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     实验结果表明:(1)对硬颗粒饲料的维生素K_3、植酸酶溶液真空喷涂参数即真空度、液体添加量,释压时间、混合时间对最终喷渗深度的影响均不显著。真空喷涂最佳工艺参数为液体添加量135 ml/2kg,真空度0.046 MPa,混合时间5 min,释压时间40 s,此工艺参数下的颗粒喷涂深度为0.1270 mm。(2)硬颗粒饲料在外加压力真空喷涂热敏性添加剂水溶液的渗透深度整体有提高。外加压真空喷涂的最佳工艺参数为真空度为0.080 MPa,液体添加量为120ml/2kg,释压时间为35s,混合时间为5 min,在此工艺下的喷涂深度为0.150 mm;(3)维生素K_3和植酸酶混合乳化液的乳化剂最佳组合是单甘酯、司盘60和大豆卵磷酯,三者之间的比例为4:9:1,且油水比例为1:1;(4)维生素K_3、植酸酶混合乳化液真空喷涂技术的因素实验表明:喷涂液体添加量、真空度、释压时间对喷涂均匀度和热敏性添加剂损失率的均有影响,其中喷涂液体添加量对热敏性添加剂乳化液喷涂均匀度和热敏性添加剂损失率的影响最大。(5)热敏性添加剂乳化液真空喷涂的最佳工艺参数是:液体温度为50℃,真空度为0.050 MPa,液体添加量为120 ml/2kg,释压时间为130 s,混合时间为5 min。
The aim of the experiment is to study the emulsion confecting parameters with heat labile feed additives, such as vitamins and enzymes, and the optimal vacuum infusion parameters of vitamin K_3 and phytase emulsion into hard pellets. The main study contents are: (1) The factors influencing the infiltration depth of the liquid thermo-sensitive feed additives into hard pellets, and the optimization of these parameters. (2) The optimal proportion of the emulsion ingredients including the emulsifiers, and oil and water ratio. (3) Screening of the optimal vacuum infusion parameters of vitamin K_3-phytase emulsions. (4) The storage and transportation stability of the heat sensitive additives of the vacuum coated products.
     The results showed that: All the factors including liquid volume, vacuum pressure, release time, and mixture time have no significant influence on the final infusion depth of vacuum coated liquid. The best vacuum infusion parameters are: liquid volume: 135 ml/2kg, vacuum pressure: 0.046 MPa, mixing time: 5 min and vacuum release time: 40 s. The depth of infiltration under this process condition is 0.127 mm. (2) When the additional spray pressure added, the infiltration depth of feed additives aqueous solution was enhanced. The best process parameter for penetration is that: liquid volume: 120 ml/2kg, vacuum pressure: 0.080 MPa, mixing time: 5 min and vacuum release time: 35 s, and the depth of infiltration under this process condition is 0.151 mm. (3) The best compounding ratio of the emulsifiers in the emulsions of vitamin K_3 and phytase is that monoglyceride: Span60: phosphatidylcholine = 4:9:1, and the better oil to water ratio in the emulsion is 1:1. (4) The experiment of vacuum infusion of emulsion to hard pellets showed that: liquid dosing, vacuum pressure and release time all had effects on spraying uniformity and lost rate of vitamin K_3 and phytase. Liquid volume had the biggest effect. (5) The optimal vacuum infusion parameter of thermo-sensitive feed additives emulsion were that: liquid dosing: 120 ml/2kg; liquid temperature: 50℃; vacuum pressure: 0.050 MPa; mixing time: 5 min; release time: 130 s.
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