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After its first translation in 1896, detective fiction as a new genre was soon accepted by Chinese readers in the late Qing and early Republic of China. In the following twenty years, detective fiction translation was characterized by a huge amount, rapid translating speed, and wide coverage. Among all of the detective fiction translations, the translation of Sherlock Holmes was the most influential, and its translated versions were best sellers in modern China. However, its translators have long been criticized for their frequent use of translation strategies such as deletion, addition, and revision, which have been thought to be unfaithful to the original work or lack of the knowledge of western literature and culture. In spite of these comments, the translation of Sherlock Holmes occupies an important role in the history of Chinese translation and even in the history of Chinese literature. It not only brings a new genre of detective fiction into China but many new narrative techniques.
     The discussion of narrative techniques is a major branch of narratology, whose application to translation studies supplies a new perspective on translation studies in recent years, broadening the scope of translation studies and deepening the understanding of translated literature. Originating from French structuralism in 1960s, narratology plays an important role in contemporary literary criticism. Classical narratology theories mainly center on the text itself and study the narrator’s ways of expression such as focalization, narrative order, and narrative speed, which inspires this thesis’s attempt to discuss the transplant of the narrative techniques in the translation of Sherlock Holmes in the late Qing and early Republic of China, to analyze the social-cultural context for this transplant and explore its influence on modern Chinese native detective fiction.
     The body of this thesis consists of three parts. By analyzing the focalization, narrative order and speed in three representative Chinese versions of Sherlock Holmes in the late Qing and early Republic of China, Chapter One discusses the transplant of the western narrative techniques in the translation of Sherlock Holmes. Chapter Two deals with China’s social-cultural context for transplanting these narrative techniques from the constraints of poetics, the expectations of the readership, and the influence of the patronage. By taking a Chinese native detective fiction Huo Sang Detect as an example, Chapter Three gives a concrete study on how the western narrative techniques influence modern Chinese detective fiction. In this way, the thesis aims to reevaluate the status of the translation of Sherlock Holmes in the late Qing and early Republic of China, pointing out that the translation of Sherlock Holmes in that period exerted a profound influence on the narrative techniques of modern Chinese detective fiction, on the development of modern Chinese detective literature, and on the modernization of Chinese fiction.
○1Some other theses written from this perspective are:“Translation of Detective Stories in the Late-Qing-Early-ROC Period”by Jia Jia (2002),“The Interference of Social-Cultural Factors with the Process of Translation and Its Impacts”by Ge Zhiwei (2004),“The Impact of Sherlock Holmes’s Detective Stories on the Composition of Detective Stories in the Modern China”by Ma Yufen (2007), and“The Translation of Detective Stories (1896-1919) and Its Influence on Chinese Detective Story Creation”by Zhang Ming (2007).
    ○2The original reads:当时译家,与侦探小说不发生关系的,到后来简直可以说是没有。如果说当时翻译小说有千种,翻译侦探小说要占五百部以上。
    ○3Refer to Kong Huiyi’s“Background and Reevaluation: on the Chinese versions of English Detective Fictions in the Late Qing and Early Republic of China”. P 99-101. And Wang Zhiqing in his“Appreciation and Evaluation on Holmes’s Detective Stories”also takes these three Chinese versions as the representative Chinese translations of Sherlock Holmes in the LQERC.
    ○4The original reads:滑震又记歇洛克之事云。
    ○5The original reads:留侯张良者,其先韩人也。大父开地,相韩昭侯,宣惠王、襄哀王。父平,相厘王、悼惠王。悼惠王二十三年,平卒。卒二十岁,秦灭韩。良年少,未宦事韩。韩破,良僮三百人,弟死不葬,悉以家财求客刺秦王,为韩报仇。以大父、父五世相韩故。
    ○6The original reads:观其一起之突兀,使人堕云里雾中,茫不知其来由,此亦可见泰西文字气魄雄厚处。
    ○7The original reads:文先言杀人者之败露,下卷始叙其由,令读者骇其前而必绎其后。
    ○8The original reads:我国小说,起笔多平铺,结笔多圆满;西国小说,起笔多突兀,结笔多洒脱。
    ○9The original reads:我国小说体裁,往往先将书中主人翁之姓氏来历叙述一番,[...]。此篇为法国小说巨子鲍福所著,乃其起笔处即就父母问答之词,凭空落墨,恍如奇峰突兀,[...]。然细察之,皆有条理,自非能手,不能出此。
    ○10The original reads:出于旧学界而输入新学说者。
    ○11The original reads:对“新小说”家及其读者最有魅力的,实际上并非政治小说,而是侦探小说。
    ○12The original reads:时人有看不起西方言情小说、社会小说、乃至政治小说的,可没有人不称赞西方的侦探小说。
    ○13The original reads:在约一千一百部的清末小说里,翻译侦探小说及具侦探小说要素的作品占了三分之一左右。
    ○14The original reads:欧美现代小说作家,最著者为柯南道尔。
    ○15Zhiguai Fiction is a traditional Chinese fiction type that was prevalent in the Wei and Jing Dynasty. It mainly recorded the myths about the God, Spirit and Ghost and was greatly influenced by the religions and superstitions at that time.
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