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     利用基因重组技术,将全长序列的hTGFβ_1构建至能直接在骨骼肌细胞中进行基因表达的特殊载体PCMV_4中,得到新的真核表达载体PCMV_4-TGFβ_1。将其裸DNA直接注入Ⅱ°烫伤大鼠体内,用以探讨基因治疗在促进烧伤创面愈合和控制后期瘢痕形成中的作用,探索其作为核酸疫苗的可行性,为临床治疗寻求新的突破口。即用xba Ⅰ和Hind Ⅲ双酶切hTGFβ_1 cDNA全长序列,回收获得1.36Kb的片断。用相同的酶双酶切
Burn is a kind of common illness, management of whose surface of wound should span the whole course of treatment. The only reliable criterion for assessing the level of treatment is the speed and quality of healing of wound. Due to inadequacy in study of the mechanism of healing of burn and scarring that follows and inadequacy in study of the contributing factors, further elevation of the level of treatment of burn is delayed to some extent. Burn not only makes patients physically and mentally suffer tremendously, also imposes a heavy economic burden on their families and society. Scholars at home and abroad have done a lot of work in recent years, but to date no satisfactory development has been achieved yet in speeding up of healing of the wound and effective control of scarring that follows.
    To overcome the shortcomings in preparation of scald model, a new ideal instrument, constant-temperature constant-pressure electric scalding device, is developed. Using this device, models of scald of varying degree were prepared on mice and rats. It was found that, under conditions of 80℃ in temperature and 0.5Kg in pressure, the times required for creating superficial second-degree scald, deep second-
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