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The combination of mobile service and social network, which is called mobile social network service, would definitely be a trend in the development of Mobile Internet. Until now, the research on the usage behavior of mobile network service subscribers is still at its beginning stage. For corporation, subscribers'continuance intention is more important than the first-time acceptance. Thus, the continuance intention of customers becomes the key to the success of spreading mobile social network service. Subscribers of mobile social network service make a network by frequently sharing visions at any moment and place. As a matter of fact,those subscribers are social network participants. According to the social capital theory, social network among people is a sort of invisible source, which facilitates their communications. In the view of social capital theory, analysis on the elements which lead to customers'continuance intention on mobile social network service will be very meaningful both theoretically and practically.
     Based on the past publications, this thesis made a full literature review and summary from the view of social capital theory. In the thesis, the IS Continuance Intention Model is expanded by introducing relational dimension, structural dimension and cognitive dimension from social capital theory. The newly proposed model was tested by questionnaire survey and other methods. After analyzing 278 pieces of valid questionnaires, the author tried to make some tentative conclusions on the relationship between social interaction ties, shared vision, shared language, trust, norms of reciprocity, identification, costumers' satisfaction and customers'continuance intention.
     In conclusion, the expanded model could effectively explain the motivations of customers'continuance intention on mobile social network service. The three dimensions of social capital(structural dimension, relational dimension,cognitive dimension) play an important role in costumers' continuance intention of the mobile social network service. Among those motivations, social interaction ties, shared vision, shared language, trust, norms of reciprocity and identification effected costumers'interest a lot with costumers'satisfaction acting as bridge in between. Moreover, the author noticed that social interaction ties and shared vision also impacted norms of reciprocity, identification and trust.
     Finally, based on the empirical research above, the author gave some strategies on how to spread the mobile social network service and maintain the customers from the perspective of social capital.
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