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Secure multiparty computation refers to the problem where two or more parties want to jointly compute a task based on their private inputs, while no party is willing to disclose his privacy to any other one. Since the problem of secure two-party computation was firstly introduced by A. C. Yao in 1982, the research of secure multiparty computation has become one of the focuses in international cryptographic fields. It should be clear that we have a very powerful tool if we can compute any function securely, because virtually all cryptographic protocols are, or can be rephrased to be, special cases of the multiparty computation problems.
     Though the traditional secure multiparty computation protocols mainly focus on how to acquire the general protocols which can calculate arbitrary functions, the applications of secure multiparty computation in concrete environments have not been deeply researched. In this paper, we will design suitable secure multiparty computation protocols facing concrete applications and security requirements.
     To sum up, the works and innovations of this thesis could be summarized as follows:
     1. Since a proxy signature only provides the delegated authenticity and doesn't provide the confidentiality, we propose a new identity-based proxy signcryption scheme from bilinear pairings and analyze its security and efficiency.
     2. Research on the problem of proxy signer's privacy protection. Proxy blind signature, which combines the properties of both proxy signature and blind signature, is useful in many applications. We present a proxy blind signature scheme based on discrete logarithm problem. As compared with existing typical schemes, our scheme achieves higher efficiency.
     3. Most protocols in current literature for optimistic fair exchange protocols are quite inefficient in the exchange phase. We present a novel method for constructing efficient and secure optimistic fair exchange protocols using a key-exposure-free chameleon hashing scheme. The proposed optimistic fair exchange protocol has no use for verifiably encrypted signature and requires no zero-knowledge proofs in the exchange phase, which will greatly reduce the communication overhead and managing cost.
     4. Privacy-preserving cooperative linear system of equations problem and privacy-preserving polynomial interpolation problem are studied. We find that the privacy-preserving polynomial interpolation problem can be transformed into a cooperative linear system of equations problem. Therefore, we present a secure and efficient two-party privacy-preserving cooperative linear system of equations protocol and analyze its security. Then, we propose a privacy-preserving polynomial interpolation protocol based on the newly devised secure two-party privacy-preserving cooperative linear system of equations protocol. We also analyze the new protocol and prove its correctness and security.
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