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     通过16SrDNA序列测试,确认TEX-1为假单细胞菌属(Pseudomonas sp.),TEX-2节杆菌属(Arthrobacter sp.),TEX-3芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus sp.),TEX-4红球菌属(Rhodococcus sp.),TEX-5芽孢杆菌属,(Bacillus sp.),TEX-6戈登氏菌属(Gordonia sp.) , TEX-7列契瓦尼而氏菌属(Lechevalieria sp.),并为这7种菌株建立了系统发育树。
     实验进一步分析得到了混合菌的最佳生长条件:培养温度30℃,培养时间为48h,接种量10%,摇床转速180 r/min。降解甲苯,乙苯的的菌种适合弱碱性环境,pH=7~9时降解率均很高,降解二甲苯的菌种适合弱酸性或弱酸性环境,pH=4或10时降解率最高。
Benzene (BTEX) is the main petroleum pollutants in groundwater. Microbial degradation is an effective ecological approach of benzene compounds disposal. This study selected activated sludge as a bacteria source from Shanghai Jinshan Chemical Industry Zone sewage treatment plant, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene as substrates. Under aerobic conditions, 7 kinds of bacteria are selected that can degrade benzene compounds.
     Through 16SrDNA sequence test, the 7 kinds of bacteria (TEX1-7) are identified as Pseudomonas sp., Arthrobacter sp., Bacillus sp., Rhodococcus sp., Bacillus sp., Gordonia sp., and Lechevalieria sp., respectively. And then the phylogenetic tree is established. Further study shows that the optimal growth conditions for mixed bacteria are 30℃, reaction time 48h, inoculation 10%, shaking rotate 180r/min, pH=7~9 for toluene, ethylbenzene degradation and pH=4 or 10 for xylene degradation, respectively.
     Ionic surfactant Tween 80 is added to achieve solubilization effect. Studies have shown that the highest toluene degradation reaches to 98% at 0.3% Tween-80 content, ethylbenzene 88% at 0.4%, inter-p-xylene 78.6% and o-xylene 76% at 0.6%, respectively. A certain amount of Tween-80 can significantly improve the water solubility of benzene phase, increasing the contact probability of enzyme and substrate, then increase the enzyme reaction speed and improve bio-availability. However, excessive Tween 80 will inhibit microbial degradation of the substrate.
     The studies have shown that these mixed bacteria can degrade benzene compounds effectively. The biodegradation rate for toluene can reach 99%, ethylbenzene 92%, and xylene between 70-83%. Colonies can survive under high concentration of benzene compounds.
     GC-MS analysis of degradation products indicate that biodegradation produces phenol, cyclohexanol, 1, 8-Nonadiyne-3-ol, long-chain alkanes, long-chain olefins, etc. It is indicated that the benzene ring is broken and carbon chain is reset by these bacteria. This differs from the conventional degradation pathway. Further study is needed for the basic theory of bioremediation and control of BTEX contamination.
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