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柚木(Tectona grandis Linn f.)为世界著名的珍贵用材树种。因具独特的材质及较高的经济价值,已被许多国家或地区引种。我国引种柚木有170多年的历史,近十年来众多私营企业投资发展柚木无性系人工林,造林面积逐年增加。尽管我国热带和南亚热带地区的光、温、水、热条件和多种土壤类型适宜柚木的生长,但酸性至强酸性土壤面积过大。土壤酸化导致有效养分、特别是钙素养分的流失,严重制约了柚木的生长和发育。克服酸性土壤柚木钙素营养限制因子问题成为急需解决的关键科学问题。具体研究目标为:1)建立酸性土壤柚木矿质营养诊断指标和标准;2)确定钙对柚木的作用,叶片钙临界浓度及最适浓度范围;3)确定酸性土壤适宜的钙源,钙与氮、磷、钾、硼之间的相互关系及最佳施肥配比。
     3)柚木7559无性系苗木(6月龄)叶片的最适Ca浓度值范围:10.05-10.35g·kg-1,临界值在8.36-8.54g·Kg-1之间;酸性赤红壤上柚木7544无性系人工林(7月龄)叶片的最适浓度范围:水溶性钙0.354-0.659g·kg-1,全钙3.44-5.21g·kg-1,全磷2.4-3.44g·kg-1,全镁2.147-3.215g·kg-1,全锰49.60-73.59 mg·kg-1,全锌19.40-23.046mg·kg-1之间;水溶性钙、全钙、全磷、全镁、全锰和全锌的临界浓度分别为0.35g·kg-1,3.44g·kg-1,2.4g·kg-1、2.15g·kg-1,49.6mg·kg-1,19.4mg·kg-1;5-8年生柚木人工林叶片Ca临界浓度的估计值为7.267 g·kg-1,最适Ca浓度范围7.267-13.55g·kg-1。
     4)培养基的Ca2+浓度和pH值对组培幼苗的高生长和生物量积累有较大的影响。组培幼苗的高生长及生物量积累随Ca2+浓度的增高而增加。最适钙处理(9 mmol·L-1)的苗高和茎叶生物量,分别比对照提高了50.0%和65.2%。pH4.0、pH5.0、pH6.0和pH7.0中,最适为pH6.0。Ca2+浓度与pH值之间的交互作用尚不显著,但Ca2+浓度12 mmol·L-1与pH6.0处理的苗高和茎叶生物量最大。
     5)叶面喷施氯化钙和硝酸钙可显著的促进柚木苗高、地径生长,增加叶面积、根系总吸收面积、活跃吸收面积、根体积、侧根总数,提高叶片、茎、地上部分及总生物量的积累。处理6个月时,喷施3 mmol(Ca2+)·L-1和30 mmol (Ca2+)·L-1氯化钙的苗高分别比对照提高69.7%和72.1%,地径分别比对照提高32.8%和40.0%,总生物量分别比对照提高53.3%和61.3%。柚木苗期适宜的喷施钙源为氯化钙,且喷施高钙浓度(30 mmol (Ca2+)·L-1)比低钙浓度(3 mmol(Ca2+)·L-1)效果好。
     7)Ca、B、N不同配比处理的苗期幼苗高、地径生长,叶、茎、根、地上部分及总苗生物量积累差异极显著;Ca是促进强酸性赤红壤柚木苗高、地径和叶、茎、根部器官生物量生长的主要营养因子和限制因子;强酸性赤红壤不施或少施石灰(CaO)而增施尿素对柚木生长不利。柚木苗期最佳Ca、B、N配比为Ca: B: N = 1.2 g·kg-1: 0.4 mg·kg-1: 0.3 g·kg-1。Ca、B、N配比大田试验表明,Ca、B和N营养对柚木的生长有显著作用。Ca是影响酸性赤红壤柚木树高与地径生长的主要营养因子。树高、地径生长量与Ca,B和N存在非线性关系,三元二次趋势面方程拟和达极显著水平。最优Ca,B和N有效用量分别为Ca 615-647.4 g·株-1,B 0-0.101 g·株-1和N 18.27-21.93 g·株-1,最优施肥量范围为,生石灰869.7-915.5 g·株-1,硼砂0-0.96 g·株-1和尿素39.7-47.7 g·株-1。
     8)花岗岩发育的赤红壤上Ca与N、P、K配施大田试验表明,4个营养因子对柚木树高和胸径生长影响大小顺序为Ca>P>K>N。Ca和P对柚木生长有显著的促进作用。Ca与N、P、K最佳配比施用量范围为Ca 867 g·株-1,N 0-75 g·株-1,P 150-225g·株-1和K 0-75 g·株-1,对应的肥料配比范围为尿素生石灰1000 g·株-1,0-163 g·株-1,钙镁磷肥1071-1607 g·株-1和氯化钾0-125 g·株-1;Ca与N、P、K的合理配施,有益于柚木对有效养分的吸收与利用,不施或少施石灰又少施磷对柚木生长极不利。7月龄柚木人工林叶片营养水平的高低,特别是钙浓度的高低与其截干后6月龄萌芽林的长势密切相关。7月龄柚木叶片钙浓度可作为柚木幼林生长诊断与预测的依据。
Teak (Tectona grandis Linn f.) is one of the most well known timber species in the world. The species has been widely introduced into counties or regions in the tropics due to its high timber qualities, highly economic value and market demand. It was introduced into China over 170 years. In recent decade, teak plantations have been attracted investment interests from and have been rapidly and largely established by private companies or individuals mostly using superior clones in the southern part of China. The climate conditions in south China are suitable for the growth and development of teak, in terms of light intensity, temperature, rainfall and moisture in the region, but site conditions are highly variable. Soils in south China are mostly and highly acidic. Soil acidification usually causes loss of available nutrients, particular calcium element, limiting the growth and development of teak. The present study aims to identify and overcome Ca limiting nutritional factor. The detailed aims are (1) to establish teak foliar diagnosis index and norms; (2) to assess if teak growth is limited by Ca, and to establish foliar Ca critical value; (3) to make out suitable Ca-fertilizer and the relationship between Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Boron and Calcium nutrients and their optimal rates and ranges on acidic soils.
