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Independent innovation is the current hot topic of regional economic development, enhancing the independent innovation capability has become our regional and national strategies. In the background of economic globalization and regional integration, regional independent innovation capability depends on not only the endogenous innovation, but also the degree of access to technological R&D spillovers from other areas. Interregional industrial transfer has become the main channel for regions, especially the less developed regions to obtain exogenous R&D spillovers. For this, the independent innovation effect of regional industrial transfer is an newer topic among the international economics research, and is also the critical one of national strategic prospects during China's implementation of the industrial transfer. the current domestic and foreign study about the spillover effects on independent innovation of industrial transfer, more focused on the influence of international industrial transfer to the host of independent innovation through direct investment as the main carrier, and the qualitative analysis of independent innovation necessity & lack reasons during the regional industrial transfer. The mechanism of analysis and empirical evidence about regional industrial transfer impact on regional independent innovation is obviously insufficient, especially for specific regions in China, the theoretical and empirical case studies is the lack of the independent innovation spillover effect of domestic regional industrial transfer. Therefore, actively researching the independent innovation spillover effect of domestic regional industrial transfer, and systematically exploring its mechanism and its influencing factors, Undoubtedly has important theoretical and practical significance.
     Based on domestic and abroad the research literature, this paper start theoretical study in accordance with the innovation spillover effect and mechanisms of regional industrial transfer, and its influencing factors. This paper deeply analyses the influence on independent innovation. For this, an empirical test is carried out bye using Anhui and Chongqing provincial region and industry panel data during 2004 and 2008. The main research contents and results are the following.
     In mathematical research, this paper derives the innovation spillover effect of regional Industrial transfer by using the mathematical models. First, based on the the main effect means of regional industrial transfer impact on innovation overflow, this paper constructs the theoretical framework of the regional industrial transfer innovation effect, proposes R&D spillovers effect, technology transfer effect and the cluster effect, and carries out a detailed argument. Analysis shows that the higher the efficiency of the local study and absorb, the greater R&D spillover effect of regional industrial transfer is; The faster the local human capital accumulates, the more obvious technology direct transfer effect promotes local technological innovation; Regional industrial cluster and the local innovation is inverted U-shaped relationship. Second, demonstrates the mechanism and influence factors of regional industrial transfer spillover effect on innovation. Analysis shows that transmission mechanisms of the innovation effects of regional industrial transfer has the four innovative mechanisms of level overflow within industry, links-innovative mechanism of the vertical overflow between industries, intermediate products-innovative mechanism and clustering-innovative mechanism; Analysis also shows that the innovation effects of regional industrial transfer are affected by the level of economic development, human capital, R&D investment, economic openness, infrastructure, industry agglomeration factors on regional level and the technology gap factor at regional level.
     In empirical research, this papers examines the regional industrial transfer of spillover effects on innovation and its influencing factors from Anhui and Chongqing region and industry, test shows that at the region level, regional industrial transfer has significant positive spillover effects to regional innovation, which verifies the existence of innovation effect of regional industrial transfer. Group regression results further show that the spillover effects of these innovation are mainly reflected on utility model and design patents at the relatively low technical level, But invention patents at relatively high technical level, innovative spillover effect of regional industrial transfer is not significant. While the impact factors of innovation effect of regional industrial transfer shows that human capital、R&D spending、the level of economic development、infrastructure and industrial concentration degree has significant positive spillover effects to regional innovation of regional industrial transfer, but the regional economic openness to innovation spillover effect of the regional industrial transfer is not significant. Test also shows that at the industry level, the innovation of regional industrial transfer within industry has a significant positive spillover effect, which also verifies the existence of innovation effect of regional industrial transfer within industry. Effect factors within industry shows that technological gap on two types of enterprise has significant positive spillover effects to innovation of regional industrial transfer. Regional industrial transfer has a significant positive spillover effect to before and after the industrial innovation, and the strength of the before industry is better than that of the after industry. These test further verifies the existence of mechanisms related to innovation during the regional industrial transfer.
     Based on theoretical ang empirical analysis, this paper draw some conclusions, at the same time, refer related experience and policy guidance on innovation spillover effects of the international industrial transfer, and puts forward the strategy choice and policy recommendations on innovation spillover effects of Chinese industrial transfer.
     The innovations of this article may be that expand and enrich the correlative theory of independent innovation and industry transfer, empirically verify innovation effect of regional industrial transfer and its influencing factors from regional and level, which fill gaps in empirical testing field, that analyse spillover effect, influencing factors and the intrinsic conduction mechanism of innovation spillover effects of Chinese regional industrial transfer from the perspective of Chinese regional industrial undertaking and its on the way of influence to independent innovation, which is an important breakthrough in perspective. That with a variety of analysis methods such as dynamic analysis, comparative analysis and even by cross-analysis and other analysis, this paper puts the innovation spillover effect of regional industrial transfer, influencing factors, the degree of interaction between two types of enterprise content into the empirical analysis framework, which more comprehensive and systematic empirically verifys the innovation effect of regional industrial transfer.
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