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     采用传统平板培养方法研究了胺苯磺隆对菜园黄棕壤好气性细菌、放线菌、真菌和固氮菌数量的影响及对土壤脲酶、脱氢酶、过氧化氢酶、酸性磷酸酶、蔗糖酶和土壤呼吸强度的影响。研究结果表明,只有高浓度的胺苯磺隆才表现出对土壤细菌的抑制,而且这种抑制作用在4周后就可以解除。胺苯磺隆能刺激真菌的数量,特别是在施药后1周时刺激作用显著。胺苯磺隆对放线菌具有强烈的抑制作用,即使是正常施用量(即10μg kg~(-1)干土),抑制率也达到了极显著水平;在处理30d的时候,只有低浓度处理土壤的放线菌数量得到恢复,其余的土壤仍处于被抑制状态。从毒理学角度来说,正常使用量的胺苯磺隆对放线菌的影响是短期的,但是随着浓度的增加,潜在的威胁就增大。该除草剂对固氮菌有强烈的抑制作用。总的来说,胺苯磺隆以正常田间施用量(10μg kg~(-1)干土)施用时,没有观察到对土壤中可培养的细菌和真菌具有实质性危害,对放线菌和好气性固氮菌有一定的影响。
     土壤酶学研究结果表明:胺苯磺隆低于正常使用剂量(10μg kg~(-1)干土)时在初期(7d)能显著抑制土壤脲酶,而高剂量组则是先刺激后抑制。而土壤中过氧化氢酶活性在低剂量时先刺激后抑制,而高剂量则始终处于抑制状态。土壤脱氢酶对胺苯磺隆的反应总体上表现为先轻微抑制(7d),随后(14d)具有刺激作用,最后恢复(50d)。酸性磷酸酶与土壤蔗糖酶在各个剂量水平上都处于被抑制状态上,而且在第7d两者的抑制率都与胺苯磺隆的剂量呈很好的logister回归关系。
     从胺苯磺隆除草剂生产企业生产车间表层泥土中分离筛选到三株对胺苯磺隆具有较高降解效率的细菌,编号分别为SW1、SW2、SW4,均能以胺苯磺隆为唯一氮源但不能作为唯一碳源生长。经培养特征、生理生化特征、16s rRNA基因系统发育分析表明SW1和SW4属于假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas sp.),SW2属于节杆菌属(Arthrobacte sp.)。进一步将其中降解效率最好的菌株SW4与相近的模式菌株进行DNA-DNA同源性分析,发现菌株SW4与模式菌株Pseudomonas nitroreducens IAM1439的同源性达到93.79%,因此将这一菌株命名为Pseudomonas nitroreducens SW4。SW4对复合磺胺、氨苄青霉素、头孢他啶、及链霉素具有很好的抗性。SW4对胺苯磺隆的降解效率最好,一周内对100mg L~(-1)胺苯磺隆的降解率可以达到84.6%,而且在500 mg L~(-1)胺苯磺隆的M9培养基上菌落周围可以形成肉眼可见的透明圈。
     对胺苯磺隆降解菌株Pseudomonas nitroreducens SW4的生长特性与降解特性作了详细的研究。发现SW4在C/N 2-8范围内生长都较好,以C/N 8生长最好,最适碳源为葡萄糖,最适氮源为有机氮,其中有机氮以蛋白胨为最好。通过对其他磺酰脲类除草剂的降解谱试验后发现,SW4可以利用胺苯磺隆、烟嘧磺隆、吡嘧磺隆、甲磺隆、噻磺隆、为唯一氮源生长,却不能利用苯磺隆、氯磺隆、氯嘧磺隆。SW4的最适生长温度为30℃,最适pH为8,菌株生长与装液量成负相关。静息细胞在25℃时对胺苯磺隆降解效果最好,温度过高或过低都会显著影响降解效果。静息细胞在pH值6-10范围内对胺苯磺隆都有很好的降解效果,环境pH<5时显著抑制静息细胞的降解活性。
     运用HPLC和LC-MS的手段分析了菌株SW4在以胺苯磺隆为唯一氮源的液体培养基中代谢胺苯磺隆时产生的代谢物,在对代谢物结构的分析基础上推测了SW4降解胺苯磺隆的途径,结果表明SW4降解胺苯磺隆时存在两条代谢途径,其中一条为胺苯磺隆的脲桥断裂;另一条为胺苯磺隆的三嗪环侧链发生N-脱甲基作用,生成N-脱甲基胺苯磺隆,继而发生O-脱乙基作用,生成N-脱甲基-O-脱乙基胺苯磺隆,最后发生三嗪环的开环及其他作用后生成了methyl 2-[[[[[amino[(aminocarbonyl)imino]methyl]amino]carbonyl]amino]sulfonyl]benzoate。
Ethametsulfuron-Methyl(ESM),methyl-2-[(4-ethoxy-6-methylamino-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl) carbamoylsulfamoyl]benzoate,is a sulfonylurea herbicide that is used to control broad-leaved weeds and some grasses in cereal crops at very low application rates i.e.2-15 g ha~(-1).Because of their high phytotoxicity and the likelihood of their transportation in surface runoff,there is concern about their possible impact on aquatic ecosystems.Because of its low cost and high efficiency,ESM has been used worldwide,ultimately resulting into more serious environment pollution.Microbial activity has been deemed to be the most influential and significant cause of sulfonylurea herbicide removal and biotransformation.Microbial remediation has been deemed to be much more advantageous method than the others.So it has been an important research item for us to exploit and utilize microbial resource to remove environment pollution.
