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With the increasing of the data traffic, the need of packets switching is also increased fast. Especially in the optical packet switching network and the research on that field is becoming hot. More and more services transmitted over IP in all kinds of netwoks. At the same time, the self-similar of the data traffic, which caused by small granularity, asynchronous packets switching and the updating of network capacity is obvious. This thesis investigates on some key technologies of asynchronous optical packet switching network.
     1. Base on the investigation of the self-similar data traffic, a fast evaluating process of Hurst parameter has been put forward. It is the first time to get rid of the trend term and use the wavelet preprocesses data sequence. The process not only improves the evaluation precision but also decrease the time consuming. According the state of lacking of self-similar generator for the core node performance testing, a real self-similar data traffic source has been developed and algorithms for Pareto distribution random value base on signal float number and power calculation have been put forward.
     2. Put forward a QHTAA algorithm to realize the traffic smoothing by controlling both packet length and packet output interval. The burst of packet length will be controlled by packet encapsulation threshold. And the packet output interval will be controlled by delay factor DE. After the packet encapsulation of the edge node the burst of the data traffic has been restrained well.
     3. Put forward a new opical edge node structure for optical packet access. And an algorithm base on active queue management has been put forward to improve the efficiency of the fiber channel. Also a scheme of FDLs arrangement which named chosen optimization arrangement proved its good performance of lower packet loss rate, small average packet delay and simplifies the complexity of the hardware and resource consuming.
     4. Put forward a schedule algorithm and hardware design to realize the optical packet switching base on the DLOB buffer which developed by our lab. And base on the investigation of the switching node, the maximum loop should design according to the need of QoS and the number of the DLOBs should less than 10.
     5. A model of optical resilient packet ring has been built and it is used to investigate the data traffic which transmitted over the O-RPR network. And under a new failure scenario, the protect mechanism has been put forward as a complement of the original protocol.
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