proportion of the funds among books, periodicals and electronic resources every year, and then determine the total amount of funds for foreign-language periodicals. Therefore, in this case, how to determine the proportion of the funds among books, periodicals and electronic resources quantitatively according to the readers ' demands, as well as how to establish a scientific, reasonable and effective supplier evaluation index system, then become a topic worthy of study.
     In this thesis, a large number of domestic and international literatures were studied. The author did field research to understand the process of procurement in the Harbin Institute of Technology Library, and had a discussion with the procurement experts to share their practical experience. On this basis, this thesis summed up the various types of supplier evaluation indicators, and studied the comprehensive evaluation methods and related issues. This thesis attempts to establish a theoretical supplier evaluation index system to guide the procurement for foreign-language periodicals in university libraries in China.
     First of all, this thesis has established the optimal funds allocation model based on the cooperative game theory and used Shapley value method to solve the problem. By investigating 1000 readers of Harbin Institute of Technology Library, this thesis provided the data for solving the optimal funds allocation model, and then seek the procurement funds for foreign- language periodicals.
     Secondly, this thesis used the Delphi method to establish a preliminary supplier evaluation index system for foreign-language periodicals. Through statistical analysis by experts and selecting the key indicators, the thesis established supplier evaluation index system of foreign-language periodicals. Then the supplier data of foreign-language periodicals in Harbin Institute of Technology Library were used to establish the initial weight set of the supplier evaluation index system with AHP. And then this thesis set the weight adjustment to the initial weight set with entropy weight method, and ultimately a more accurate, complete and objective supplier evaluation index system for foreign- language periodicals was established.
     Finally, this thesis made a comparative analysis with the achievements of other colleges and universities, and found that the optimal funds allocation model had advantages of paying attention to the readers’demand, combination of qualitative methods, simple calculation and so on. The contents and weights of the supplier evaluation index system for foreign-language periodicals have a strong applicability, and can be promoted in University Libraries. .
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