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     结果正常高值血压组血清hs-CRP、ALB水平显著高于对照组(P<0.05);且存在明显性别差异,男性显著高于女性(P<0.05)。hs-CRP与ALB呈正相关(P<0.01, r=0.47), TC、TG、BMI、FBG、LDL均与二者呈正相关(P<0.05)。
     This study was performed to investigate the changes of serum high-sensitivity C-reactive protein level and Albuminuria level in patients with prehypertension and to investigate the relationship between hs-CRP and ALB.
     Total FBG,TC,TG,BMI,LDL were measured in 110 patients with prehypertension and 87 normal controls. Serum hs-CRP and ALB concentration was measured by ELISA.
     Prehypertension of serum hs-CRP, urinary albumin concentration was significantly higher than that; and high male than female (P<0.05). hs-CRP, ALB with TC, TG, BMI, FBG, LDL was a positive correlation (All P<0.05).
     The serum hs-CRP and ALB level are increased obviously in the patient with prehypertension, prehypertension has an inflammation reaction.The elevated levels of TC, TG, FBG, LDL and BMI all correlate with inflammation. Estrogen on the female cardiovascular system may have protective effects.
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