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化疗药物的耐药导致化疗的失败,肿瘤产生耐药的机制较为复杂,目前认为,肿瘤产生多药耐药最重要的分子机制是跨膜药泵基因的扩增或过表达,这类基因以Mdr1(Mutidrug resistance-1)最为重要,其表达产物为一种膜相关糖蛋白P-糖蛋白(P-glycoprotein,P-gp)。人原癌基因c-erbB-2又称neu或Her2,表达蛋白与表皮生长因子受体(EGFR)同属Ⅰ型生长因子受体家族。c-erbB-2/ Her2编码的酪氨酸激酶可使G2期DNA修复时间延长,并同时增强DNA修复酶的活性,进而产生耐药。本文综述了P-gp及c-erbB-2的发现过程、结构、功能和机制,并详述了它们在多系统肿瘤当中的表达及二者间表达的关系。
The drug resistance leads to the chemotherapy failure. The mechanism of the drug resistance is very complicated,so far, the most important mechanism of the drug resistance is the over expressing of Mdr1,it's production is a glycoprotein (P-gp).Protein c-erbB-2 (neu or her-2) belongs toⅠtype growth factor receptors as epidermal growth factor receptor. Protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) coded by HER-2/neu made reparation DNA of G2 stage prolonged and reinfored repair enzymatic active of DNA, and then drug fast of tumour cell appeared.This article reviews the discovery , structure, function and mechanisms of P-gp and c-erbB-2 .The expressions of P-gp and c-erbB-2 in multisysterm tumors and the corelation between the expressions of P-gp and c-erbB-2 were specified.
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