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This article main summary Chinese paper intermediary each difficult position which meets in the digitized advancement, analysis difficult position origin, and exploration reality solution outlet. The feasibility and the new tool are this article fresh idea and the characteristic: The feasibility is refers to analyzes the paper intermediary digitization to carry on emphatically the question, unifies the domestic and foreign paper intermediary digitization the new progress new change to carry on the fact analysis, but is not only restricted in the theory discussion or the perspective; The new tool directs into the modern strategy management the tool method, using the strategic model to the paper intermediary and the digital newspaper industry's industrial structure, the industrial value chain, the benefit counterparts and the service mix carries on the exhaustive analysis, has both highly with the breadth.
     Around the above topics. First, according to means of communication, reading habits, and technological innovation the three leads, carding paper digital media technology evolution phase.
     Namely, the computerization, the network and the migration, and briefed the domestic and foreign paper intermediary digitization present situation; Secondly, the paper summarized the three models of digital media, focusing on the media to show the Chinese paper road stage in the digital convergence patterns reported in the four major difficulties, that is confusing technical confusion, the service constitutive property is contradictory, the industrial chain breaks through the bottleneck, the new media continues the profit to be insufficient; Once more through industry competition model and strategic analysis tool, has explored the paper intermediary digitization four big difficult position origins; Then proposed according to the technical environment the compatible plan, has explored four big solution outlets according to the difficult position origin, Namely industrial conformity, value restructuring, service reorganization and specialized operation; Finally has forecast the paper intermediary digitization future transformation factor, and attempted explained certain general dispute.
     The whole article about 55000 words, is divided into eight chapters: The first chapter to define and elaborate the concept of thinking, ChapterⅡof paper coal digital technology evolution. ChapterⅢof the status of digital media in China and foreign paper media, ChapterⅣof paper three basic modes of digital media, Chapter V of the plight of the performance of the four major forms,ChapterⅥof the four major causes of the plight of analysis,ChapterⅦof the way out of the four resolved, ChapterⅧof the look ahead and general disputes.
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