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Routing technology is vital to the lifecycle of wireless sensor network . One important feature of wireless sensor networks is that the energy is limited. This feature is considered to be the main element in routing algorithm of WSN. As an active branch of routing technology, cluster-based routing protocols have many advantages, such as network topology management, energy minimization, data aggregation and so on,which has become a very important routing technology research.
     In this thesis, the author analyzed cluster-based routing mechanisms for wireless sensor networks at first. Then the author emphasized cluster head selection, cluster formation and data transmission in cluster-based routing protocols. From these techniques perspective systemically recent representative cluster-based routing protocols are presented, and compared with their characteristics and application areas.Second, the cluster head is selected randomly, there are inevitably some shortcomings such as unreasonable cluster head and uneven energy consumption of sensor nodes. Third,This paper analyzes the shortage of the traditional algorithm-LEACH. this paper proposed a new protocol --- an improved LEACH algorithm based on energy and average distribution. This algorithm is mainly the threshold formulas for the irrationality of the improvements,and Joined the multiplicative factor in order to balance the energy between nodes.The results of simulation show that the improved routing protocol can balance energy consumption of nodes and prolong the lifetime of the whole networks.
     Final, the author Introduced Algorithm of LEACH protocol based on PSO Optimization, and proposed algorithm compared with results of a simulation. The results show that the energy balance is a cluster head node LEACH algorithm distribution, life cycle, load balancing, better than the average energy consumption with minor performance optimization based on PSO clustering algorithm.
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