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Objeetive:To explore the influence of CUR on vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and its mechanism. Methods:(1)In vivo test: Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups:big dose drug group, small dose drug group, mode group, false operation group.P53, Fas were detected by histoehemistry and were detected in Bcl-2. Bax by West Blot and TUNEL tests in these paraffin slices.The average light density of every slice were detected by computer image analysis system. The results were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance.And then the results of every group were compared with those of mode group by using Dunnet-t test. (2) In vitro test:Divide VSMC into 5 groups at random.The groups are respectively named with control group,modal group(AngⅡ10-/mol/L),modal+ Curcumin groups,among the model+ Curcumin groups, Curcumin is divided to 10、20、40、80μmol/L different density. Every group is cultured 48 hours.To determine the cell proliferation by MTT,to detect the cell cycle by flow cytometry,to detect the apoptosis by TUNEL.The experimental data was denoted to mean±standard deviation(x±s),use analysis of variance to statistics analyze the numerus compare of each group.
     Results:(1) In vivo test:The expression of P53 and Fas in slices of three groups are lower than the mode group.Compared with P53 and Fas results of mode group there is significant difference from the results of false operation group and big dose drug group P<0.05. Compared with P53 and Fas results of mode group there is not significant difference from the results of small dose drug group P>0.05.The expression of Bcl2 in slices of three groups are lower than the mode group.Compared with Bcl2 and TUNEL test results of mode group there is significant difference from the results of false operation group, small and big dose drug group P<0.05. The expression of Bax in slices of three groups are higher than the mode group.Compared with Bax results of mode group there is significant difference from the results of false operation group, small and big dose drug group P<0.05..(2)In vitro test:The VSMC proliferation rate after Curcumin is lower than that after AngⅡ. It shows inverse proportion to the density of Curcumin. Constituent ratio of VSMC G0/G1 cell cycle after Curcumin is higher thanthat after AngⅡ. It shows direct proportion to the density of hebesser. Constituent ratio of VSMC S cell cycle、G2/M cell cycle and proliferation index after Curcumin is lower than those after AngⅡ.The S cell cycle shows inverse proportion to the density of Curcumin,the G2/M cell cycle doesn't relate to the density of Curcumin.The VSMC apoptosis rate after Curcumin is higher than that after AngⅡ.It shows direct proportion to the density of Curcumin.
     CONCLUSION The results show that Curcumin can markedly inhibit expression of P53, Fas in vascular smooth muscle cells, adjust expression of Bax,Bcl2 gene relating with VSMC apoptosis and pomote VSMC apoptosis. Curcumin can Inhibit VSMC Proliferation.
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