     Firstly, this study focused on the evaluation and diagnosis of tree nutritional status in teak plantations planted on acidic soils of Guangdong province. Secondly, two pot culture experiments and four field trials were conducted by employing Randomized Block Design, Split Plot Design, Optimal Hybird Regression Design (311-A) and Orthogonal Experimental Design respectively. Optimum Ca concentration range and critical value in leave of teak clone seedling and young plantations were singly established. The results contribute to the establishement of suitable Ca fertilizer application both in lateritic red soil and in purplish soil, optimal rates f Ca, B and N for seedlings, and the optimum range of Ca, B and N rates as well as N, P, K and Ca rates for teak plantations. One laboratory experiment was undertaken to test the growth and nutrient-uptake responses of teak seedlings in vitro to Ca concentrations and pH treatments of subculture medium.
     The results of nutrient diagnosis for 19 representative teak plantations of 5-8 years old and totaling 7 experiments or trials were summarized as follows.
     1)Stepwise multiple regression analysis indicated that N, Ca, Zn, B and Fe in leave, available P, base saturation percentage, Zn and Al in soil properties were the main factors affecting tree nutrition and growth. The mean annual volume increment of teak can be estimated by N and Ca concentration in leave, or by soil available P concentration and base saturation percentage based on established regression functions. To increase soil total P content and base saturation percentage can not only suppress exchangeable Al activities, but also can enhance soil pH value and concentration of N and Ca in leave. Only Ca and Mg contents in soil were enhanced, can the increase of soil base saturation percentage benefit to teak growth.
     2) Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) on teak plantations indicated that the nutrient balance of Ca with Mg, Fe and Al is the key to promote the growth of teak plantations. The optimum value of three diagnosis indices, Ca/Mg, Ca/Fe and Ca/Al, is 3.52,46.78 and 67.52,with balance range from 3.23 to 3.80,26.54 to 67.01 and 1.41 to 93.63 respectively.
     3) The optimum Ca concentration in leaves of clone 7559 seedlings (six month old) ranges from 10.05 to 10.35 g·kg-1,and critical value ranges from 8.36 to 8.54 g·kg-1. The optimum concentration of five nutrients in leaves of clone 7544 plantation (seven month old) on acidic lateritic red soil respectively range were 0.354-0.659 g·kg-1 for water-extractable Ca, 3.44-5.21 g·kg-1 for total Ca, 2.4-3.44g·kg-1 for P, 2.147-3.215g·kg-1 for Mg, 49.60-73.59 mg·kg-1 for Mn, and 19.40-23.046 mg·kg-1 for Zn, and the critical value is 0.35g·kg-1 for water-extractable Ca, 3.44g·kg-1 for Ca, 2.4 g·kg-1 for P, 2.15 g·kg-1 for Mg, 49.6 mg·kg-1 for Mn, and 19.4mg·kg-1 for Zn respectively. The critical value of Ca in leaves of 5-8 years old plantations is 7.267 g·kg-1,and optimum Ca concentration ranges from 7.267 to 13.55 g·kg-1.