     The effects of a persistent sulfonylurea herbicide,Ethametsulfuron-Methyl(ESM), on soil microecosystem were studied in garden soil samples with a short-term treatment of ESM at different concentrations.The culturable bacteria(plate counts), soil enzyme activities;and-changes in microbial community structure were used to assess biological community in garden soil contaminated by ESM.Moreover,three bacterial strains capable of degrading ESM were isolated,identified and phylogenetically analyzed.The metabolic pathway of ESM by strain SW4 was detected and inferred basically.The results will be valuable to build up alert index systems in acetamiprid-contaminated upland soil,environmental quality evaluation and virtual utilization of acetamiprid-degrading bacterium in upland soil.
     The main results of this study are as follows:
     The influences of ESM on the cultural microorganisms in Yellow-brown earths, using traditional selective plating and direct viable counts methods,and soil enzymes activities were investigated.The results showed that the bacteria differed markedly in their response to ESM.The concentration of ESM applied is an important factor affecting populations of various microorganisms,except those characteristics of ESM itself.When the concentration of ESM was higher than 10μg kg~(-1) dry soil(d.w.),the total number of bacteria in the soil samples polluted by ESM was significantly lower than that in the control group.The resumed rates of bacterial number were significantly slower than that the control group during incubation.Actinomycete and aerobic nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil samples polluted by ESM were inhibited evidently during incubation.The fungi growth in the treatment soils was stimulated by the ESM at the concentration higher than 20μg kg~(-1) dry soil(d.w.) within the first week,and then recovered to the same level as the control group.The soil respiration was inhibited after two weeks of ESM treatment,and the higher the applied concentration was,the stronger the inhibition was observed.
     The results of enzymological studies indicated that the ESM had a great effect on urease activity in the soil samples planted with vegetable.In the first week,the urease activity was inhibited by ESM with low concentration,and then resumed to the same level as the control group,but it was stimulated at first and then restrained by ESM with high concentration.In the first week,the catalase activity was stimulated by the ESM at the concentration below safe dose,20μg kg~(-1) dry soil(d.w.),but inhibited by increasing the concentration of ESM.In addition,dehydrogenase activity was inhibited slightly after the first week of ESM treatment.From the second week,the activity of dehydrogenase was stimulated and then resumed to the normal level subsequently.However,phosphatase and sucrase were significantly restrained by ESM at all of the applied concentrations throughout the test,and there were dose-effect regression relationship at the 7th day.
