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白内障是当今社会首要的致盲眼病之一,现在世界上大约有2千万人是由于白内障而致盲,在我国白内障也是引起失明的最主要的眼病,目前仍以手术为主要复明措施。但术后残留的人晶体上皮细胞(HLECs)在晶体后囊增殖、移行,许多病人逐渐发生后囊膜混浊(PCO)或后发障(after cataract)),据统计,白内障晶体摘除术后一年,约有12%的患者形成后发障,术后五年后发障的发病率约为28%,严重影响了手术预后。目前尚无有效的方法防治后发障。
Cataract is the most common cause of blindness in the world. About 20,000,000 people in the world are blind caused by cataract. It also is a major ocular disease that causes blindness in china. Cataract is curable only by surgery. Unfortunately, many patients gradually develop the complication of posterior capsule opacification (PCO), arising from stimulated cell proliferation and cell migration within the lens capsule. It is estimated that 12 percent people will develop PCO in one year after surgery and 28 percent in five years post-surgery. Visual acuity(VA) is seriously deseased by PCO but which can not be effectively prevented and treated by now.
    It is well established that various factors such as UVB and oxidative stress of H_2O_2 can induce cataract and PCO formation. During the process of PCO formation, many growth factors involved in the proliferation and migration of human lens epithelial cells(HLECs). EGF, bFGFand TGF-β that can stimulate
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