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Referring to Chinese current rural environmental protection, the famers have the closest relation with the rural ecological environment, so to a large extent the actions taken by them will affect the resolution to the rural environmental problems and environmental protection. Though investigation , the author find that it is actually ture, why do famers damage the environment? How to utilize current authority resource to control fammers’destructive behaviour?
     Based on the logic of famers’actions in Jiujing town on farmland, water, fertilizers, pesticides and pollution of the living environment issues, this paper takes demonstration investigation to study those environmental problems from the relationship between farmers’individual ration and collective non-ration. Draw on relevant collective action theory on how to step out the plight of collective action, this paper analyzes the organization resources which can influence the farmers’action logic. On this basis , exploring the fully utilized organization resources to make sure that the existing environmental rugulations will play an effective role, which will lead to step out of collective action dilemma in rural environmental protection.
     The paper contain four aspects as following , firstly, through the gradual study on performances and incentives of farmers in Jiujing town during the process of polluting land, water, fertilizers, pesticides and living environment, it points out that the rational actions of individual farmers lead to the irrational collective behavior, which caused or exacerbated the rural environmental problems. Secondly, considering that the individual rational actions of farmers lead to non-rational collective behaviors, the rural environmental protection should start from the angle of social control. The mixed bureaucracy of charisma and legal authority of political, village committee’s effective management and the close network of villagers have an important impact on farmers’logic of action. As much as the current social control in Jiujing town, it has a good organizational foundation to carry out environmental protection, and it also provides effective social control over the villagers. Thirdly, even though such a good organization foundation does not work effectively in controlling farmers’ environmental destructive behaviour, it provides a broader space for introducing the environmental systm into the social control over the rural environmental protection. Therefore, it urgently needs to take effective approach to make fully use of the existing organization foundation to achieve farmers’collective action in environmental protection. Finally, through embedding farmers’ration when dealing with the relationship of farmers and the environment, basing on selective incentive mechanism to check the work of village cadres in environmental protection and to control farmers’envirionmental destructive action, and making full use of villagers’network, which belongs to the social capital, to control farmers’envirionmental destructive action, this paper proposes some solutions to rural environmental problems.
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