     Three soil ESM-degrading bacteria,strain SW1,SW2 and SW4,were isolated from sludge collected from the bottom soil of a workshop in an herbicide factory. They can use ESM as sole nitrogen resource rather than sole carbon resource.Based on physiological characteristics,biochemical tests and a partial analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequence,the strain SW1 and SW4 were identified as pseudomonas sp. and the strain SW2 was identified as Arthrobacte sp..Among three strains,SW4 shows the highest ESM-degrading ability.DNA-DNA hybridization showed that,SW4 has a homology of 93.79%with the type strain Pseudomonas nitroreducens IAM1439, so it was identified as Pseudomonas nitroreducens SW4.In addition,Strain SW4 showed the resistance to SXT,AMP,CAZ and STR.This bacterium could degrade 84.8%of 100mg L~(-1) ESM within 7 days.Biological properties of SW4 were also studied.The optimal growth temperature and initial pH are 30℃and 7.0,respectively. The aeration had a positive effect on the growth of strain SW4.
     The optimum carbon sources for SW4 were glucose,sucrose and maltose,and the optimal nitrogen source was organic nitrogen,and the most optimal C/N(mol atom) ratio was 8/1.It grew well under conditions of 25℃-37℃and pH 8.0.Its resting cells degraded ESM well at 25℃-30℃and pH6-10.Besides ESM,SW4 could also grow on Nicosulfuron,Pyrazosulfuron-Ethyl,Metsulfuron-methyl,and Thifensulfuronmethy using as sole nitrogen sources.The degradation products of ESM in the culture medium extracts were isolated and identified by LC/MS.Five metabolites of ESM degradation were detected.Based on the identified products,strain SW4 seemed to degrade ESM following two separate and different pathways:
     One route includes the cleavage of the sulfonylurea bridge,yielding the corresponding sulfonamide and heterocyclic amine.The other route implicates the loss of the alkyl from the triazine portion of ESM and yielding the N-desethyl Ethametsulfuron-Methyland N-desmethyl-O-desethyl Ethametsulfuron-Methyl,the later was further transformed to methyl 2-[[[[[amino[(aminocarbonyl)imino]methyl] amino]carbonyl]amino]sulfonyl]benzoate due to the cleavage oftriazine ring.
     The ESM-degrading crude enzyme was extracted from SW4 and analysis showed that it was an intracellular enzyme.It was a constitutive and non inductive enzyme. The best reaction system was as following:incubate 30μL crude enzyme in 3 mL PBS with a pH value 7.0 for 60 min at 30℃.
     The effect of temperature and pH on the crude enzyme were determined,the optimal condition of enzymatic degradation activity is 30℃and pH8.0.Metal ion and surfactants affect the activity of crude enzyme.Hg~(2+),Ca~(2+) and Cu~(2+) intensively inhibits the activity of enzyme,while the Mg~(2+),Mn~(2+),Fe~(3+) and Li~+ promote the activity of enzyme in some degree.SDS inhibits the catalytic efficiency of enzyme upto 30.9%.Chelant EDTA would inhibit enzyme activity if the adding concentration exceeds 10mM.
     Bioassay of ESM has been conducted under laboratory conditions,with the indicator of growth inhibition of maize roots.Growth inhibition of maize roots in water samples was correlative with ESM's residual concentration,and the relationship between them in water sample is y=4.1399+0.9694x,R=0.9902,and in soil sample, it is y=3.8692+1.4437x,R=0.9687,(y means the probit of the toxicity,x means the logarithmic form of the ESM).The conclusion was applied to a case study of ESM polluted soil to provide primary evidence for the bioremediation of ESM by SW4.The inoculation of strain SW4 to soil treated with ESM resulted in a higher degradation rate than in non-inoculated soil regardless of the soil is sterilized or non-sterilized. Organic carbon,opportune soil moisture and neutral or week alkalescent condition can stimulate strain SW4 to degrade ESM in soil sample.The ESM degradation of strain SW4 was restrained in flood condition or the soil with moisture less than 5%.In the optimum laboratory condition,the ESM-polluted soil resumed to the safe level after 15 days of inoculation with strain SW4.Finally,we believe strain SW4 could be applied to bioremediation of environment,water body or soil,polluted by ESM or some other sulfonylurea herbicide after further investigation.
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