     4) An experiment to test the growth and nutrient-uptake responses of teak seedlings in vitro to 0,3 , 6 , 9 and 12 mmol·L-1 of calcium concentrations and pH treatments of subculture medium. Results indicated that the height increments and dry weights of leaf and stem were positively related to the Ca2+ concentration. The height increments and dry weights of leaf and stem at optimum Ca2+concentration at 9 mmol·L-1 increased by 50.0% and 65.2%, compared with the control. The height growth was significantly affected by pH treatments, and the optimal pH value was 6.0; The interaction between Ca2+concentrations and pH values was not significant.
     5)Ca-spray (CaCl2 and Ca (NO3)2 ) on the leave of teak seedlings can significantly promote seedling growth, such as height and root collar diameter, enlarge leaf area and absorbing and active absorbing area of root system, increase the number of lateral roots and root volume, and creat biomass accumulation of leave, stem, and total dry biomass. In Comparison with the control (Water-spray), the growth increment in terms of height, root collar diameter and total dry biomass at the six month after discharging sprays of CaCl2 of 3 and 30 mmol (Ca2+)·L-1 increased by 69.7% and 72.1%, 32.8% and 40.0%, as well as 53.3% and 61.3% respectively. The effectiveness of discharging sprays of CaCl2 is better than that of Ca (NO3)2, and 30 mmol(Ca2+)·L-1 concentration is more effective than 3 mmol(Ca2+)·L-1 .
     6) The growth of trees at six months with three Ca-fertilizers treatments on both sites showed significant difference. On the acidic lateritic red soil, the height (H) and root collar diameter (RCD) growth was increased with increasing amount of CaO (lime), and CaO was the best Ca-source fertilizer. The height increment of CaO treatment was increased by 11.9% and 12.2% compared with that of Ca (NO3)2, and CaSO4, and the growth of root collar diameter was increased by 6.2% and 20.4% respectively. However, on the acidic purplish soil, the H and RCD growth was increased with increasing amount of Ca (NO3)2. Ca (NO3)2 was the best Ca-source fertilizer. The height increment at this treatment was increased by 8.7% and 22.5% compared with that of CaO and CaSO4, and the growth of root collar diameter was increased by 5.1% and 10.7% respectively.
     7) A pot culture experiment of was carried out to study the growth response of teak clone seedlings in acidic lateritic red soil to Ca (0-1.2g·kg-1), B (0-0.8mg·kg-1) and N (0-1.2g·kg-1). The results indicted that the growth of seedling height, root collar diameter, and dry mass of leave,shoot (without leaf) and root weights were greatly significant difference among 11 treatments. Ca (CaO), was identified to be the major nutrient element, and a limiting factor for seedling growth in acidic soil. The seedling growth was evidently supressed with the increasing addition of N ((NH2)2CO) while no or little lime was applied. The optimal nutrient rates were Ca 1.2 g·kg-1, B 0.4 mg·kg-1 and N 0.3 g·kg-1, equivalent to CaO of 1.68 g·kg-1 , H3BO3 of 2.3mg·kg-1 , and (NH2)2CO of 0.65g·kg-1. Moreover, the same field test trial on acidic lateritic red soil revealed that the growth of tree height and root collar diameter at six months was significantly affected by Ca, B and N. Calcium was also identified to be the major nutrient element and limiting factor.
     Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was fitted for modeling optimization of height and root collar diameter growth as a function of three variables. The optimal application rates ranged: Ca 615-647.4 g·plant-1,B 0-0.101g·plant-1 and N 18.27-21.93 g·plant-1, equals to optimal CaO 869.7-915.5 g·plant-1, Borax 0-0.96 g·plant-1 and (NH2)2CO 39.7-47.7 g·plant-1.
     8) A field fertilizztion trail of rates of N, P, K and Ca on acidic lateritic red soil showed that both Ca and P significantly promoted the growth of tree height and diameter at breast height, while N and K had no significant effects. The optimum range of N, P, K and Ca was N 0-75g·plant-1,P 150-225g·plant-1,K 0-75g·plant-1 and Ca 867g·plant-1,and corresponding ranges of fertilizers were (NH2)2CO 0-163g·plant-1, calcium-magnesium phosphate compound 1071-1607 g·plant-1, KCl 0-125 g·plant-1,lime 1000 g·plant-1. On this soil,the optimum rates of Ca, N, P and K can promote teak to effectively uptake necessary nutrient. Teak grew worst when without or inadequate lime and phosphate application. Ca concentration in leaves of 7 months old of teak plantation in this trial was closely related to the growth potential of its spouting plantation of 6 months old after cut. It can be used as an index or predictor to diagnose and predict the growing status of its sprouting plantation.
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