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Along with the rapid urbanization process, the dual role of globalization and regionalization, as well as the objective law of economic development and hysteretic institutional transformation, are all making fierce collisions in CCAs, so that the development in these areas is facing a rigorous global competition and frequent internal conflicts. Based on‘harmonization’and‘integration’,CCA planning is getting rid of the idealization of traditional regional planning and becoming a flexible‘Regional policy guidelines planning’hard. Corresponding mechanism, principles and institutional arrangements is becoming an important direction of research, has significance in both theory and practice.
     In essence, City-and-Town Concentrated Area (CCA) Planning has a typical attribute of public policy. However, as an economic zone, CCA don’t have a hierarchy of administrative bodies. Based on this premise, in order to allocate the regional space resources effectively, the major difficult problem is that who making the decision and how the decision making could ensure the equitable development rights and interest demands from the region members.
     Based on this cognition and the relevant theory of public administration, this thesis surveys the practices as well as the actuality of the CCA planning, analyzes the increasingly complicated policy environments and the problems in decision-making model of CCA planning. By studying the polycentric space structure of CCA and policy actors structure, it indicates that the essential reason for difficult operation of CCA planning is that the planning policy which is lack of multilayer and multimember participation can’t adapt to the practical administrative system and economic environment. It also indicated that to construct the planning decision-making mechanism taking policy as the lead is the central content for the realization of public policy in CCA planning.
     On this basis, it applies the policy analyzing facility, breaks through the traditional decision-making mode with sole actor, constructs the multiple decision-making structures with multilayer and multimember actors, and discusses the relationship among the actors and the administrative system. It divides participants into organizing institution and interest relative, and separately explains the different participating objective. Finally, from the angle of decision-making process, it makes the participation of the multiple actors impenetrate into the whole process including confirmation of planning object, design and selection of planning project, and planning examination.
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