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     通信体系结构的设计与构建是本文研究的重点。主从耦合并行处理系统是具有两个或多个处理单元(Process Element)的集合,它们相互通讯以协同求解一个给定的复杂因果问题的计算建模处理系统。通信体系与处理单元之间的高效融合是解决主从耦合并行处理系统中所有问题的基础。
     现代仪器用主从耦合并行处理系统需要更加灵活和更高性能的单元间通信服务作为支撑,为此本文研究并构造了分布式活动信箱(Distributed Active Mailbox Messaging,DAMM)通信子系统。DAMM对主从耦合的并行系统的高性能通信网络功能进行了必要抽象,减少了协议的处理层次,使得通信网络的性能特征可以直接为用户所调用,满足了用户对实时性事件处理的需求。同时DAMM提供了必要的共享核心资源管理(中断、时间、协议和缓存管理等)能力,提高了通信服务原语的抽象层次,方便了应用编程和核心实现。
Essential foundation of information society depends on information acquisition, processing, display, storage, communication and interface technique. Instrument system lies on the most important position in information technology. Based on information acquisition, processing and controlling, modern medical instrument and science instrument technology evolving from traditional instrument technology is capable to help us recognizing instinctive and essential action regularity of target object, then interfacing with it, and utilizing it eventually. Modern instrument system focuses much more on the capability of information processing than traditional system. It is essential to real-time detect multi-parameter and multi-level information of target object dynamically for the key function of information acquisition of instrument system, however, to real-time process those acquired information for that of information processing high efficiently and qualitatively. Modern instrument system incorporating those two phases efficiently is to guarantee accomplishing information fusion and system modeling. In order to construct high performance-price-ratio modern medical and science instrument system, this dissertation pay fairly deeper and constructive attention on researching modern instrument-oriented fault-tolerant master-slave coupling distributed parallel processing system architecture.
    This dissertation summarizes that evolution, state-of-art and orientation of information instrument, and reviews main research work on the master-slave coupling and distributed parallel processing system architecture.
    At first, this dissertation discuss about methodology of research, design and construction of system architecture, at same time presents the fundamental suitable for designing modern instrument system and evolutional life cycle of designing action systematically. On the basis of researching over master-slave coupling and generic distributed parallel processing architecture, according to that" important characteristic of modern information system, it proposes properly-centralized fault-tolerant master-slave coupling distributed parallel processing system architecture innovatively.
    It is systematic project for designing and constructing master-slave coupling distributed parallel processing system, have those features of high-investment, long -duration, comprehensive technique and high-complicatioin. Considering those causes mentioned above, complying with methodology of researching and constructing system architecture, based on Petri net theory and discrete-event simulation technique, this dissertation construct modular and layered performance-evaluating system to model system performance and analyze its bottleneck at different level, and then to find performance characteristic under the condition of different system payload. The performance results from the discrete-event simulation system can provide important performance-quantized index and tutorial factors for designing and implementing instrument system architecture.
    The research on designing and constructing communication system architecture is at the core of this dissertation. Master-slave coupling distributed parallel processing system contains the set of two or several Process Element, which communicating with each
    other to solve a specific complicated consequent problem over computing, modeling and processing. The communication architecture cooperating with actions of Process Elements efficiently comes into being fundament for solving all problems in master-slave coupling distributed parallel processing system.
    Parallelism of processing in master-slave coupling parallel processing system helps gain its performance, locality of processing in time-space do too. Therefore, How to balance between those factors in constructing master-slave coupling parallel processing system brings out a crucial problem, which being called as Degree Of Parallel. The thin granularity processing with greater parallelism is subject to high-performance Inter-PE synchronization m
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