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水稻土中的异化Fe(III)还原过程因其具有丰富的碳水化合物作为电子供体以及庞大的微生物物种库而独具特色。土壤脱氢酶活性与微生物代谢活性相关,水稻土在淹水过程中会发生一系列的生物化学变化,其中微生物代谢产氢过程是电子传递链的重要环节。因此可以利用脱氢酶作为土壤微生物的活性指标反映土壤中的碳源被利用的程度。同时,土壤中NO3-、SO42-和Fe(III)在厌氧环境中可作为受氢体,脱氢酶活性也可间接表征土壤厌氧呼吸中反硝化、硫酸盐还原和氧化铁还原等重要的生物学变化过程。在稻田的干湿交替变化中,脱氢酶活性也是表征环境氧化还原状态的一个重要参数。因此,研究水稻土异化铁还原过程中脱氢酶活性的变化、探讨脱氢酶活性与异化铁还原过程的关系对于阐明水稻土微生物Fe (III)还原机理具有重要的意义。该论文以采自我国不同植稻区的4类水稻土为试验材料,对脱氢酶活性测定的影响因素进行研究,探讨了水稻土泥浆脱氢酶的测定方法。采用土壤泥浆培养、土壤浸提液作为微生物接种菌液的混合培养以及典型铁还原菌株的纯培养试验体系,比较了Fe(III)还原与脱氢酶活性变化的相互关系及其添加不同的碳源后对氧化铁还原、体系pH变化和脱氢酶活性的影响,对微生物Fe (III)还原过程和脱氢酶活性的动力学特性进行了表征,为揭示水稻土中Fe(III)还原途径与机理、进一步认识H2-依赖型Fe(III)还原过程对水稻土中微生物铁还原的贡献提供科学依据。研究取得以下主要结果:
Dissimilatory Fe (III) reduction process of paddy soil was unique because of having richcarbohydrate as electron donor and a lot of microbial species. Soil dehydrogenase activity wasreative to microbial metabolism activity. During the flooding process of paddy soil,therewould be a series of biochemical changes, but hydrogen-producing of microbial metabolismis a important link, so dehydrogenase activity could be considered as a soil microbial activityindex for reflecting the degree of soil carbon source used. At the same time, NO3-、SO42-andFe(III) were main hydrogen acceptors in soil, dehydrogenase activity could indirectlycharacterize the process of denitrification, sulfate reduction and iron reduction in anaerobicrespiration of soil. Furthermore, alternate wetting and drying of paddy soil makes it present aredox alternate, dehydrogenase activity yet is a important index for the status of oxidation andreduction. So researching on the change of dehydrogenase activity in the process ofdissimilatory iron reduction of paddy soil, investigating the relationship betweendehydrogenase activity and dissimilatory iron reduction have vital significance for clarifyingthe mechanism of microbial Fe (III) reduction in paddy soil.
     In this study four kinds of paddy soil was used as experimental materials which collectedfrom different areas for planting rice in china, got the determine method of dehydrogenaseactivity in paddy soil slurry through researching the influence fators of determining. We tookanaerobic slurry training test, mixed culture test with microbial community vaccination underdifferent flooded time and pure culture test with typical iron reduction strains to compare therelationship between iron reduction and dehydrogenase activity and the effect to ironreduction, pH of incubation system, dehydrogenase activity by adding different carbonsources. Then we characterized dynamic characteristics of microbial iron reduction processand changes of dehydrogenase activity. All above provide the necessary scientific basis forrevealing the pathway and mechanism of iron reduction and get a further understanding ofcontribution to microbial iron reduction of paddy soil made by H2-dependent iron reductionprocess.The mainly conclusions are as follows:
     (1) The best choice of reaction factors used to determine the dehydrogenase activity of soil slurry as follow: TTC concentration was10mg·mL-1, water reaction time was15min atan even temperature, then using ethanol extracted0.2h, and measuring the amount of TF at480nm wavelength.
     (2) After adding different organic carbon source and amorphous Fe, glucose andpyruvate could promote the growth metabolism of iron reduction bacteria rapidly andaccelerate Fe(III) reduction process, however, the addition of amorphous Fe could improvethe iron reduction potential, but make the process slow. This shows that when studying theiron reduction process the surface adsorption of iron oxide was a necessary factor need tofocus on when
     (3) Adding carbon source could speed up dehydrogenase production, but due to thedifferent kinds of carbon sources,there was a significant difference of dehydrogenase activity.When adding glucose and pyruvat the growth rate of dehydrogenase activity in HZ paddy soilwas faster than lactate; the order of growth speed of dehydrogenase activity in GZ paddy soilwas lactate>pyruvate>glucose; in JLpaddy soil, dehydrogenase activity responded quicklywith the addition of pyruvate after incubated2days, secondly was lactate and glucose had theslowest growth.rate; the dehydrogenase activity in TJ paddy soil has no significant differenceamong the three carbon source added.
     (4) With tne addition of amorphous Fe the microbial metabolic pathway of carbon sourcewas changed, the ability of dehydrogenation and hydrogen production of microorganismfermentation substrates was raised and the generation rate of dehydrogenase was improvedwith the corresponding time to biggest generating rate earlied.2-4d. There was a correlationbetween dehydrogenase activity and microbial iron reduction process, when dehydrogenaseactivity generated largely, Fe(III) reduction began to start quickly, in later period of culture,dehydrogenase activity reduced, Fe (III) reduction completed generally, SO42-accepted [H] aselectron acceptor instead of Fe(III).
     (5) The difference of microbial community of different flooding time was the mainreason caused the process of using different carbon source for dehydrogenation reaction andreducting Fe(OH)3have significant differences. In an appropriate Fe2+concentration range,there were some correlation between Fe(III) reduction process and microbial dehydrogenationreaction, and the low Ks when microbial use glucose and lactate for dehydrogenation statedthat microbe’s affinity to glucose and lactate was more stronger. The differences of carbonsources lead to obvious differences to the peak time of dehydrgenase activity appeared. Withglucose as a substrate, dehydrogenase activity peak time appeared at about the fifth day efteranaerobic incubation, which was the earliest among the three carbon sources. The peak timeappeared at about the tenth to fifteenth day when pyruvate was as substrates. And the lactate treatment was the latest with dehydrogenase activity peak time appeared at about thetwentieth to twenty-fifth day. All above indicated that carbon sources performace a significanteffect on the dehydrogenase species.
     (6) The response of4iron reduction strains to carbon source had significant differences,MR-1, P4, SC-a17, SC-a24all could take glucose for superior carbon sources fordehydrogenation reaction and iron reduction, but could't take lactate as substrate. There wasrelevance between iron reduction process and the change of the dehydrogenase of4ironreduction bacteria for glucose metabolism, the time for dehydrogenase activity peak andcorresponding time to maximum reaction rate of iron reduction (TVmax) had significantpositive correlation, and the earlier the peak value of dehydrogenase activity appeared, thebigger the Fe (III) reduction maximum reaction rate. So we speculate that iron reductionstrains producing H2from glucose metabolism to promote the iron reduction reactions tohappen quickly may be the main iron reduction mechanism.
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