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For decades, super-resolution reconstruction is an active topic in image and video processing which is theoretically important as well as practically urgent in many fields. This dissertation focuses on the super-resolution of image and video sequence. And the study is carried out in the following aspects:
     (1) The incompleted data reconstruction and its regularization. Because the incompleted data reconstruction is an inverse problem, its least square estimation is ill-posed. To overcome this difficulty, two regularization methods are adopted in the dissertation and their similarity and equality are illustrated vigorously. The one is variation and partial differential equation method, the regularization of ill-posed problem is processed by modifying the original energy functional. The other is the random probability method, using Bayesian and Markov random field theory, the original problem is regularized by adding prior probability item under the MAP frame. Finally, the anisotropic diffusion is introduced to preserve the detail of reconstructed signal, and an adaptive dynamic method is proposed for the choice of regularization parameters.
     (2) The super-resolution of single image. This part mainly consists of three irrelevant contents. At first, according to shortcomings of the classic Paik-Hopfield neural network, two modified algorithm are suggested, of which the node state and updating rule are changed continuously and discrete hierarchically, respectively. Secondly, using the variation and partial differential equation method, two super-resolution reconstruction algorithms based on L~p(1≤p≤2) norm and anisotropic diffusion are presented to apply in image super-resolution reconstruction. Lastly, after carefully study on image wavelet domain statistical property, a super resolution reconstruction algorithm is put forward based on wavelet-domain hidden Markov model.
     (3) The super-resolution of multi-image or single video sequence. Obviously, there are two key problems to be solved in the super-resolution of multi-image or single video sequence. On the
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