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Since the reform and opening-up,the process of industrialization changing rapid,people's living standards are rising too.But at the same time there are some issues such as the imbalance in regional development,the pressure growing in resources and environment, and the order imbalances in land development and so on .According to resources and environment carrying capacity, existing development density and development potential, considering the future of Chinese population distribution, economic layout, land use and urbanization patterns, land space will be divided into four main functional areas:optimization of development zones, priority development areas, restricted development zones, prohibited zones. For the construction of main functional areas , division is the basis and precondition, planning is the key link, relevant supporting policies and performance appraisal is the security condition. National "Eleventh Five-Year" Plan put forward the basic idea of classification implementation of financial, investment, industrial, land and population policies and performance evaluation for the four main functional areas,but contrast to the developed countries, our main functional areas of regional policy classification system lacks of the comprehensive policy framework.
     Comparison of improvement of national regional policy experience has shown that a clear role of regional policy targeted a prerequisite for regional policy system,In general, regional policy aimed at a specific area, instead of the standard zoning policy role of the target region compared to the identification and classification of building out the basic framework.
     Regional development requires not only access to regional economic development, but also to improve the regional environment and quality of living improved. Geographical division of the main functional areas based on the guidance of scientific concept of development, and ecological -economic theory as the main functional areas into the selection index system provides an important theoretical support.
     There are differences between the various elements of different region, these region differences shown in the natural environment, economic development level, cultural landscape , known as regional differences. The so-called law of geographical differentiation refers to the natural environment of the Earth's surface and composition of elements in the spatial distribution of the change in law that the Earth's surface natural environment and its constituent elements, in the spatial characteristics of a certain direction to maintain the relative consistency, while in the other direction to show significant differences and changes in the law.
     The conditions such as natural resources, environmental climatic are different with the movement of geographic coordinates,but there are also certain rules to follow in. Differentiation theory can be applied to the geographic region's economic development, each region can find the common law of development based on the geographical differentiation theory.According to the difference of density , we can find the appropriate economic development countermeasures. This also reflects the main function zoning ideas.
     At present, there are a variety of expressions for the concept of sustainable development , these concepts have different emphases. Such as the concept focused on the natural properties: "Sustainable development is to find a best eco-systems to support the ecological integrity and human desire to achieve, so that the living environment of human beings to sustain"; The concept focused on the economic attributes : "Sustainable development is the use of resources today should not reduce the real income of the future. " In this paper, discussion of sustainable development, followed simple expression first given by Gro Harlem Brundtland, namely, "to meet the needs of reality development on the premise that ensure no damage to the ability of next generation to meet their own needs ."
     Regional planning is the functions of the government to fulfill its primary to promote economic development and is also an indispensable important link. the main functional areas break the routine of administrative divisions, mostly inter-administrative regions, therefore, the main functional areas of construction and development is a huge project .Therefore, the main functional area planning is very necessary.To a certain region, the regional planning not only clear the position of the main function,but design the path of the main functional areas and methods of construction, coordinating the relationship between the various regions.
     The division of the main functional zones should use the combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, quantitative classification does not reflect the realities on the ground, there may even be inaccurate quantitative points, therefore, it needs to help confirm qualitative division. In this paper, the division of the main functional areas combined counties (districts) of the actual situation, with resource endowments, industrial base, the environment carrying capacity and so on.
     Service optimization development area to enhance the quality of economic growth is not only the number and rate, and make contributions to fiscal policy to promote infrastructure development and related to the basic network to facilitate people's daily lives; pay attention to developing quality to attract investment to high-tech technology industry, service industry and other tertiary industries; make good use of Songyuan City as well as the state's industrial policies to guide foreign investment to high value-added industries should be used as the main direction of investment.
     The development of new industrial zones should pursue the development of industry clustering to maximize economies of scale. compared to development and optimization the bearing capacity of resources and environment is very strong, and the it is not large of development density, so it suits to the conditions of industry agglomeration. Speed up the process of urbanization, mainly rely on the support of the secondary industry, expanding economic aggregate, to promote local development of new industries; improve the relevant policies to promote the aggregation of the population, while also making great efforts to develop and attract people outside to transfer to this region.
     The Area of Featured Industry Development zone should increase the restrictions on infrastructure construction, improve the ecological environment for the financial investment of ecological migrants; because of restrictions on the economic benefits compared with previous 2 Zones, therefore we need to make efforts to strengthen government transfer payments to ensure the normal financial investment in the region; focus on upgrading the overall level of the local labor force and invest in support of the labor force training, and transport workers as much as possible to outside for employment, to ensure more people move out of the area where ecological environment is relatively fragile features In addition, to lead the population to live together in a certain range.
     According to the principles that ecological protection and ecological construction focus on ecological protection zone, we should protect activly the environmentally sound areas, and protect the important ecological function, resource development for key mandatory protection and against the project of development damaging the ecological environment , develop moderately the eco-tourism and leisure project.
     In short, the implement of main function zones need regional policy to protect it. As the fundamental purpose of division of the main function zones is to implement the classified management of regional policy and performance evaluation, standardize the order of space development, optimizing the space development pattern, therefore, Songyuan City must implement a differentiated regional policies and differentiation of performance evaluation indicators.
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