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The research project started from“An Experiment Study Leapfrogging Development of K12 School in Digital Environment”which is a key project of the Ministry of Education carried by Professor He Kekang. During the participate process, I reflected myself and made a deep rethink. The research focused on the core problem“How to use appropriate educational technology to achieve the successful classroom, implement the training of excellence talents in knowledge age.”The problem can separate into three sub-problems. Study the mission, roles and responsibilities of educational technology during the construct mechanism of successful classroom in the information age, implement the training of excellence talents, that is, "the proper duties of classroom educational technology."
     Research methods used are: 1) literature methodology, through the whole research process;2) Sino-US comparative study, mainly in the period of studying in USA; 3) Case study, mainly in the stage of thesis writing; 4) Action research, mainly in the first stage to participate in leapfrogging development project. Study is divided into three phases. The first stage carried out literature research and research design. The second stage is divided into two phases of domestic and foreign. Domestic concerns on leapfrogging development experiment. Abroad stage concerns on Sino-US comparison, follow-up the forefront of research developments. The third stage focus on dissertation writing and modification.
     The research demonstrated the definition of successful classroom and a new analysis framework. The successful classroom (Sc) is a compound function on "Constructive Learning C" and "students effective participate P”, Sc = ET * (C, P). "Constructive Learning" and "heuristic teaching" is the same thing, together referred to as "Enlighten-Construct-type Class"; Educational technology is the activator to achieve "successful classroom". "Constructive Learning" embodies the cognitive perspective,”students effective participation”reflect the intention perspective. Both make up an effective learning process. The so-called " Student Effective Participation in Constructive Learning Environment”, in the practice perspective is defined as guiding by Enlighten-Constructivism, use appropriate innovate Educational Technology, follow the "learn-think-action entia " rule, build Constructive Learning form, coordinate multi-composite learning styles and strategies, engage emotional and motivation, and ensure the effective participation of the students, to achieve the successful classroom , teaching and learning promote and enhance each other, teachers and students keep abreast of the times, thus fulfilling the objective of training excellent talents.
     The dissertation is divided into seven chapters, chapter I: Introduction, Chapter VII: Conclusion. Chapter II: Theory foundation and literature, Chapter III: Proposition and study design, Chapter IV: Research on constructive learning form, Chapter V: Students effective participate, Chapter VI: Practice action of "Leapfrogging development project”. These 5 chapters answer different sub-question. Chapter II mainly research on the constructivism, the definition and essence of educational technology, the logical starting point and the end purpose of educational technology, the integration of information technology into curriculum. Chapter III focus on the structure of successful classroom, the effective learning process, view of compromise hybrid learning, research ideas and methods. The first three sections of this chapter is the conceptual framework of fourth section. This chapter focuses on my view on problem-solving framework. Chapter IV discuss the design basis of the learning environment, the potential and challenges of constructivist instructional design, the research on effect of constructivist learning environment, Led-center enlighten-Construct learning patterns. The chapter seeks to address the first step of the core issues, which is, building a constructive learning form. Among them, the research effect of constructivist learning environment is the newest international issues. Led-center enlighten-construct learning patterns are the constructivism’s China local edition. Chapter V focuses on learning motivation, the definition of the students’effective participation, then the integration models are discussed. The chapter seeks to answer the second step of core question, namely to ensure the effective participation of students. The definition of the effective participation of students is original personal view. Integration modes are mainly based on Professor. He Kekang’s research and practice. Give a“learn-think-action unity”instructional model.Chapter VI aimed at "Leapfrogging development project”, carried out a practice reflection on the introduction, progress, to the practice reflection. This chapter is a personal summary of practice from Shawan, Shilou sub-project.
     The main innovation of the research is the integration of Western constructivism and Chinese traditional education idea (mainly from Confucius).Set a preliminary assumptions, a system of concept, and its analytical framework. Relatively, there is more theory innovation in the dissertation. The theory system and logic need be refined, perfect and practice inspection in future.
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