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     本次工作调查了相思河流域的矿山开采状况,包括正在使用的和废弃的采坑、尾矿库、废石堆等。使用改进的酸碱计数测试法来研究两种不同类型矿山的产酸能力和酸中和潜力,从而对它们产生酸性排水的可能性进行分析,由实验可知新桥硫铁矿产生矿山酸性排水。使用Fortsner 5步逐级提取法对废石样品中重金属元素的赋存状态进行研究,它们主要以硅酸盐态存在,其次为还原态和可氧化态,从而了解影响重金属元素扩散迁移的因素。同时还对相思河流域中、上游不同类型矿山开采影响的土壤、水、底泥中重金属元素的含量分布进行比较,并给予污染现状评价。通过研究可知相思河流域中游的水环境、土壤环境中重金属元素的污染比上游严重。
Though the exploitation and use of the mine is accelerating the development of the society and economy, simultaneously destroying the ecological environment and a great menace to the human health around the mining area. Some different types mine is exploiting or exploited around the Xiangsi river area, Tongling. Especially the Fenghuangshan copper mine in upriver and the Xinqiao pyrite mine in middle river have more great menace to ecological environment than others.Detailed information about the mine around the Xiangsi river was collected in this study. It is included the used or using pits, tailing reservoirs, discarded rocks heaps etc. The NP and AP of the two different types mine were tested via modified ABA test and analyzed the probability of AMD for them, consequently knew the Xinqiao pyrite mine has AMD. The Fortsner 5 sequential extraction method has been used to analyze heavy metal elements distribution and speciation state in the discarded rocks. The silicate state is primary, the next is reducible state, oxidizable state. The factors that control heavy metal elements transfer have been found. Then a comparative analysis that heavy metal elements content in soil, water, sediment between two types mine and assessment about the heavy metal elements were given. The result is that the heavy metal elements content in upriver is more than that in middle river.Finally, The cause and mechanism about the heavy metal distribution and pollution was analyzed. Some prevention and cure measures for cutting down heavy metal elements pollution was proposed. So this research has important academic and practical sense.
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