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River health is an essential condition to support life existing and developing. Research onriver health is a key project that closely relates to orderliness, health and sustainabledevelopment of human society. Every spatial scales should be included in the theoreticalframework ,and the influence factors、management of river health is always relevant to spatialscales ,so the key point of the river health assessment is clarifying of spatial scales .
     The main works and conclusions are as following:
     1. The necessity of assess river health in different spatial scales and transformation of theindexes belonging to different spatial scales was analyzed based on the existing concepts and theaim of the assessment.
     2. Dividation methods and features longing to spot、line and area scales were summarized .A brief introduction of criterion including biological spot, project section, landscape section andentire river is given, and also the relationships between them were given up.
     3、This paper definite the different indexes between different spatial scales, and establishthe relations between them, ten indexes belonging to different scales are analyzed in detail.
     4、The example about main stream of Han river is given to prove the feasibility andaccuracy, it also carry out that transformation of the indexes belonging to different spatial scalescan bring about notable facilitation.
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